Haven't Met You Yet

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*This story is set 5 years after Amelia moved from LA, Christopher was born a healthy baby and she raised him as a single mother after the death of his father Ryan.* 


I drop Christopher off at preschool before heading to work, like always. I've been in such a routine lately that it feels like I've been repeating the same day over and over again. There's suppose to be a new pediatric surgeon today coming from John's Hopkins, my old school. I told Addison about the opening but she wanted to stay in LA for some reason. 

As my day goes on, it's just like normal. A few boring surgeries and consults. I get paged to the pit which is exciting, maybe a new case! I pull the curtain back and a kid is laying in the bed with an obvious head lac a blonde woman is stitching. "This is Dr. Shepherd, shes going to make sure your head is all right." She says as she steps away, smiling. Her stitching is beautiful, it should heal with a small or maybe non visbale scar. This must be the new peds girl. I run a few tests but shes looking just fine so I head out, smiling at her parents on my way out. 

"Arizona.. Robbins, Dr Robbins." The blonde woman says reaching her hand out. "Amelia Shepherd, you must be the new peds surgeon." She smiles, revealing her perfect teeth. "Yeah, this is my first case actually. I was wondering if you could give me the tour? Webber was going to buy then I got paged.", I check my watch, its 1 and I have a surgery at 245 so I'm all set time wise. "I have some time, sure." I say. I cant stop looking into her eyes. They're a light blue, almost glassy looking. They compliment her chiseled face. Shes stunning, actually. 

We walk around the hospital, I show her the wings and OR floor. "Any questions?" I ask, the tour guide side of me sticking out I guess. "Yeah, can I have your number?" The blonde woman says, it takes me by surprise. "Yeah sure" I say smiling, taking her phone and adding myself into her contacts. I check my watch and realize I have 15 minutes until surgery, Fuck. "I gotta go.. I'll see you around I guess?" I say awkwardly. She smiles and nods. Dammit amelia, you might've had her there if you didnt screw it up at the end. But is that what I even want? Am I ready for a relationship yet?

As I'm getting into bed later that night, my phone buzzes. Its a text from Arizona, it reads "thanks for showing me around today, would you want to grab drinks sometime? :)" I find myself smiling at her message. You cant get attached Amelia, I tell myself. Meredith comes into my room as I'm responding and says "Christopher is crying, he won't go to sleep.", I sigh and say "I'll be down in a minute". I go downstairs and calm down Chris and then sit at the kitchen table with Mer. "Who are you talking to?" She says, she knows me too well. "Its just a friend." She rolls her eyes and says "I cant remember the last time I smiled at texts from a friend like that". I roll my eyes back. "Its a girl I met today, she wants to go for drinks." I say. "I can take Christopher whenever you want, I'm a built in baby sitter. Besides he is so much less effort to take care off than any other kid I've ever met." I laugh, that's how he is. Hes very mature for his age. But that's what growing up without a father figure does. I of all people would know.

I text Arizona back and say "how about tomorrow after work? I get off at 9." She texts back "Sure! Where?" I laugh at this text, you can tell shes new in town. "Meet me in the lobby at 9, the bar is right across the street. We'll walk." She agrees with the plan and I set my phone down on my nightstand. I'm unsure of what I'm getting myself into here. If I even should get into this. Christopher doesnt need me to give him any less attention, I already feel bad about how much work takes. He says it doesnt bother him but it bothers me. I want him to know hes always the priority to me. I'm not even sure I want to date again, I mean meredith says you only get one true love and I believe it. I've never felt what u felt with Ryan with anyone. Maybe it was the drugs, maybe It was the love. Until i find that second truelove, I'm sticking with what Meredith said. Even if shes not the best ti

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