Comfort and embarrassment

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"It's okay Ms . Min . Let all the tears out . You'll feel better ." , Mr . Jeon said while hugging me tighter. I didn't feel the urge to let go . I wanted this moment to last forever. It was that special.

"I'm not worth of this world , right ?" , I tried to let out unwillingly . I couldn't store the sadness inside me now . Mr. Jeon lifted my chin , to make me face him , while his arms were now wrapped on my waist .

"Everyone comes in this world for a purpose . And you have a purpose too. You might not be worth of the cruel world , but everything has a good side . And you are definetely worth of that ." , he said while smiling at me .

"But , whenever something filled with happiness comes in my life , it doesn't last for long at all . Nothing goes positive for me . It's all because of me ." , I cried , while breaking down into more tears . Mr. Jeon's hands crept till my face and cupped it , while looking into my soul . His huge doe-shaped eyes were looking into my eyes . My heart was fluttering as I could see the stars in his eyes . I just wished if I could have these eyes always in front of me .

"It's nothing such . You know the fact that after every happy moment , a sad moment arrives . It happens in my life too . Everytime something great happens in my life , it gets ruined by the arrival of some bad news . And , it's not because of you . It is the way how life works ." I was now looking directly into his eyes , I just didn't want to break this eye-lock . It was way too precious for me .

"Are you sure it's not because of me ?" , I said , while my puffy eyes were in contact with his beautiful and captivating ones .

"I'm sure . It's never your fault , and it will never be . Now , you shouldn't waste anymore time , and attend your other classes. I'll meet you after school , in my staffroom ." , he said while smiling again . I couldn't help but flash a weak smile at him , which was genuine . I was soon outside the washroom .

As I was walking to my class , all the moments spent with Mr. Jeon flooded my brain . He hugged me , he touched me with softness. I had never felt like this with any guy in my life . It was my favourite teacher who made me feel like this . And whatever I was feeling for him at this moment , was not right . It was wrong.

If I would fall for Mr . Jeon , or even have a crush on him , I would be in the same level as Ryujin . The rare friends I have made in this school , would also take me wrong and then break the bond . Even Mr. Jeon's family and work would come to an end . And all of that would be because of me . And even Mr . Jeon shall accept that .

But , I just couldn't ignore my feelings for him . I had no idea of my feelings , but I definetely knew that I couldn't ignore him or even hate him . I had one confirmation made already : he was definetely not just my favourite teacher , he was more than that. And that was what I was trying to avoid .


My steps were fast and huge as I rushed to Mr. Jeon's staffroom to not arrive late . I was just next to his staffroom when I saw Ryujin outside his room , waiting for him to come out . I was scared if Mr. Jeon would change his decision of tutoring me after meeting Ryujin .

Soon , Mr. Jeon was out , and he was shocked after seeing Ryujin , bowing at him , showing her cleavage in full view . Now I get the reason of keeping your first collar buttons open . I don't get the logic of these horny sluts .

"Mr . Jeon , I had some doubts regarding the Algebra chapter , mind if you help me ?" , Ryujin said while faking a polite voice , and batting her eyelashes to make the atmosphere flirtatious .

I crossed my fingers as Mr. Jeon opened his mouth to speak , but shut it immediately . I was scared if he would choose on teaching Ryujin and then forget about me .

"I'm really sorry Ms. Choi , but I have works to do at home . Excuse me ." , he made an excuse , and escaped from the situation swiftly . He headed towards the staircase , and Ryujin stomped off angrily towards the elevator . I also got the reason behind why Mr. Jeon chose the staircase .

I thought about him waiting for me in the staircase , and so , head towards the area where he was when I saw him coming towards me with a relieved smile .

"You're finally here Ms. Min ! I was waiting for you for a really long time . Come in ." , he said , while rushing inside his staffroom . I silently laughed at his adorable antics . He was so relieved after Ryujin's leave . I could imagine how irritated he would feel seeing deep cleavages all day .

"Have a seat , Ms. Min ." He pulled a chair out for me , and I realised that the places had changed . Now there was a table and a chair right infront of his huge , wooden table .

I took my seat shyly and looked down at my table , while fiddling with my fingers . He noticed that and laughed . "Don't be nervous Ms. Min . I met you in your sad times too ." , he smiled , as a nervous laugh escaped from me .

"Okay , not going to delay , let's start off with your confusions." He dragged a chair next to me , and seated himself . "Open your textbook."

I did as he told me to do , and opened my textbook . Just that , I landed on the wrong page . It was the most embarassing page , as that was my so-called "daydream" page .

"Uhh ?" , Mr. Jeon let out a shocked sound .

I felt to bury myself at this moment as this was the most embarassing moment in my life .

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