Toru Oikawa - Surprise!

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Character: Female Reader Insert.

Plot: You and Oikawa have been dating for 2 years in secret from his fangirls and it is your 2nd year anniversary but Owikawa has forgotten? He's been avoiding you all day, what is going on?

Requested: Written and thought by me.


You walk out of your club room after school and look at your phone to see if your boyfriend, Toru Oikawa, has messaged you asking about plans for the evening like he usually did. For the past month, he's been avoiding you, you know he isn't a volleyball match as he and Iwaizumi would have told you like usual, but neither have. You know it's nothing to do with his fangirls as again, they would tell us whether or not you were involved in what was said to you. 

You couldn't take any more if something was wrong, you had a right to know. 

You make your way to the gym that the team usually uses, "Iwaizumi-San?" You call out and he looks over to you, "Do you have a minute?" You ask before walking out ignoring the stares of the other team members.

"Sure thing, one minute!" Iwaizumi says.

"No, now!" You shouted and look back at him, "I don't care what you have to do, this is important. So get out here."

Iwaizumi blinks and looks at his captain who looks worried before he follows you out. He changes his shoes and you both walk not noticing that a certain brunette was following you both, "What's the matter? You normally call for Oikawa, you know you're boyfriend," Iwaizumi says, "You both haven't fought so, what's up?"

"Iwaizumi-San... Has something happened? You know, has a fangirl threatened me to Oikawa-Kun, or has he lost interest in me?" You ask looking at the dark sky.

"No and I doubt it," Iwaizumi says and sighs, "What is the matter?"

"Two years... Two years today... He's been avoiding for a month... Sure we have little conversations but... I don't know anymore..." You say and look at the ground.

"Huh?" Iwaizumi looks at me, "Two years, jeez how do you put up with Assikawa?" He chuckles, "I'll have a word but I doubt there's anything to worry about... Go on, go home it's late," He smiles.

"Bye Iwaizumi-San, thank you," You smile and walk on.

"Trasykawa here," Iwaizumi says when you are out of view, "I know you're there," He looks to see his childhood friend walking towards him, "What are you doing? She's worried sick."

"I'm planning something for tonight," Oikawa says with a smile, "Something that beats everything I've done in the past, but I've been struggling..." Oikawa explains and sighs, "I didn't think she'd think like that, I should go to her straight after practice."

"Forget practice, just go now. Get your stuff and go, dumbass," Iwaizumi says and walks back to the gym.

Back at home, when you got changed into your pj's and sat down to study in your room. Just as you were about to put pen to paper your door opens, "Honey~" A familiar voice calls out and you look over to see your boyfriend looking at you with a smile, "Don't you look cute in your jammies?" He grins.

You blush a little, "What are you doing here Oikawa-Kun?" You ask.

"Get dressed, let's go somewhere," He smiles, "I'll wait downstairs," He leaves your room.

You get dressed in a pink skater dress and a pair of leggings, due to being too lazy to put tights on, with flats before going downstairs with your phone and keys. You put your coat on and see Oikawa walking out of the living room, "Where are we going?" You ask him looking at him slightly bored.

"It's a surprise," He smiles and looks you over before you zipped up your coat, "Cute," He adds and kisses your cheek, "Had a good talk with Iwa-chan?" He asks opening the door and the two of you walk out of your home.

"Yeah it was alright," You say and look away from him.

"Hmm? You okay honey?" He asks with worry in his voice.

"Yes," You nod.

You both walk into a restaurant, "Oikawa?" You look up at him confused.

"I have a reservation... Under Oikawa for two," He says to a waiter who nods and Oikawa follows after him and you follow him.

"Oikawa?" You call out as you stand by the table, Oikawa pulls a chair out, "What's going on?" 

"Sit down and I'll tell you," He smiles and you sit down on the chair he pulled out like usual, Oikawa sits in front of you, "Pick anything you want," He smiles.

"Okay?" You say unsure and you both look at the menu picking your dinners then you both order.

"Happy Anniversary honey," Oikawa smiles at you, "I'm sorry, I've been a little absent this month but I've been trying to find the best place for today and to tell you something."

"You remembered? I thought you forgot," You say with a slight smile.

"Forget? Never," He smiles and takes your hand, "Listen... I think... I think it might be time... You know to tell everyone except just a few people as we have."

"Are you sure?" Your eyes widen a little.

"I'm positive, I want to show you off and I don't want to hide you. I love you and if the girls don't like it then that's their problem right?" He smiles.

"T...True," You nod and smile.

"You're adorable when you blush honey," He says and chuckles, "So, you ready to go public?"

"I'm ready," You nod and smile.

"Also... Y/N..." He smiles and you blush to hear your first name from him for the first time, "No more Oikawa yeah? It's been two years already."

"T...To...Toru..." You whisper as your face turns red.

"Perfect," He smiles and kisses you.

Later that evening your phone buzzed and you look to see you've been tagged in a photo on Instagram by Oikawa. You open up the photo and gasp a little when you see the post.

SetterOikawa: Spent the evening with my beautiful girlfriend @your_username! These two years with you have been perfect! I wake up with a smile knowing that you are by my side you are everything I could ever wish and hope for

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SetterOikawa: Spent the evening with my beautiful girlfriend @your_username! These two years with you have been perfect! I wake up with a smile knowing that you are by my side you are everything I could ever wish and hope for. I love seeing you every day at school and after school, whether you are scolding me for not studying properly or cuddling as we watch movies till we fall asleep with you in my arms. I cannot ask for anyone other than you. I love you Y/N. I can't imagine being without you, without your smile, your laugh, your eyes, your voice, I would fall into a million pieces and never return back to normal. 

You blush and double tap to like the photo then comment.

Your_Username: I love you too and it was an amazing date. Thank you so much for dinner!❤


Please feel request in comments or my inbox. I will try to get through all of them! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and come back for more. 

Till next time, bye-bye! 💖💖

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