Bottoms Up

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Jughead's POV
Me and Betty were packing a bag and Veronica was gonna come and pick us up.

Betty:Do you need me to carry your bag?

Jughead:No I got it.

Betty:Your not supposed to carry anything heavy.

Jughead:I packed light.

Betty gave me this look and I couldn't even tell what she was trying to say with that look.She walked downstairs and I followed her.She made us lunch and after when finished eating Veronica arrived.We took our bags outside and put them in the car.Archie was already sitting in the front seat.

Archie:Hey guys,are you excited for our vacation?

Betty:Very,I needed to get away from Riverdale for a bit.

Veronica:Well I got a lot of board games and alcohol to keep us busy.

The drive was a bit long and Betty fell asleep on my shoulder.Archie and Veronica kept talking and laughing,I think Veronica's plan was working.Betty woke up a bit before we got to the cabin.Once we got there and saw how big the place is I realized I'll probably get enough alone time with Betty.

Betty:Wow,this place is amazing.

Archie:Yeah,why haven't you talked about this place before.

Veronica:Better to see your expressions in person.

Betty:So what's first on our list of things to do?

Veronica:Well I think we should all unpack in our rooms.

Archie:Which one is my room?

Veronica:Oh I forgot to mention that there is only two bedrooms and I'm pretty sure the married couple here would like to share one but that means we'll have to share one too.


Veronica:Let's go!

We all walked upstairs Betty had the 'Oh my god did Veronica really just do that face on' and Archie looked nervous.Veronica showed us our room and brought Archie to theirs.

Betty:This is nice.

I looked around the room and I had a king sized bed and our own private bathroom,also a huge closet which I'm pretty sure the four of us could all hide in.

Betty:Jug?You okay?

Jughead:Yeah I'm fine.Why do you ask?

Betty:You haven't said a word since we got in the car.



Jughead:I didn't even realize.

Betty:Well let's unpack and meet up with Veronica and Archie.


Me and Betty finished unpacking and met up with Archie and Veronica in the kitchen.

Veronica:So guys I think we should do something.

Jughead:How about a drinking game?

Veronica:Good idea Jughead.What game?

Betty pulled me aside while Archie and Veronica were thinking of a game.

Betty:Are you sure you can drink?Won't it affect your heart?

Jughead:Come on Betty,my heart can't get any worse and I might as well party while I still can.

Betty gave me that look she gave me before we left.

Betty:Okay let's party.

Jughead:So guys did you think of a game.

Archie:Yeah,we're gonna play never have I ever.

I looked over at Betty and she didn't seem too happy about that idea.

Veronica:Great I'll get the shot glasses.

We all sat in a circle and left a spot for Veronica.She came over with four shot glasses and a bottle of vodka.She sat down and started filling up the shots.

Veronica:Everyone has to have a shot before we play.

We all picked up a shot and Betty started to look happier.

Betty:Bottoms up.

We all took a shot and we ready to play.

Veronica:Okay I'll ask first.Never have I ever...broke a bone.

Me and Archie both had to take a shot.

Veronica:Who's next?Betty?

Betty:Okay never have I ever had a threesome.

Veronica and Archie both drank,me and Betty looked at each other and we started to laugh.

Betty's POV
I'm glad Jughead was having a good time,he needed it.I think we played over 20 rounds and Jughead was so drunk.Archie was a bit drunk too I think me and Veronica were just tipsy.

Betty:Jughead why don't we go lay down?

I looked at Jughead and he's already passed out on the floor with Archie.Me and Veronica couldn't stop laughing.Veronica took out her phone and took a picture and we continued to laugh.

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