Toru Oikawa and Hajime Iwaizumi - Fan club (2)🍋

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Character: Female Reader Insert

Plot: After finding that your childhood friends like you and they both have been trying to get your attention one day. After Oikawa's suggestion of the three play together at his house, will the reader want one or both?

Requested: Written and thought by me.


You're cuddled up against Iwaizumi with Oikawa laying against you, his arms around your waist, on Oikawa's bed. The three of you have been watching a movie, but you have noticed that Oikawa's seem to be going further and further south. The movie soon came to an end and Oikawa pushed his hand up your skirt, his fingers brushed against you're clothed core.

You gasped and instantly grabbed his hand, "W-What are you d-doing?!" You ask, your face red from embarrassment.

"We're going to play... You agreed or lease you wouldn't be here, now would you?" He smirks and he crawls over you.

"Don't fuck her on top of me, you idiot," Iwaizumi says and flicks Oikawa's forehead.

You look up at the other male, "You seem awfully calm about this..." You say, unsure why he is going along with Oikawa.

"Do I?" He questions, "I've been fantasising about you for years and I'm given the possible opportunity to have you? Forgive me for seeming okay with something I may never have gotten," He says.

"Y/N-Chan..." Oikawa whispers and looks at him, "Please..." He says and starts kissing your neck.

You gasp and try pushing him off you, but he doesn't budge, "Kawa-Chan... Please... Please stop," You say blushing and he sucks on your neck causing you to moan, "I can't..."

Don't get swept up!.... Let it happen, you want it... Can't deny you've thought about them both at possible times... Do it Y/N, once in a lifetime...

"Are you sure that you can't?" Oikawa asks lifting up, he looks ready to throw in the towel.

You look at him, your brain processing the effects this could have on your friendship as well as your future.

Stop thinking! 

You sit up with your hands on Oikawa's chest as you push him backwards, you lean over him and smirk, "You really think it would be that easy for you?" You say.

Oikawa grins, "You honestly think I'd allow this? Although, it was fucking sexy as hell," Oikawa says.

I feel arms wrapped around me, "But sorry, it won't last long," Iwaizumi says, "Do not show me your butt and expect me not to do anything."


Lemon Start

You gasp and grip hold of Oikawa's shoulders as you feel both Iwaizumi and Oikawa pushed their members inside of you, deep, "Iwa...Kawa..." You whimper, looking down at Oikawa, cheeks flustered.

"Perfect," Oikawa whispers with a smirk, "You good Y/N-Chan?"

You nod and pant a little, you rotate your hips a little letting both know that they can move. 

Iwaizumi grunts and thrusts gently in and out of your butt, Oikawa thrusts up into you, his thrusts quickly into your pussy. 

You gasp and squeak a little, "Ah!" You tilt your head back, nestling it into the crook of Iwaizumi's neck as both of them penetrated you at the same time, "F...Fuck!"

"So sexy Y/N-Chan~," Oikawa says and starts sucking on your right nipple as he pinches and pulls on your left nipple. 

"So...Ti...Tight," Iwaizumi whispers, he snakes his arm around your waist and presses his middle finger against your clit before rubbing it hard and fast.

"I..I..." You stutter and your body shakes as the two childhood take you aggressively, "So...So...good! T...Toru! H...Hajime!" You call out for them both.

"Say that again," Oikawa says.

"Toru...Hajime..." You look at him and Iwaizumi takes hold of your face gently, turning you to look at him. He kisses you passionately and you climax, digging your nails into Oikawa's arms.

"Fuck, Y/N..." Iwaizumi pulls out then strokes his cock a few times back unleashing his load onto your bed.

Oikawa grips hold of your waist and he pulls you down to meet his thrusts constantly, "Y/N-Chan... So tight!" He leans up, wrapping his arms around your waist and kisses you. His hands lay over your butt and lift you up before covering the tip catching his load on the palm of his hand. 

Lemon End

The three of you sit on Oikawa's bed panting, "Fuck... You two are so fucking..." You say and sigh a little, "I'm tired..." You trail off.

"What are you going to say?" Iwaizumi asks and wipes your back clean then puts on his boxers.

Oikawa cleans his hand and puts his boxers on, handing you his shirt, "Tell us?" He smiles at you.

You take his shirt and put it on, you look between them, "Sexy... Pretty boy and stoic boy," You giggle and you hiss a little, "Fuck I ache so bad," You whine laying down on the bed, "Both sides."

"We did good!" Oikawa grins.

"Idiot," Iwaizumi hits him over the head, "Y/N..."

"I don't know... My head... Scrambled with both of you..." You admit, "I'm sorry... I don't choose between you both..."

You look at the two shocked faces before Oikawa whispers to Iwaizumi who shrugs, "Share?" Oikawa asks and you blink, "We can do that... It was fun," He grins.

"You're weird..." You yawn and close your eyes, curling up on his bed.

"She's so cute when she's asleep," Oikawa says.

"She is yes... Will she one day choose?" Iwaizumi questions but not asking anyone in particular. 

"I don't know, but we can wait it out. Just being with her makes me so happy," Oikawa says and Iwaizumi nods. Oikawa lays in front of you, "You joining?"

Iwaizumi sighs and lays behind you, Oikawa pulls his comforter over the three of you. Both boys put a protective arm over you and soon fall asleep.


Please feel request in comments or my inbox. I will try to get through all of them! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and come back for more.

Till next time, bye-bye! 💖💖

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