Tummy problems

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Chasadiy (One month later)
"Have a good day at school my loves"I said giving my two youngest a kiss on the head.

"I love you"

"Love you mamma"

I smiled as they ran to the school buss. It's Brian first day so I made sure to have His big sister looking out for him.

My smile quickly went down as a felt Chase energy behind me. I have been keeping Ally in the witch world for a little over a month now, and he is not happy with me.

If only he understood why...

"So how is she doing with the magic? You think she ready to come back now?"he asked.

"chase, like I told you yesterday it's just some things that we have to work on before she is ready"I said.

"Okay, well can you work on it then? It's been like 3 months"he said all dramatic

"It's been one"

"That's not the point ma, you rush to get everything else figured out, but take so long on this"

"Did you not see what she can do"I asked.

"I seen what you can do and I know you can fix it, so do it"he said walking out the house.

I sighed as he slammed the door. I understand he's upset with me but I'm just trying to help.

"Don't worry about him Chas, he's just angry"my husband said walking over to me wrapping his arms around me.

"I know he is and I wish I could fix it but I can't. I don't know how to slow it down"I said placing my head in his chest.

"Slow what down"he asked.

I sighed.

I'm not even going to try to explain this to him.

"mondo delle streghe"I said waving my hand in the air sending us to the witch world.

"Flow me"I said as he tried to get his balance.

I walked all the way to where I was keeping her. I had to keep her far from the entrance because I still being my son up here.

We past many houses and people enjoying the nice day out side. The witch world is truly beautiful. Everyone is friendly and everything is peaceful. If most of my family was witches I would have moved us here, I love it.

"Are we almost there"he complained.

I rolled my eyes at his laziness and reviled a sleeping, pregnant, Ally.

"H...how"he asked referring to how far she is in the pregnancy.

"Well from all of the test and things I have done on her, I have found out that this is one dangerous cycle"I said shaking my head.

"Cycle?"he asked not taking his eyes off the child.

"So Ally's body is using the magic it has to speed up the child's pregnancy, while doing so it's giving more power to the baby, witch Ally's body takes and use to speed it up more."I explained touching her belly.

"What?"he asked.

"You do know that every supernatural is made from, or created from, witch magic. Many years ago witches created vampires and wolves, So magic made her a vampire. Do you get it"I said.

"No"he said looking confused.

"Okay so because magic made her a vampire, and she's a siphon witch is a type of witch that can take and use power, she is using that magic inside of her and using that power. Siphons can't do magic without taking it, but she has it in her so she's using her own magic."I explained.

He just looked at me.

"Okay...so her body is giving the baby magic to make it grow faster, like using a spell to make it grow. The baby already has magic in it because it's a vampire/wolf/ siphon mix, so it's a lot of magic in her. Witch is why I have her sleep."I said.

"So when are you going to wake her up"he asked.

"I have to wake her up soon so she can deliver this baby, when the baby is out she will be less powerful because she won't have that much to feed off of."I said.

"What about chase"he asked.

"I will tell him everything tonight....when she have the baby"I said as he looked at me crazy.

"I know, I know I should've told him sooner, but if I did he wouldn't let me keep her sleep"I said defending my actions.

"When is she having it"he asked.

"Well from what I see..... around 7"I said looking at her body.

"Well we should get back, he needs to know like last week"he said shaking his head.

"I will tell him when he gets home"I said looking at the girl.

I hate that this is happing to them.

I sighed as I looked at my self in the mirror. I'm so used. Me and Chase have only had like 5 conversations, and nun of them have been about a relationship. I mean I can't blame him look at me.

Cuts and scares all over my body, my hair in thin and is almost falling out, my skin is pale...

"Jade, the boys are coming over. Are you feeling okay"I heard my sister say.

"Yeah I'm wonderful"I lied.

Of course I'm not okay. Everyday Zuri threatens me, saying that she's stronger than me and she will find away to brake free. She really scares me. Mother and father told me that mama had an evil wolf in her. That only makes me feel worse because if I have a child, he/she will have it too.

"Okay I'll be right back"she said happily running down the hall.

Who am I to keep her from what makes her happy? Even thought I don't want to see the boys, it's not about me it's about her.

"Knock, knock"I heard my father say standing at my door.

I smiled and waved for him to come in.

"You feeling okay"he asked sitting by me.

"No, I'm not I'm scared"I said honestly

"You have every right to be, how can I help"he asked rubbing my shoulder.

"Tell me how you guys got rid of moms"I asked.

"Well, her wolf was really getting out of control and the only way to calm it down was to mate. After we did that she was weak enough For us to remove it"he said looking on the ground.

"you took her away once, can you do it again"I asked.

"It's not that same now, when we took her she was nothing but a pup, now she's basically an adult."he explained.

"So the only way to make her go away is to mate with MY mate, chase"I asked looking at him.

"Maybe, but we are all looking for another way"he said.

"Thank you"I said giving him a hug.

Do I feel better?


If anything I feel worse.

This just means that till they find another way, I'm stuck with her.

"So you can't find our weapon, but your having sex with that boy"my mother asked yelling.

"I will find her ma, and the sex is necessary to get his trust"I answered.

"Anna I have one week left"she said sad.

"I know mama and I got you I promise I will get you out"I said as I started to cry.

How am I supposed to find this girl?

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