5. Smile on my face

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04.02.2025 11:00 am

Jimin was so busy, he didn't have time to meet up in the month that has passed. Today was his only day off, so he, luckily, agreed on going out with you.
You learned so much from him, for example that he was 19 years old or that he only had one girlfriend his whole life. He told you so much about his members and especially Taehyung, because that's his best friend.
You also found out that you both liked the same kinds of movies and shows.
You were really excited, you couldn't wait for him, you fell more for him in that month.

Your make up of the day was a black eyeliner, some mascara and highlighter, just your daily, not so special make up.
When you were finished, you tried to find an outfit but in the end you changed it five times because you thought it wasn't good enough. Finally, you chose black skinny jeans and a black shirt with an anime character on it. It wasn't a date, you had to remind yourself that you both just called it a "meet up".
Jimin was going to pick you up by three and all you could do is look at the time, you wanted it to pass so badly.


It felt like eternity but then you heard a car approaching your house, this had to be him.
You jumped out of your bed, quickly took your backbag with you and ran downstairs to open him the door.
Jimin was in front of you, as always good looking with his grey hair, the same guy which you met at the concert, you forgot how beautiful he was in reality. His lips were literally shining, you were so jealous when you looked at them.
He wore black jeans, a black turtleneck shirt and a black leather jacket, you loved his outfit. He had the same fashion sense as you, you thought. He greeted you with a smile on his face and gave you a big hug. It was so unexpected that you couldn't move or say anything, it's not like you didn't enjoy it, because his hug was one of the best hugs you ever got.

Finally you squeezed a "hello" out of your mouth.

"What did you exactly plan to do?" he asked

"I-i don't really know ah ha ha, where do you wanna go? I like ur outfit by the way" you answered

"Thank you I also like yours, I don't know either,hmmm..."

A short awkward silence broke out, how could you also not plan on doing something?

"Maybe we could- only if you want to go and hang out in the inner city a bit"

"Uhhhm yes o-okay sure" everything sounded okay to you, as long as it was with him.

"You seem a bit nervous to me" he said

"WHAT? I AM NOT NERVOUS, I'm good hmph" you pouted

He started laughing "hahah sure you aren't, come let's go now"

You had a great day together, you bought a new shirt, you got boba and he even showed you the building of the agency he was going to debut under. You already felt comfortable around him, probably because you texted so much the time where you couldn't see each other.
Jimin told you that he's been dancing for his whole life, he wanted to make it to his job, it helped him through his hardships.
He also showed you pictures of all the members, a visual group in your eyes. He told you so much about them and how happy he is to have them as his literal best friends, how they always make his day when he isn't feeling so good. You really wanted to meet them after hearing that and he promised you that you will.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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