Chapter 25

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After school, once they are all at Edelgard's house, the other three are curious to see what Byleth has to say on the matter. She can tell by the way none of them make any move to start a conversation, making it clear that they are picking up from where they left off earlier today, and so, she gathers her thoughts before speaking to them.

"I don't want to go back home yet," she starts. "I'm going to stay here for a little while longer. Eventually, I'll have to face facts and go back to my house, but for now, I want to stay away, because it still hurts too much."

"Well, that's perfectly understandable," says Ferdinand with a nod, though he clearly has no idea how that relates to the topic at hand. He is simply offering his support, however he can.

"But when I do, I'm sure that I'll find some very useful things there," she continues. "They cleaned up a lot, but they didn't clean out my father's room. I don't know if they trusted me with his possessions, wanted me to have something to remember him by...or if they were hoping I would want to join their cause someday, but I'm sure he has the tools I would need hidden in his room somewhere.

"I still need some more time before I think I'll be ready to go through his things, but I do want to go through his things, and I want to learn to fight the way he must have. I want to be able to fight them, if they come after one of us again, and someday, I want to be able to take the fight to them," she finishes.

"That's...well, I...I have to say I admire your resolve." Ferdinand has gone a little pale at her words, as things steadily get more serious. He's likely wondering what he's gotten himself into, but the fact that he hasn't tried to leave and that he has been so intent on being their friend lately shows a certain bravery to him as well. Though he's completely out of his depth, he is determined to see this through until the end.

Neither Edelgard nor Hubert are surprised by what she says, since she has essentially already told them as much. They're more interested in hearing what she has to say next, waiting for Ferdinand to settle down so that she can keep talking.

"My father said some things about the headmistress, before...he was vague, but he said enough for me to think that the school is somehow connected to all of this, even if it's just through her," she explains. "It would make sense, considering he was able to easily get me in on a scholarship during my last year of school. But since we don't know her connections, and we know that my father assumed Edelgard was an enemy, then we're in even more danger if news were to spread at school."

"Honestly, with all the rumors about Hubert, it's surprising that he hasn't been mysteriously pulled out of class one day," Edelgard says, and Hubert shakes his head.

"It's because they know the new vampire has only recently been turned, and they know I've always been like this," he replies, and it's hard to tell if he means it as a joke or not. "The important thing is that she doesn't notice things have changed for you ."

"Exactly," Byleth agrees, "and that's why I didn't want to even start talking about it at school. None of this can get out as long as we go to school there, so another thing is that I don't want to start seriously training or pursuing vampires until school is out. Of course, Hubert and I graduate this year, but..."

There is a pause as she and Hubert look to Edelgard. She is the one put at the most risk by being in school, but she will have another year after they graduate, and Byleth is about to ask her if she thinks they should wait another year before seriously pursuing her enemies when Edelgard sighs.

"I was already thinking about this, but I guess now is the best time to tell you all," she says. "I don't think I will be returning to school next year."

There is a long pause as the three stare at her in surprise, before she begins speaking again. "My father won't make it much longer, and once...once he passes, I think I might disappear for a while. Going to school every day like normal...puting everyone there in danger and now endangering myself...if the two of you are going to become vampire hunters after you graduate and dedicate your lives to my cause, then it only makes sense that I come with you."

"Wh...but you can't!" Ferdinand speaks up, finally recovering from his shock enough to comment. "You can't just drop out of school before you last year, Edelgard!"

"That actually isn't a bad idea," Hubert replies. "It will certainly be safer for you, that's for sure, and will allow us the time we need to gather information and challenge them."

"Exactly. As I am now, I won't be able to do much in terms of getting a job, and even staying a student will become more difficult for me. Either I will find a way to undo this curse, or I will have to accept this as my life, and either way, I can't keep going on this path anymore."

"That's understandable. Then, we'll keep behaving as normal until the end of the semester, and then make a plan from there," Byleth says, and it is settled. Or, at least, it should be, but the one who isn't involved with their plans but has been forced into the situation either way is not at all satisfied with that.

"But you can't just leave! It''s your last year, couldn't you just wait a little longer? You're going to graduate, so..." Ferdinand's protests trail off as he tries to think of what he should say, but nothing seems to come to him. Edelgard has no response, simply shaking her head at each of his arguments, until Hubert decides to stop in.

"Honestly, Ferdinand," he says, "it isn't any of your business. Besides, shouldn't you be happy about all of this? After all, if Edelgard drops out of school then you won't have her as a rival anymore. You'll become class president next year no problem, right?"

For a moment, Ferdinand looks ready to lash out at Hubert, staring him down. But then he looks to Edelgard and says nothing, then to Byleth, still saying nothing. Finally, he looks down at the ground and says, "I need to get home. Please don't do anything reckless before the end of the year."

With that, he leaves, and none of them try to stop him. It's understandable why he would be upset; not only is he losing Edelgard, who he probably considers a good friend despite their rivalry, but he has been pulled into their group only to be left out again, as they make plans to move forward with something that he can't do. Byleth can only hope that he won't take it so hard for very long.

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