Playing Matchmaker

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The pic is by ceejindeed. Of course. ^-^

A little bit of plot. A little bit of backstory. Mostly Wire fluff ^-^

You squinted your eyes open, only to immediately close them again.


Why did it feel like your brain was trying to push your eyes out of their sockets?

You tried again, slowly blinking a room that wasn't your own into focus.

"Eh?" your voice grated like sand paper along your parched throat.

God you were thirsty.

You recognized your neighbours' living room and slowly recalled the events of the previous night. Your cheeks began to burn as your last memories returned.

Did I really fall asleep on Heat? Oh god...was it really as comfortable as I remember?

You shifted on the couch, looking down to see a dark blanket draped over you. It took a few more seconds for you to realize how quiet it was.

"Hello?" your voice still sounded strange in your ears, fumbling awkwardly over your heavy tongue.

No answer.

You eased up off the couch, cradling your aching head with one hand as you staggered into the kitchen. A sheet of paper sat among the dirty plates and empty cake platter scattered on the table.

Something came up and we had to go. Feel free to eat anything in the fridge. Lock up when you leave. You can keep the key.


You squinted at the spare key resting on the page and then around at the kitchen. Absolutely none of the dishes had been done from last night's feast.


It seemed this was going to be an 'ugh' morning.

You knew you should get your ass downstairs and open up the café. But you also couldn't just leave this mess.

You scrounged around for a clean-ish looking cup and downed three glasses of water. When you could finally open your eyes wide enough to see properly, you rolled up your sleeves and turned on the sink.

Half-way through the pile of dishes, you lifted a pot caked with a murky red sauce and let out a surprised grunt.

"That's where that went!" you exclaimed, picking up the travel mug you'd given Kid his first hangover milkshake in.

You grimaced when you saw some brown stains at the bottom.

That was months ago! I guess they forgot about it too.

It took the better part of the morning before you got the kitchen back into proper condition. After grabbing a few slices of you-didn't-want-to-know-how-old pizza from the fridge, you piled up your own dishes and headed downstairs, making sure to lock the door behind you.

Your headache, which had been on the verge of vanishing, returned with a vengeance the moment you stepped out into the bright, sunny day.

"Uuuuugh," you groaned and tried making it to your door with your eyes closed.

The Kidd Pirate Café [Heat x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now