Chapter seven

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Virgil POV
"We should really talk about what happened earlier" Roman whispers after the first seven episodes Also hinting at it for the last five minutes.

"Fine! You wanna talk" I yell throwing my hands in the air, turning to face him

"I don't want to forgive him, he burned my hand. And yes I guess that's in the past or whatever but it's the fact that he sees my as a demon and probably would of kicked my out or worse if you and Patton didn't stop him. And I've known assholes like that my whole life, no matter how much shit they've put me threw I've always have to be the bigger person and accept there a apology if they bother to fucking give me one or not hold a fucking grudge"

"But Logan didn't mean to hurt you"

"No he only meant to see if I was a demon, which I understand. But he held it there, he almost burned threw my hand. That's pasted the point of seeing if I was a demon, in that moment he wanted to hurt me"

"But he's sorry, shouldn't that count for something?"

"Maybe" I contemplate crossing my arms

"Can you do it for me?" Roman asks fluttering his eyelashes

"Fine" I sign grunting in pain as I put on my hoodie.

"That sounds like  it hurts, maybe you should just tell them about your wings. It would make your life so much easier"

"I can't do that yet" I whisper zipping up my hoodie, pushing away the loose strains of hair in my face. "Let get this over with before I change my mind"

"Okay" Roman says opening my door, we slowly walk into the living room seeing  Patton and Roman playing clue

"M.s peacock, in the living room with the knife!" Patton screams throw his card into the air. "Oh hi Virgil" he says after notice we were there.

"Hey" I whisper doing a slight wave

"Heard you had a long day kiddo, but don't worry the first days are always the hardest" Patton smiles trying to Comfort me "wanna here a joke?"

"Sure Patton" I slightly smile

"Well that must be a high end gravity yard.........because people are dying to get in"

I  slightly cringe at Patton joke, he's a total dad

"Actual Virgil, I need to speak to you about my previous actions" Logan says standing up from the couch and readjusting his glass and continuously looking back at a piece of paper he was holding " I apologize for are posthumous endeavour. I acted in a inadequate manner and for that I apologize"

"Okay" I shrug "I'll forgive you, but I can't trust you" I slowly shake my head

"That acceptable, how I treated you was persecute" Logan says looking some what cheerful

"We're a family again!" Patton scream with a smile stretching from ear to ear. "Group hug!" He once again yells pulling us closely together resting his hand on my right wing"


Patton's POV (before Virgil's POV)
on my walk home see a man in Center square screaming about the yearly auction.

"Maybe we could all go together?" I accidentally say out loud

Rethinking it a market that sometimes sells hybrid is something Virgil probably wouldn't enjoy.

Once I get back to the apartment, I collect some of the monthly rent from some of the other rooms before going up stairs to start dinner

The first person to arrive is Logan looking miserable, "hey honey" i smile walking over to give Logan a hug. "Long day, huh?"

"That apron looks adorable on you" Logan weakly smiles kissing my neck after complementing my white apron that I wear almost everytime I cook dinner.

"You said that yesterday" I laugh as he continues to kiss all over the surface of my neck

"I know" he coos passionately kissing me on the lips

Me and Logan have almost bin a relationship for a year now, and no one knows. Mostly because Logan's parents aren't the most accepting or supportive.

"You know that in tomorrow me and you will officially be dating for a year?" I ask breaking are kiss

"really?" Logan smiles leaning  back in for another kiss

"Maybe we could celebrate by telling a few people?" I ask

"Patton we talked about this" Logan signs stepped out of the hug
"My father has ears everywhere if we told the wrong person or someone over heard a conversation that could be the end of us" Logan once again sighs falling on to the couch

"I think your parents would be more supportive about you being gay then you think" I say walking into the living room

"I'm not worried about them knowing I'm gay, I'm worried.." Logan suddenly cuts of his sentence

"Your worried they'll figure out your in a relationship with me" I whisper clenching my fists

"Hey you know I love you" Logan says tying to comfort me pulling my closer towards him.

"I get it though" I sniffle. "Your parents own one of the largest tech companies in town, they particularly own the city. why would they wanted there youngest son dating  a orphanage from the slums" I laugh feeling like I'm about to cry

"Shut up about that!" Logan says pulling me on to his lap. "I don't care about all the class bullshit. I just love you"

"Then why don't we just tell Roman and Virgil?" I ask tucking the stray strains of hair out of Logan's face and behind his ears. "I don't think they would tell your parents" I shrug

"Virgil..." Logan whispers looking a bit more upset then before.

"What's wrong love? Is the thing with Virgil still bothering you?"

"I treated his terribly" Logan says resting his head in my shoulder

"Like I said last night maybe you should just apologize"

"But he has no reason to forgive me, and you know I'm not good at expressing my emotions, I get all Tongue-Tied and stuff."

"How about we write a speech you can memorize so you don't get all tongue twisted" I say gently touching his lips "I can help you if you want"

"that would be great Patton" Logan smiles

"We should start now before.." I say trying to get off Logan lap we're I'm interrupted by Logan tossing my on to the couch and towering over me.

"Can't we do this first?" Logan asks talking off his glasses

"Wow Logan, I don't think I've ever seen you procrastinate" I smile

"It's your fault for being to darn cute" Logan teases sliding off my glasses before giving me a sweet tender kiss

"Okay, but I have garlic bread in the oven so make it quick" I give in we're Logan takes this opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth touching every square inch.

"I love you" he smiles breaking are kiss

"I love you too"

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