Something Stirs

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You threaded your arms through the handles of the six grocery bags sitting in the trunk of your car.

"Second trips are for weaklings!" you grunted as you hoisted them all out at once and staggered along the alleyway.

Regret immediately took hold when you saw how far it was to the door.

"Why didn't I park closer?" you groaned as you shuffled through the snow towards the Calico Hen.

You had just emerged onto the sidewalk when a popping sound echoed down the empty street.

You froze, at first unsure of what you had heard. Then an unmistakeable spattering of gunfire broke the late evening quiet and group of shadowy figures sprinted into view around the far corner.

You acted purely on instinct, dropping your bags and diving back into the alley. You'd just crouched behind the wall when the figures reached your shop.


Your head jerked up and to see a familiar masked man skidding to a halt at the mouth of the alley. There was a series of grunts and swearing as more people ran into view but couldn't stop in time and collided into each other.

Another flurry of shots rang out and Killer dove into the alley beside you, quickly followed by the rest of the Kid Gang commanders and then by the Boss himself. You were pressed back against the brick wall as four huge bodies shoved their way by. A softness brushed against your cheek and you stared at the red fur cloak draped commandingly around Kid's shoulders.

That wasn't what he usually wore.

Wire was last in. As he scrambled to get behind cover his foot jerked on a pile of slush. You let out a squeak as the tower of a man toppled dangerously over you. Heat moved to catch him but was only partially successful.

"Ouch!" you yelped as Wire's elbow jammed into your side, "What's going on?"

"Shit!" Kid hissed, peeking around the wall before pulling back and turning a furious glare on you, "What the hell are you doing here?!"

Wire caught his balance and squeezed your arm apologetically. You gave him a reassuring nod, but your attention was still focused on the street.

"I just got back from shopping," you whispered, eyes searching through the dusk at the mouth of the alley, "Who's chasing you?"

"The less you know the better," Killer grunted, grabbing your shoulder and pushing you behind his large body.

Despite the way he'd just brushed off your question, you couldn't help but feel a bit safer as the gang shifted around until they were all standing between you and the mouth of the alley.

"Take your car and get out the back way."

Killer's grunt snapped you out of your thoughts and you nodded.

You took a step back, but then froze and peered around the men to see your trampled bags of groceries lying out on the snowy sidewalk.

"I would... but my keys are in there," you sighed.

Shouts rang out from down the street.

"Fuck!" Kid swore again, "They're coming up the far side. Wire."

The silent man nodded and immediately leapt out of hiding and disappeared from view. A few seconds later you heard the sounds of weapons clashing.

"Heat, circle back and make sure they aren't sneaking up from behind," Kid ordered, "We can't let them know about this place."

Heat nodded and, casting a brief glance at you, ran off down the alley. You watched him go before turning back to see Kid glaring at you.

"What?" you whispered, peeking out from behind Killer's chiseled torso.

The Kidd Pirate Café [Heat x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now