I Just Had To

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    Harry was walking through the halls during dinner, unaccompanied by Hermione and Ron, when he spotted someone. It was unusual for this to happen because everyone else was always to busy eating dinner and talking to be in the halls during dinner. As the person got closer Harry started to notice who it was. It was none other than Draco Malfoy.

    Once Draco saw him he stopped, shocked that someone else was wandering the halls during dinner, and that the someone was Harry Potter. The first thing Draco noticed about Harry was his tie. His tie was crooked and badly done. Draco knew he had OCD and Harry's tie was already getting on Draco's nerves. He felt a shiver go down his spine as he stared at it and he was gritting his teeth. He had to fix it. He couldn't help it.

     Harry could see Draco tense and grit his teeth as he stared at him. It made Harry feel uneasy. Was he really this bothering and upsetting? Suddenly Draco lunged at Harry and he was sure Draco was going to hit him. However, Draco didn't hit him, but instead undid his tie. Harry could feel his face start to burn abundantly. What was Draco doing? Then after Draco got his tie off, he started putting  it back on. He was fixing Harry's tie. Harry suddenly felt stupid for thinking he was doing something else, but also wondered why Draco was doing this.

   They stood there in awkward silence  for a while before Harry spoke "W-why did you do that?" He asked. Draco replied blushing "Your tie was messed up... It was bothering me..."

    Harry then understood. Draco had OCD. Now that Harry knew this he would definitely use it to his advantage. Plus he kinda liked having Draco Malfoy fix his tie. He'd definitely do that again sometime.

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