Chapter Ten

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Alan's POV

I woke up with Austin's strong, warm arms locked around my waist. His face was buried in my back and I felt his hot breath against my back. A few small kisses made their way up my back and too my ear.

"Hey, Als." Austin smiled against my neck.

"Hey." I smiled.

Austin sighed and rolled over to check the time. I stayed where I was, huddled up in the same position and waited for Austin's arms to return.

"My dad is gonna be back soon. And it's suppose to rain. Want me to take you home, babe?" Austin asked as he wrapped his arms around me again.

I nodded and tossed Austin is plaid boxers. I grabbed mine with the cat on them and slipped them over my legs and to my hip bones.

Austin got out of the bed naked and tossed his boxers in the garbage. He grabbed out a fresh pack and slipped them on. We began tossing our cloths back and fourth between each other and shared smiles when we caught one another's eye.

I walked over to him and touched his butt, then grabbed his hand and let him lead me out of the room to his car.

He was right. It was gonna come down. In the west, it looked like all hell was breaking loose. The sky was almost black and was coming towards us fast. I checked my phone and of course from CJ there was,

'Alan I need my meds before this storm comes please come get me. My dad has the car and I'm gonna go full out panic attack.'

"Actually, can you drive me to the pharmacy really fast? I have to pick up dome meds for my friend." I asked shyly.

Austin smiled and kissed my hand.

"As you wish, princess." Austin smiled.

We got in his car and I shot a text to CJ.

'Yeah, I'm on my way now. It's gonna be ten minutes. I'll get there just as the storm kicks in.'

Austin turned on the radio as we drove down the street.

"Hey can I ask you something?" Austin asked.

"Go nuts."

"Do you want people to know about us?" He said seriously.

"Well, I'd like to tell a few people. If you want to keep it secret though...."

"No! No! It's okay. I've been wanting to tell Vic and Kellin for a while; I'm just not ready to let the whole world know." Austin sighed.

I nodded and looked at the storm clouds rolling in.

"It's alright. I just don't want to keep it secret forever. I mean, you're out of school so you wouldn't have to worry about people bugging you about it." I shrugged.

Austin nodded, signaling he wanted to drop the topic and pulled into the pharmacy.

"I'll be back. Need anything?" I asked.

Austin shook his head and I jogged inside. I was hit with the smell of old people immediately.

Running to the medicine counter, I run the bell about seven times.

"Yes can I help you?" A tall looking guy asked.

"Yeah, I need to pick up meds for my friend. Under the name S.L." I said.

He left and came back rather quick with a big bag full of pill bottles.

I took it and mumbled a thank you before high-tailing it out of the pharmacy.

Austin was in his slick black car, head down on the steering wheel, waiting for me.

"I got the stuff." I said with a deeper voice.

Austin laughed and shook his head. I chuckled at him and set the bag of pills on the floor.

"Where does she live?"

"You know that one comic book store no one goes to? She lived like six houses down from there."

Austin nodded and grabbed my hand over the council. I smiled at him and saw a small smirk on his face as he backed out.

"I really love you, Alan. You're the person I want to be with at three in the morning in our pajamas and talk about space." Austin chuckled.

"I love you too, Austin. I'd love to stay up all night and chat about sp-"

Thunder interrupted my sentence, making both Austin and I jump.

"Can you push over the speed limit?" I asked.

"Fuckin' thunder ruined our moment." Austin groaned.


I got CJ her meds on time, and was sitting with out small group of friends at her kitchen table. Phil was making us peppermint tea in her blue kettle and Tino was organizing her pills in the correct spots. None of us commented on how many there were.

When Phil sat down, and Tino was done, and the thunder came to a stop, I said, "I have something to tell you all."

CJ glanced up with her mouth full of tea and pills, Phil stopped stirring more sugar into his mug, and Tino pushed the pill organizer away.

"SO I'm dating someone." I blushed. Smiled formed on all there faces as they waited for me to continue.

"His name is Austin Carlile." I said quieter.

"If he breaks your heart.." Tino murmured.

"What if he cheats, He is a jock..."

"Congratulations Alan!" CJ yelled over the thunder.

"Guys, he won't hurt me. He's a good guy. I promise all of you. I know he won't cheat. He may be a jock, but he's not one of the dumb ones. I can assure you he isn't." I said.

Phil and Tino exchanged looks and then smiled.

"As long as you're happy, Alan."

And I was. I had amazing friends and a relationship. And even though the storm went on outside, we all laughed and joked. Even when the tornado sirens kicked on, we all stayed in CJ's crawl space and played Monopoly.

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