Rajputtana's Jewel

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Aryan smelled the letter once again and smiled craftily looking at the side throne where his older brother had taken his place . Plopping down at his own throne , he passed the letter just above his lips making someone believe that he probably wanted to taste the lips of the girl that sent him the threat . The scent of roses made him dizzy, forcing him to close his eyes and imagine her crystal eyes , beautiful face and long hair with precious jewelry to adorn them .  He turned his head to his brother's side.

" Could she be a real threat ? '' he asked , his eyes glowing . Prithviraj took no time to  laugh .

" Brother do you really consider the possibility that a girl could kill you ? " he responded . Aryan smirked and pulled out a small knife from his belt , throwing it at the table  making his servants to move awkardly .   

" She can only pierce my heart ..." he whispered to himself not knowing what this thought meant and why he suddenly had it .

" SURRYAAA " he screamed and  his most loyal servant arrived inside the tent and approached him  . 

" Yes , my Lord " he bowed and Aryan patted his hand .

" I need you to give me all the information you know about Zahira Rajput "

Surrya immediately smiled , nodding his head at his lord . 

" Lord , she's Rajputtana's Jewel . A beauty that can't be described by words . All of Rajput's princesses are known to be  gorgeous my Lord , but, this one is something special . A brave heart , a sword fighter and archer . She's the keeper of the most precious Jewel of Rajputtana , the famous Red Diamond. It was given to her by her grandmother when Zahira was14 . " he told Yuvraaj Aryan.

" This means , when her father dies she will rule Rajputtana " Prithiviraj interrupted .

" Yes my Lord , that's right " Surrya agreed .

" What else do you know Surrya ? Have you seen her ? " Aryan asked 

" Yes my Lord , there was a celebration at the palace of Delhi and the Rajputt's youngest Princess was invited to  dance . She's a graceful and beautiful  dancer , my Lord , that i can tell you with absolute certainty ".

" Brother ? How do all these matter to us in any possible way ? " Prithviraj interrupted him but Aryan paid no notice .

" Describe her " he commanded Surrya 

" Yes , my Lord . She's beautiful , very beautiful . A fine piece of art as the people of Rajjputtana like to describe her . A  gorgeous crystal face , hazel eyes , full red lips , a glowing smile , long luscious hair always decorated with jewels . As i told you , my Lord a Jewel herself " 

" Have you ever seen anyone more beautiful than her ? " 

" No , my Lord . Except her sisters that some  say are equally beautiful but no one has her grace and wisdom , my Lord , I'm confident about that " Surrya responded 

" Very well " Aryan smirked . '' they '' he shouted and his guards entered his tent .

" Yes , my Lord " they bowed their heads .

" Tomorrow a girl is going to try to tresspass inside the camp . When you see her , you will do absolutely nothing and let her come to me . If anyone of you does the mistake of hurting the girl , he will become fresh meat for my lion , Understood ? " 

" Yes , my Lord " 

" Very well and make this known to  everyone " 

" Yes , my Lord " they bowed their heads again and stepped out .

" What are you planning Brother ? '' Prithviraj asked , not being able to understand what his brother was planning to do .

Yuvraaj Aryan smirked . " A SURPISE WELCOME "






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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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