Stronger than you think

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I watched as a pissed off Ally super speeded up the steps and sighed. I knew that this will be taking a lot out of her but she's way stronger than what they told me she would be.

"I'll be back"I said standing up only to be pulled back down.

"You'll be back? I just got you back. Where are you going"he asked sad.

"I will be back Kyle I promise, I just need to make a call"I said trying to pull away.

"Okay 5 minutes I mean it"he demanded.

It's almost hilarious how he talks to me like he owns me.

Spending time with the old witches taught me a lot. I know how to get rid of mate feeling, and how to get rid of someone's mark, I can't do it my self but I know how it's done and can teach it.

Him talking to be like this does nothing, for me or my wolf. It's just funny that he tried it.

"Sure"I said getting up.

"I'm counting down now!"he yelled as I walked through the house.

I rolled my eyes, he has always been annoying.

I pulled out my phone and called Evie, one of the witches I was with. She is the one who told me about this plan to save my mother and about Ally powers.

"Done already, you work quick for a young wolf-y vampire"she laughed.

"No not yet, but I do have everything ready...I just have questions."I said.

"Okay shoot"she said.

"So I made her activate her powers yesterday, you know I did what you told me, and she's already braking things. I thought she should just be able to make slightly heavy things floating, not break windows"I said worried.

No mater what she is my friend and I do care about her.

"Hmm so she shouldnt be at that point, she shouldn't be able to gather that much power must be something going on we don't know about"she said.

"Like what, and how do I find out"I asked.

"Get me some of her DNA and I will have the answers....get me this by the end of the night"

"Why so soon?"I asked

"Because we need to know soon so we can fix the problem. At the rate she is going she will blow her self over way before we can save your mother"

"Okay I'll get it by the end of the night I promise"I said.

"Okay keep me posted"she said hanging up.

I placed my hand on the door handle and slowly opened the door. The wonderful smell of Chase inter my nose along with all of our memories.

I walked over to his bed and placed the covers on my lap. I reminder just laying down in his bed while he kissed me lightly and told me I was beautiful. I miss him so much.

My attention was caught by some yellow panties on the side of he's bed.

Ha! All this good memories almost kept me from reality. He had someone.

"I have been looking for you"the most wonderful voice called out to me.

I quickly looked up to see Chase at his door looking at me.

My heart started to squeeze up and my breathing became uneasy. He's here. Chase is here!

"You have"I asked as my voice cracked.

"Yes I have....i heard what happed"he said.

"You did so you understand-

"No I don't understand a damn thing. Yeah he cheated on you , but I sure as hell don't understand nothing anymore."he said.

"Please don't cuss at me I had enough of that shit. Everyday I just get cussed and yelled at I don't what to hear it Chase"I snapped.

I quickly covered my mouth.

"Oh so he cussed and yelled at you, yet you still mated with him when I couldn't even get a 4 second kiss."

Before I knew it my hand went a crossed his face. I was angry, I was sad, I was irritated, I was bruised, I was beyond fucking hurt.

He looked at me in shock but I don't regret it! While I was getting hit and raped on, he was finding someone else and moving on.

"So you leave me without explanation, don't call or text anyone, and think you have the right to be mad"he asked making my skin crawl.

"I DIDNT LEAVE YOU! I wasn't even myself and nun of you noticed! At least my sister had some type of feeling, but you!! You didn't notice. Zuri had control over me the whole time! I had to watch everything that was going on. I was raped and beaten everyfucking day, so yes Chase I do feel like I have the right to be mad"I yelled.

"What?"he asked.

"Yeah, so I'm sorry if I'm angry but I'm hurting"I said.m trying not to cry.

"Jade, I didn't know. I'm so sorry this happed to you"he said sitting next to me.

"I'm not my self anymore. He broke me. I don't even remember who I am, Chase. I'm scared and so lost"I said laying my head on his shoulder.

He lifted up my head and pulled me on for a hug.

"I'm sorry"I said softly.

I'm mad at the wrong person. The person I should be mad at is down stairs living his best life.

"I'm sorry"he said kissing my head.

I closed my eyes letting the feeling wash over me. As good as this feels I can't ignore the elephant in the room

"What about Ally"I said looking at him.

"Oh me? I'm still here. Just because you desire to come out of nowhere don't change nothing with us"I said walking on on their conversation.

"Ally it's no what it-

"Oh no Chase I know it's not because if it's what it looks like I will most definitely end it"I said as my vision turned red.

"Ally calm down it's not like that, we was just-

"You was just what? Talking? Two old friends just taking? Well y'all conversation is over. He is nine he belongs to me. That's my man. I'm all over that. That man had tasted every part of my body and there's no room for you. So if you thought you could come in here and change that you have another thing coming."I said as the anger builds back up in me.

"Ally what is happing"he said making me focus on what I was doing.

Everything in his room was floating and I can see the window cracking.

A smile creeped on my face.

"Oh this? This is just a sample of what I am capable of doing if you come between what is mine. Now I suggest you get up and go fine you someone else to miss with you brother to brother hoe"I said.

"Excuse me"she asked standing up

"Oh please come closer make my day"I said feeling the magic in my body.

"Ally stop"I heard Anna say.

"Stop? Stop what? This is what you wanted. You are the one who told me to use my powers"I snapped at her.

"Ally please just calm down, nothing is going on between them"she said.

I laughed at her, how would she know anything.

"Ally you said you was ready"the mother said.

"And I told you if I see him with her-

"Ally it's nothing going on, I love you"Chase said making me look at him.

"I love you-

Before I could answer I felt my body hit the ground.

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