Chapter 18

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Byleth's argument with her father doesn't continue, because she hardly sees him after their fight, and when she does, one of them is usually on their way out, so neither has the time to even think about bringing it up again. It's dropped like it never happened, and any concerns she has for her father's line of work have to be forgotten. If he won't tell her, there's nothing she can do about it, and all she can do is ignore the hint of dread that begins to creep into her mind whenever she remembers the blood on his shirt.

This feeling greatly contrasts the happiness that comes with a new relationship, and even if the three of them keep things private, and even though their dynamic hardly changes, when they're alone, there's a lot more physical affection, something that Byleth never knew that she needed so much. It's strange and wonderful and somehow feels even more natural than their friendship, and even though she started the school year as an outsider, as November progresses, she finds herself so close to them that their years of history don't seem nearly so intimidating.

School continues like always, with no one suspecting the change that took place. Considering the three of them were always together at lunch and during art, and Edelgard and Hubert's previous closeness, there isn't much of a difference to notice, but still, Byleth almost feels like they're getting away with something.

Ferdinand remains a frequent feature in their lives, stopping by to bug them whenever he has the chance, but even that feels natural, and Byleth could hardly imagine what would happen if he suddenly decided to mind his own business. She doesn't mention this to Edelgard or Hubert, but he almost feels like an unofficial part of their friend group, even moreso when she considers that there's a big chance he just wants to be friends with them, and doesn't know how best to go about it. That is also something that she doesn't mention to them.

Nothing changes where Ferdinand is concerned, and nothing changes where Caspar is concerned either. Hubert keeps to himself during study hall just like always, and Byleth doesn't mind that he avoids her while Caspar talks her ear off, especially because he often more than makes it up to her after school. And Caspar is none the wiser, always going on about whatever might be happening in his life or around the school, and Byleth is able to remain completely indifferent, feigning interest at just the right moments, whenever he decides to talk about the vampire attacks, which continue to baffle the police.

November passes by, and before long, Thanksgiving break is upon them. Byleth isn't surprised that her father won't be around for the holiday, because they've never done much to celebrate it before anyway. As for Edelgard, she doesn't have any plans either, and Byleth essentially invites herself over before the two of them turn their attention to Hubert.

"Well, I was going to invite Edelgard to suffer with me with my family before you happened," he says to Byleth, "and I wasn't sure how my family would feel if I brought a guest they hadn't met before, but I think abandoning the celebration altogether is a much better idea."

So the three of them spend the entirety of the break at Edelgard's house, leaving only when they absolutely have to, and ignoring the holiday completely. By the time Monday rolls around, Byleth feels like she could just move in, and that might be preferable to having to go back home.


With November over and December going by at a rapid pace, the students of Garreg Mach have only two things on their minds; the final exams will take place just before they go on winter break, and on the Friday night after their last exam, a winter dance will take place. Unlike most of the public schools in the area, due to their lack of focus on sports over academics, they didn't have a homecoming dance to accompany the homecoming game back in October, so this is the major dance of the first semester.

Hubert, Byleth, and Edelgard would have gone as friends before anything happened between them, but now that they are secretly dating, they'll all be going together, as friends on the surface, but, known only to them, as dates. Whether or not they'll actually do much dancing, or just watch everyone else like they did at the Halloween party, has yet to be determined.

Caspar seems excited about the whole thing, saying, "It's the only chance I really get, since I can't go to prom until next year, you know? Last year was kind of lame, but I just went in a group with some friends, and none of them are even big into the whole dance thing. This year, though, I'm going to ask someone!"

"Is it the exchange student you've got a crush on?" Byleth asks, and Caspar's face goes red.

"Would you cut that out? But...yeah, I'm gonna try to take Petra. She says they don't really do stuff like that at her old school, so I'm gonna show her a great time," he replies. "What about you? Got any big plans?"

"Not really," she says. "I'm going in a group with Hubert and Edelgard, but that's about it."

"You can come clean, you don't have to keep secrets from me. You have a crush on Hubert, don't you?" he asks, smirking and leaning forward like they're sharing a secret, but he doesn't put much effort into lowering his voice. "If you get to tease me about Petra, it's only fair."

Though her statement about going in a group wasn't technically a lie, Byleth has no choice but to lie when she says, "Sorry, but you're wrong about that. Hubert's just a friend."

"I dunno about that...well, if it's not him, then is it Edelgard? You're totally into her, aren't you? Come on, you can tell me!"

"Sorry to disappoint, but she's just a friend too. We're going as friends, Caspar," Byleth lies again, and he sighs with a shrug.

"Well, you can't blame me for trying. Still, it isn't fair that you get to tease me all the time. One of these days, I'm gonna get you back for that, alright?"

"If you say so," she says, shaking her head.

After class, Hubert joins her, and, when he's certain that they're not near anyone who would care if they overheard, says, "So, we're all just friends, now? I would hate to think what Edelgard would say if I told her you said that."

"You know I had to lie," she replies without missing a beat. "Couldn't let Caspar catch on."

"Well, maybe if your crushes were a little less obvious..." Hubert teases, and Byleth might shove him to shut him up, but she's sure a display of affection like that would be even more obvious, so she has to endure his teasing.

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