Chapter 4

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Lancer started to groan. "UUGGHHHH! I WANNA GO AND RESTTT!!! " Noelle started to complain too. "Kris. Can we umm... Rest for a while?" Kris stopped walking and turned around so their face is facing both of their faces. "Sure since you asked nicely." 

Their bottoms were touching the rocky ground. They sat in a semi-circle since Susie wasn't there. Both Lancer and Kris were sitting down with both of their legs crossed. Noelle was sitting down in a position that made her look sad in a sort of way. Her arms were hugging both of her legs. She started looking down and played with the tiny, grey, pebbles. Kris noticed Noelle's body language. "Hey! Look up I wanna ask you a question."

Noelle stopped playing with the pebbles and started to look at Kris. "Yes. Do you need anything?" "Nah. Just wanna ask you something."  Noelle sighed. "Okay then. Feel free to ask your question." Kris inhaled and exhaled for a moment. "So... What are your thoughts on the dark world so far?"  

All the events that happened in the last hour started to attack Noelle's brain. 

That time I went unconscious, that I survived, and that new friend I just met. He never talked to me but he's friends with Kris and Susie. Speaking of Susie, is she lost? I should go and try to find her. Oh dang. I'm starting to miss her now. I hope she didn't fall into a coma the way I did. Please be okay Susie...

Kris and Lancer started to stare at Noelle in confusion. Lancer started waving his hand in front of her eyes. "Hello... Are you awake?" Noelle was giving Lancer and Kris a blank stare. Who's she staring at? Nobody knows.  Lancer started to shake her head. "W A K E  U P ! !! " Kris pushed Lancer aside and started to snap their fingers in front of her. After ten snaps, she was back into reality. 

Noelle started to question her surroundings. " What happened?" Kris started to sigh. "you zoned out for a moment. Shaking and snapping had to wake you up. " Noelle started to exhale. "What were you guys gonna ask me?" 

Kris started to re-ask their question. "so... what do you think about the dark world so far?" Shivers came down Noelle's spine. "it's fine. I'd rather be at school and it's kinda empty. I f-feel like something will pop up behind me."

 Lancer started to quietly chuckle. "oh- ho ho! there's more than just this empty land of rocks and uh... more rocks!" Noelle's view of the world flipped like a pancake. "SO MY LIFE IS A LIE?!" "yeah! There's more to explore! There's the field, the forest, and-" Kris covered Lancer's mouth. "sorry for that. But yeah, Lancer is kinda telling you the truth. There's more than the eye can see." 

Noelle's spine started to shiver more. "Yeah more... " she sighed "But I feel like this place is gonna get scarier with every step I take."  Kris put their hand on Noelle's shoulder and chucked for a moment. "it's time we prove you wrong." they started to glance to the right and back a Noelle again. "When we continue walking to the empty town."

Lancer started to place the last pebble on the little pebble tower he made. He tapped Kris' shoulder to get their attention. "Hey, Kris! I made this when you guys were talking! Do you like it?" The tower was a little less than six inches. It contained a little more than twenty pebbles but less than fifty. It's both flimsy and tough. You can swipe your hand through it and it'll tumble into pieces. Kris gave it a thumbs up. 

Lancer started moving his hands around the gravel gently. he made a little mountain of gravel. It started to topple over his little rock tower. The tower went into shambles and made little to no noise.  Noelle noticed the tower's downfall. Her face went long but it was kinda short. Maybe like three feet. "Why did you do that?! It was already perfect." 

Lancer looked at Noelle in confusion. "umm..."  A lightbulb turned on in his mind. "Wanna help me build another one?" Noelle's semi-frown turned right-side up. "I'd love too. This time, we should try and make it higher." Kris started to pay attention to them. "Yeah, Noelle's right. Is it okay if I join you guys too?"

Noelle started to brush the floor flat. "We can all work together. Like a team!" Kris started to put some pebbles in their hand. "heh, you'll need that when we explore beyond the rocky abyss." Lancer and Noelle grabbed a handful of rocks. Kris started to fill out the holes Lancer and Noelle made. "Here, I'll start." Kris started to place the rock down. Lancer went next. Then Noelle. It slowly went sky high. Lancer placed the seventh stone. It wobbled a bit. 

Kris skipped a beat. "Slow down, we're trying to make this tower be at least twenty-five rocks high." Noelle chuckled a little. "I like how we're highly focused on this." Lancer started smiling too. "Yeah! It's like we're working together, as a team!" Noelle went next. She adjusted the previous rock to a position where the chances of it falling decreases.  

Kris took hours just to place a rock down. Lancer got impatient. "Hurry up!" Noelle explained the wait. "if they didn't take their time, our progress would be erased, we have to restart this process again." Lancer nodded his head, he now understands. Kris finally placed down the rock down. "Lancer, it's your turn."

Like Kris, Lancer took their time but unlike Them, they took what felt like fifteen minutes. They dropped the rock two inches away from the previous one. the tower wobbled a little. Noelle got a little concerned. "Next time, you should not drop it down. It's gonna topple." Noelle went next. She placed it on top of the previous one as if it were porcelain.

The cycle until Kris placed the last rock. "Alright then, drop your leftovers." They all dropped the remaining rocks they had in their hand. "Who wants to count  them?" Noelle volunteered. "I'd  like to count them!" "Alright then, let's see if we reached our goal." Kris agreed. Noelle counted from bottom to top. "We reached our goal, twenty-five!"  

Kris sighed in relief. "that was a fun activity. I think we should start continuing our hike, which might become a walk at the park by now." Lancer barked with joy. "Yes! My feet are now relived and I get to let Noelle come to my castle. My dad won't care since he's still asleep." 

Noelle again, thought her life was a lie. "T-there's a castle in this place?!" Kris smirked. "Yeah. Listen to me, Don't be surprised when we say that there stuff like castles, forests, or cities  are in this what you call rocky abyss."  Kris started to get up. "c'mon guys, our legs had enough resting."

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