Chapter 24

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Before everything went down, Byleth probably would have spent a pretty happy New Year's Eve with Hubert and Edelgard, perhaps with the three of them playfully squabbling over who got the first kiss at midnight- or, more likely, Hubert claiming to not care a bit about things like that and telling them they were more than welcome to take it for themselves. But now, things like that are far from their minds, and, even if they weren't, it might be weird to do that with a guest.

Even though Ferdinand could not get away from his family for Christmas, he doesn't have any plans for New Year, and somehow ends up spending that with them. It would feel a little odd to bicker over midnight kisses with him there, but they also don't really mind having him as a guest.

Though no one was really able to snap Byleth out of it until Edelgard motivated her to seek further revenge, Ferdinand's generally cheerful attitude does help to brighten things up a little, and make it easier to take her mind off of things. Besides, now that he's in on the secret, and now that he knows what happened to them on Christmas, it seems like they're not ever going to be able to get rid of him.

Still, Byleth doesn't see anyone genuinely complaining, and even Hubert seems to be mostly kidding when he asks Ferdinand if he has nothing better to do than harass them all through winter break.

New Year's isn't a holiday Byleth has done much to celebrate before, and wouldn't have minded skipping the whole thing entirely this year, if Ferdinand hadn't invited himself over. But, as it is, she gets through it, knowing that she will have to return to her normal life soon, and pretend like everything is okay. Ringing in the New Year with the three people closest to her- the only people she really has - is a good first step.


The break is over before they know it, and on the first day of school, Byleth prepares herself to keep up her act. Fortunately, she doesn't talk to a lot of people outside of those who already know, so she won't have to worry too much about being noticed, but it isn't long into her first class of the day that Caspar notices she's a little off.

"Did something happen over the break?" he asks, interrupting his own story to check on her.

"No, nothing happened," she says. "I'm just tired this morning. I threw my sleep schedule off by a lot, and I haven't been able to get back into the swing of waking up early yet." It's a believable enough lie, but Caspar studies her for a moment, before nodding.

"Alright, if you're sure. But if anything is wrong, or if anything happens, you know you can always talk to me!" he says, giving her a big grin. It makes Byleth feel a little better. Even though Caspar is completely separate from everything and even though their friendship feels like it's part of an entirely different world, knowing that he cares is nice. She would never be able to tell him about her actual problems, but the simple thought helps her get through the morning.

As always, Hubert keeps his distance throughout the first class, but walks with her in between, and when she is with him, it really does feel like nothing has changed. They behave the same as they always have, silently working on art projects alongside Edelgard, without much to talk about.

The only noticeable change in their school life is that Ferdinand doesn't simply bother them at lunch, but decides that, from here on out, he's going to sit at their table. Edelgard asks him why he isn't still insistent on the entire student council sitting together, and he sheepishly replies that it was never that big of a deal.

"Claude doesn't care if I sit with you, especially since you aren't coming to us any time soon. Lorenz almost protested, but I pointed out that as long as the seniors are together and the juniors are together, then it should be just as effective," Ferdinand explains. It's obvious that he's always wanted to sit with them, but hasn't been able to get them to come to him, and hasn't had a proper excuse to stay there every day.

At least, not until now.

They start eating in relative silence, no one protesting Ferdinand joining them, but after a moment, he speaks up again. "Since we're all here...well, there are some things I wanted to talk about. I've been thinking about them since the last time we hung out, and I wanted to come over again but I was busy with my family and I didn't want to bother you, but...well, with everything that happened, you guys..."

"I'm not sure this is the right time for that," Hubert says, cutting in.

"I know, but I really want to all know a little more about the situation now, right? Byleth's...well, he knew people and he had tools, so aren't you guys going to...?" Ferdinand has a hard time putting into words, dancing around the subject, probably both to try and spare Byleth's feelings and to avoid anyone overhearing anything too specific.

But even that is not enough for Byleth to feel secure having a conversation like this in public. Shaking her head, she says, "We can't talk about that here. If you want to come over after school, we can discuss it then, but don't bring anything like that up while we're at school again."

Ferdinand nods, looking as thought he has been scolded. Byleth will have to explain to him later that what her father said about their headmistress has her concerned, and she doesn't want anyone to overhear anything that might implicate Edelgard, especially not when she still has no idea exactly how her school and the headmistress, and the organization her father belonged to are connected.

For the time being, the four of them change the subject entirely, with Ferdinand eventually bringing it back to student council matters, and soon enough, he and Edelgard are in one of their classic arguments. Despite everything that has changed, this reminds her that some things never will, and it is oddly comforting to watch them bicker like they always have, like they have nothing else to worry about other than their conflicting opinions on governing the student body.

If only it could stay like this all the time, and if only they didn't have such serious matters to worry about as soon as school lets out for the day.

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