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"Jade where have you been"I asked pulling her in for a hug.

"Well me and Kyle have been traveling all around the world swimming, dancing, and" she giggled. "other things"

"Honey"Kyle said pulling her to him.

" oops did I say too much"she said giggling.

I watched confused as the two tickled each other.

"I'm going to go check on Chase"Owen whispered.

"So umm how did you two...you know become this"I asked.

She looked so happy so I'm trying to be supportive, but it's like come on he tried to kidnap us.


"My baby girl"my mother yelled scooping her up, my father close behind.

"We have missed you so much, how have you been"

"Wonderful! And I missed you guys too"she said with a smile.

"Chase please calm down!"I said as he threw stuff around his room

"Calm down Owen, CALM DOWN! are you fucking serious. I love her, I gave her everything she could ever want. I never even got to tongue kiss her but this dip shit can do that and touch on her ass. He fucking marked her I know it. I should've fucking did it when I had the chance!!!"he yelled crying his heart out.


"No Owen you don't understand and you never will! You guys are marked for life, LUCKY FUCKING YOU!"he said picking up a knife.

"Why do you even have that in your room"I asked in fear.

"Because I want to fucking die okay, I don't want to be here. My mate, the only person who was suppose to love ME is with that bitch"he yelled bring it closer to her arm.

"Chase no" I yelled running to him.

"Owen get the fuck back"he yelled.

"Both of you need to stop right freaking now before I send you both to a dimension where you eat shit"mother yelled.

"Nun of you get it"chase yelled trying to run out the room.

Mama stopped him and looked him in his eyes.

"Why don't she love me"he cried hugging her.

She hugged him back and cried.

Seconds later the whole family was in the hallway holding him.

I placed a kiss on my new mates head as she talked with her mother about our adventures.

The last months have been the best of my life.

It didn't take long for Jewel to make a way from me to mark her and the rest went without a bump in the road.

Well after she also found a way to remove that pesky Jade out of her.

She has been the perfect mate to me.

I hate having to share her with other people but I know she didn't want to miss her 16th birthday.

"Can you get me a drink please"she said pulling me down to her level.

"Yes ma'am"I said walking to the kitchen.

I walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a gallon of apple juice, her favorite.

I placed a cup down and started to pour.

"You better not break her heart"I heard a annoying voice say.

I turned around to see her sister.

Ha hard to believe I used to want this one like what was I thinking.

"I would never do such a thing"I said trying to walk past her.

"Oh I mean it, and I don't know how you got her to even like you but you better not fuck with her heart"she said.

I laughed.

Who the fuck do she think she is.

"Do I look like I'm playing"she said.

"No I just find it funny how your giving me this talk to you hand no problem with her and Chase"I said.

"That's because that's her ma-"

"No she's not"I growled.

"Yes he is and deep down you know that, Owen said that the spirits wanted them together"she said.

"Well have you ever seen her this happy"I asked.

"Well no but I'm just saying-"

"I marked her-"

"You what! She said she's not ready for that"she said.

"That's when she was with him, she practically begged me to Mark her"I bragged.

"Okay what ever Romeo just make sure you don't hurt her"she said walking away.

I rolled my eyes, have she always been this annoying?

"Well as long as your okay"I said to my child as a played in her hair.

"I'm more than okay mama"she said with a smile.

"Why wasn't I invited?"I old voice called out.

I looked to the door to see my mother and father.

I haven't seen them in YEARS, who would they come back now.

"Mom, dad"I said walking to them.

"Hi hun how are you"my mother said.

"Um fine"I said still confused of why they are in my house.

"You don't look happy to see us"my father said as my mother wondered off.

"No I am..I'm just surprised"I said giving him a hug.

He gave me a smile and wondered off into the party.

I stood there thinking about the talk me and my husband had some time ago.

He implied that I was something of a werewolf.

And that he marked me to help me.

I walked over to my father and tapped his shoulders.

"Yes dear"he said moving to the music that was playing.

"Am I a werewolf"I asked.

He stopped dancing and looked at me with a sad expression.

"He told you"he said harshly.

"Told me what"I said pretending to be dumb.

"He told you about werewolf's"he said.

"Dad yes I been knew about that, but I'm not one am I"I asked.

"How much did he tell you"he asked with a look of concerned.

"Dad am I a werewolf"I asked.

"Honey let's just enjoy the party"he said dancing.

"Dad!"I yelled but the music was loud so no one else heard me.

"Yes you are a werewolf"he said...

The unwanted mate(complete)Where stories live. Discover now