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aight, it's 12am on a friday night at the time of writing this and i've been wanting to address this for a while now.

well firstly, let's begin with the obvious- i'm not actively reading content and making content on here anymore. i'm not even sure if this is even a problem anybody who looks at my stuff has acknowledged as their all new people (which is another reason i semi-quit but we'll discuss that later on), but i haven't updated a book since janurary 13th (my coroika ship book), and the last time i actually wrote a new chapter of a fanfiction was september 2019, so like around 5 months ago now. there are so many reasons i stopped which i'm going to address now. firstly, i'm going to be discreet about the so called 'incident' that happened around july, but that was definently the start of my loss of interest for wattpad and maybe even splatoon and coroika as a whole. i am and was just so goddamn devastated about everything in that situation, and everytime i think of wattpad that always ends up coming back to my mind, so of course, just being on this site made me upset for a long time. then some time after that, i lost one of my closest friends in an argument (just to clarify, we recently made up and everything is good), and at the time, the idea of splatoon even made me sad, so i stopped playing that regularly as well.

then in september, when i was a huge kiribaku shipper, i stopped reading fanfics on wattpad all together and started to read on ao3. i don't think i'll even be getting into fics on wattpad anytime soon, as i instantly fell in love with ao3; the fics seemed so much better, the tags are SO MUCH EASY to group and find exacTLY what type of fic you're after, and of course, everyone seems so much more mature than what they are on wattpad, and ao3 is a lot less social, and tbh, i actually like fanfic sites that are less social; you don't get over 1000 cringey comments next to one line all saying 'HA STRAIGHT NO YOUR GAY' on a sentence that says 'he couldn't think straight'. so yeah, i like ao3 much better.

anyway back onto updates. shortly after, i got into rwby and jojo's bizzare adventure, so once i got into them, updates got even less regular as all my attention was brung to them. looking at emperor x gloves art was soon replaced with johnny x gyro, so one of the reasons was that i rarely ever look at coroika ship art anymore, so i don't save any content to post.

now of the current time i am writing this, i did start playing splatoon a lot more a few months back, so before you ask, yes, i do still like splatoon, and yes, i kinda still like coroika, it's more wattpad and me falling out of the fandom that is the issue.

also, let's talk about the actual splatoon/coroika fandom on wattpad as of 2020. it's changed a lot. i met so many amazing people on here in 2018 and early to mid 2019, but then a lot of them actually moved onto different things and fell out of wattpad, so honestly everything didn't seem the same anymore. that was my favourite thing about my time on wattpad, and to see them all leave and a new audience begin to read my books, it wasn't the same. before i used to recognise users and look forward for those people to make pleasant comments and vote on my books, but now i just... eh, not the same lol. trust me, i appreciate people still like my cringey ass content from when i was in year 8, but i miss the old community. i know i probably caused a lot of the chaos that lead to many people leaving , but we'll talk about regrets rIGHT NOW-

aight so, my regrets and things i wish i had done different-

regret no.1- telling my so called '''friends''' my wattpad, this has lead to many mental breakdowns as people irl have betrayed me this way

regret no.2- writing smut and posting nsfw. i regret this so much, i'm even anxious it's going to affect my chance of a career in the future if an employer finds out i used to post disgusting shit like that when i was 12

regret no.3- ''exposing'' the twitter artist yunomin. this was back in my early days, so you're an og if you remember it but,, just don't expose some poor guy that can't even speak english just to start drama ok?? damn i was a shitty person back then

regret no.4- o n l i n e 'd a t i n g', don't trust people.

aight so, looking back, i did A LOT of silly immature things and almost everything about me has changed ( a lot of it being from therapy actually lmao). wattpad has been both my living and hell and my safe space where i was very happy in for a long time. i remember a year ago when i used to get excited to update my book everyday and get happy over every comment and vote, honestly, i miss it a lot. i miss the entire old coroika fandom. the only way i can see myself getting properly back into wattpad is if i really like the fandom, the fanfics and the wattpad team changes up some of their ways of handling serious issues.

finally, what is happening with my account and uhhh my online persona. ok so, i still do check out how my account is doing every week or so, but i don't actually do anything on it unless i need to. so that's that really. i might come and say something on my message board like once a month but ehh. anyways, so where the hell will i be active? i have an art account on instagram, @/http.shezza, and ofc i'm still active on discord and i love talking to y'all, and that's http.veemo#5849. i do have an ao3 account, i plan to get back into writing fanfics again but their probably going to be jojo, rwby and other anime ones lmao, if you're interested in that, dm me on discord or something because i wanna make sure nobody i know irl is going to get their hands on it.

so, that's all i gotta say really. ily guys, see ya

- sherife / shezza-chan

(will be copy and pasted onto like every one of my books)

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