A Letter

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A week had gone by since Harry had kissed Draco, and they hadn't talked once. When Draco would see Harry in the halls he'd get embarrassed and hide.

It wasn't that Draco didn't enjoy the kiss, he did, immensely, or that he didn't want to find out what Harry was thinking, or why he had done it. It was just Draco acting like a first year with a crush. And Draco hated it. He was acting like a damn Hufflepuff! Finally he decided to confront him. So he wrote a letter asking Harry to meet him in the Astronomy Tower:

Dear Harry,
Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at 11:00pm. I want to talk about what happened. If you don't come I'll assume it was a prank, and to just forget about it.


P.s. Sorry for avoiding you

Draco decided to send the letter in the morning, that way Harry would get it at breakfast when the owls deliver the mail. It would look less suspicious than him randomly getting a letter in the middle of the day. He just hoped that Weasely and Granger didn't read it with him, or else they'd start asking questions like "What happened between you and Malfoy?!", or "Since when are you and Malfoy on a first-name basis?!", and they didn't need that.

Now all he had to do was wait. Wait until Harry got the letter in the morning. Wait until he (hopefully) showed up in the Astronomy Tower. Just wait.

But in the meantime, it was getting late and he needed to sleep. What could he say? It was a big day tomorrow and he needed his beauty sleep. He didn't want to have to meet Harry with dark bags under his eyes, he had to at least look somewhat presentable!

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