Chapter 13 : The newer teachings

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Verse 1 : Big Yoshi, in all his wisdom, decided to once again teach the humans for the better
Verse 2 : "Oh, my humans, I have new wisdom for you"
Verse 3 : "Your kids seem to be sadder when they grow up, they say that it was better when they were kids"
Verse 4 : "Of course, for all human, life gets harder as you grow up, but you just have to accept it"
Verse 5 : "The difficulty of life will gradually become greater, but you have to accept it, you have to work and try in your life even if you do not want to"
Verse 6 : "Some of you have said that I am dead because of the horrors human do"
Verse 7 : "I, in fact, am not, but I sure am scared by my own creations some time, that's why I rarely come over to earth and give free wisdom away"
Verse 8 : "I recommend all of you humans to eat healthy, as healthy as possible"
Verse 9 : "Health is one of the most important things, so eat vegetables, fruits, various food, but not too much junk food"
Verse 10 : "I know very well junk food is great, but I'd recommend eating some not more than once a week if you want to stay healthy"
Verse 11 : "Sport is also very important for your health, I recommend you at least do a couple hours of it per week, train your whole body for future trials"
Verse 12 : "If you want to know if you must and can do something, ask yourself not "am I confident enough" but "is it important enough" and "is it right to do so""
Verse 13 : "I already told you that communism and hard socialism are very bad for society, but I have not mentioned fascism and hard nationalism"
Verse 14 : "Both of these ideologies are as bad, for communism will destroy the economy and your rights and fascism will destroy your rights and yourself"
Verse 15 : "Every society on earth failed because of communism or fasicsm"
Verse 16 : "It is the things that destroyed Egzekel and every neighboring country"
Verse 17 : "These ideologies mean the end of freedom, of rights, and of happiness"
Verse 18 : "Over the hundred of times these have been tried, none have worked, not because they haven't been implemented the right way yet, but because they are doomed to fail"
Verse 19 : "Fascism and communism are the end of every civilization as we know them, it's the epitome of death and sadness"
Verse 20 : "Egzekel elected a very noisy man, a very selfish man, his name was Rudolf Hilter, he hated everyone but himself"
Verse 21 : "Democracy is great, but it has its limit, just like liberty of expression, you can't just let someone like this run for your country, it's for the greater good that you have to not let people like that have the right to run for a position of trust and power"
Verse 22 : "Rudolf Hilter was a warmonger, a fearmonger and a man who would deliberately take things away from other, their happiness, their acquired goods and everything they had worked for, only for his own personal interests"
Verse 23 : "He built many nukes, and so did the neighbors of Egzekel which also became either communist or fascist"
Verse 24 : "He only wanted one thing : Power"
Verse 25 : "He did not care about happiness, he did not care for the purpose of life, but only for himself"
Verse 26 : "Hilter wanted to conquer all, to extend his power to the limits of his planet"
Verse 27 : "But the planet was already filled with nukes, so when one was detonated by a smaller neighbor, the rain of terror ended by a rain of bombs"
Verse 28 : "The planet was absolutely destroyed, only some wrecks were still there, the wrecks that created my brother Beg Regegegas and I"
Verse 29 : "I know all that happened, and I know what to do for it not to happen again"
Verse 30 : "Happiness and calm are the things everyone need to not become a warmonger and a fearmonger"
Verse 31 : "To achieve both of these, you need to be in a healthy shape, so exercise consistently"
Verse 32 : "You also need to spend time with your family and friend, the people that love you and the people who will always give you unconditional moral support"
Verse 33 : "Sleep, sleep a lot, enough for you to wake up with your brain functioning and for basic tasks not to take too much effort, you should sleep several hours each night"
Verse 34 : "You should go out sometimes, every day at least once, look at nature and the local landscape, unless you have to stay at home because of a special event"
Verse 35 : "For in the case of a virus spreading or a disaster, whether natural or man-made, you shall take shelter and follow adequate consigns to stay as safe as possible"
Verse 36 : "Be optimistic, look at the future with a bright eye, for if you cringe and look back with disgust at your past it means you have improved since, so there's always hope"
Verse 37 : "Laugh, look at funny things, listen to jokes, just be as happy as you can, for it is the true meaning of life"
Verse 38 : "Listen to music too, whatever kind of music you like, as long as it helps you de-stress and be happier"
Verse 39 : "I will talk a lot about being happy, because it is the most important thing in life : being happy and making others happy"
Verse 40 : "If you look at the meaning of everything, it will end up with the word "happiness""
Verse 41 : "For example : The meaning of a job, why do you have a job?"
Verse 42 : "It is to create something, or to give something to others, material or immaterial"
Verse 43 : "This thing will be useful to the customers in some way, and why is it useful?"
Verse 44 : "Because it makes their life easier, it makes them happy"
Verse 45 : "If you're a baker, you will give food to people, this food will give them strength and happiness daily"
Verse 46 : "If you're an entertainer, the purpose of your job is already making others happy"
Verse 47 : "If you're an humble worker in a factory, the good you will make will always be useful to the receivers and make them happy"
Verse 48 : "Everything come backs to happiness, so make the most out of your short life, and be as happy as you can"
Verse 49 : "For your family, friends and Beg Yosh do truly care about you, your life and your happiness"

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