Hajime Iwaizumi - Stay With Me

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Character: Female Reader Insert.

Plot: You were leaving due to family issues that didn't actually involve you. The guy you have a crush on is at the airport bidding you goodbye, what happens when he asks you to stay with him?

Requested: Written and thought by me.


"Dad, please! I don't want to go!" You follow your father to the taxi as he carries his suitcase, "Please! Why do I have to go?"

Your dad turns to you, "Y/N, please just get your stuff," He says.

"Hello," Iwaizumi says and looks between you both, "Going on holiday?" He asks.

"Wonderful, Iwaizumi. Glad you're here, please can you help Y/N bring her suitcase down, she's refusing to leave," Your dad says walking back inside. 

"Leave... Leave where and why?" Iwaizumi asks.

You look at him and sigh, "There are some issues when my family abroad and we're having to go there, why... I have no idea," You say and walk inside, "Come on."

Iwaizumi follows you, "W...Where?" He stutters, shocked by the news about you leaving.

"England," You answer.

"When will you be back?" He asks.

"I don't know if we will," You walk into your room, "I don't want to go... I can't leave for people I never met. I don't even know if they know I exist."

"L/N..." Iwaizumi walks to you and places his hands on your shoulders, "I understand... You can't leave me with Crappykawa, you know that."

"You'll be fine," You giggle and look up at him, "You will always be fine, with or without me... That I know," You tell him and walk to your suitcase, "C...Can you carry this down for me?... I want to be alone for a bit, please... Iwa-chan."

"You sound like Oikawa," He says with a smile grabbing your suitcase, "I'll help your dad, shout me if you need me, okay?"

"T...Thank you," You look away from him as a tear falls, you hear Iwaizumi leaving your room and shutting the door, "I can't leave you Iwaizumi... I just can't..." I sit on your bed and sob into your hands, "I don't know what I'd do without you... I... I love you," You whisper.

As you sob into your hands you don't notice someone walked into your room till you're pulled into someone's arms, "Shh... I'm here, I'm right here," Iwaizumi says and rocks you gently, "Does you dad know that this is upsetting you?"

"He does, but he isn't letting me stay no matter what I say," I tell him and bury my face in the crook of his neck, "I even stay I'd move closer to you as you're reliable and he likes you but he said no."

"M...Me?" He stutters.

Dad walks in, "Y/N come on it's..." He trails off looking at your current situation, "What's going on?" He asks.

"Nothing," You lean away from Iwaizumi, "Can Iwa-Chan come with us to the airport?" You ask.

"Sure," Your dad nods, "Come on the taxi is going to be a fortune now."

Iwaizumi stands up and holds his hand out to you, "I won't leave till you're gone," He says, you notice the hurt in his eyes but you hold his hand.

The three of you make it to the airport, neither you or Iwaizumi have released each other's hand. You both stand together as your dad checks that your plane is still on time, "I thought..." Iwaizumi starts and you look at him, "I thought I'd be able to let you go... But... I can't... Stay with me, not near me... but with me."

"Iwaizumi..." You whisper and look him in the eyes, "I..."

"Y/N the plan is still on time," Your dad says and looks between you both, "What?"

"Y-Y/N doesn't want to leave L/N-San... She hmm..." Iwaizumi starts and takes a deep breath, "I know your family needs you but what if... Y-Y/N stays with me?"

"Stays with you?" Your dad questions, "I know you're childhood friends but that is going beyond."

"Please dad," You try.

"Y/N we need to go check-in," Your dad says, "Come on, say goodbye you can email him when we've arrived at my cousins'."

"But..." You try again.

"Y/N! I'm not repeating myself, say goodbye," Your dad says.

You turn to Iwaizumi and hug him tightly, he wraps his arms around your waist, "You message me straight away, you hear me?" He says trying not to break down in front of you.

"I promise," You kiss his cheek, "Thank you for everything," You whisper before carrying your suitcase as you follow your dad, "Have... have I met your cousins?"

"No, you haven't," Your dad says and looks at you, "Y/N... Do you... Do you really want to stay here?"

"Yes, I do but I can't," You say and hand out your suitcase to your dad.

He puts his suitcase down and brings you into his eyes, "You better behave for the Iwaizumi family, you understand?" He kisses your forehead and pulls away, "You better message me every day and focus on your studies not that Oikawa guy like the rest of the girls."

"I'd rather bleach my eyes," You comment and look at him, "Can... Can I really stay?" 

"Go before I change my mind," He smiles and starts texting someone, "Remember to behave."

You hug him and run outside, carrying your suitcase. You look around, not see Iwaizumi, "Damn he moves fast," You comment and think, "Where will he be?" You whisper, "Home with Oikawa," You run to the Iwaizumi household.

You knock on the door and Mrs Iwaizumi, "L/N-chan, we've been waiting for you, you're welcome to stay with us... We haven't told Hajime but he's at the high school with the team, practice to distract himself," She smiles and takes my case, "Go on."

"Thank you," You hug her quickly and run to the school.

You make your way to the usual gym, "Iwa-Chan!" You call out distracting the guys in a practice game.

"L/N?!" Iwaizumi looks at you shocked, "Wh...What are you doing here? The flight? Your dad?" You run to him and hug him, he instantly wraps his arms around you, "What's going on?"

"I can stay... I can stay with you," You say, "Your parents already agreed," You hold him close as tears fell, "D-Dad's going alone."

"Seriously?" Oikawa asks and Iwaizumi glares at him, "Okay, guys let's take a break!" He says and they go to the other side of the gym leaving you two alone.

"I didn't want to leave you, I couldn't leave you... I felt like running the minute we walked away from you... I...I love you," You tell him, "I have since middle school," You pull away, "I'm sorry, you probably don't feel the same and it's the last thing you want to hear that... Sorry, I hmm interrupted your practice, I'll see you back at yours... I mean home... I mean... That'll take some getting used to," You turn away and walk to the door.

Iwaizumi follows you, takes your hand and turns you around. His free hand goes onto your waist and pulls you close to him. He leans down and brings you into a passionate and loving kiss. Your eyes widen at the shock but soon close as you wrap your arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around his waist. 

You both pull away when the team cheers, but neither of you care, "I love you too, go home and I'll be there soon," He smiles.

"Bye," You kiss his cheek and rush out blushing brightly.

"Congratulations!" Oikawa cheers with the team, "Taken you long enough," He chuckles.


Please feel request in comments or my inbox. I will try to get through all of them! I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and come back for more.

Till next time, bye-bye! 💖💖

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