A Purposefully Badly Done Tie

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   And so the next day Harry made sure to do his tie in a rush so it was crooked and sloppy before going to Potions with Slytherin. Every time Harry had Potions with Slytherin he got paired with Draco, so this was the perfect opportunity. When he got to his class he was paired with Draco just as he had planned. Draco looked nervous and kind of embarrassed when they were paired together but didn't dare look Harry's way. Harry thought this was because being paired with him only reminded Draco of what he had done the night before more.

   Draco silently prayed that he wasn't paired with Harry when the professor called his name, but he never had that much luck so of course the exact person he didn't want to be paired with was the person he was paired with. He just knew he would embarrass himself even further than he already had. However, he slowly and painfully made his way to sit with his partner. When he sat down, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Harry was grinning widely. He slowly looked at Harry to try to pin-point what he was grinning for. He saw that Harry's tie was even more messed up and sloppy than yesterday. He got shivers and grit his teeth again. That arse. He was doing this on purpose. But still he couldn't help himself...

   Once they went to the ingredient cabinet and were hidden from sight, Draco stopped Harry nervously but with force and Harry knew exactly what Draco was going to do. Harry was mentally smiling ear-to-ear as Draco began to remove his tie. Once Draco was done Harry said "Thanks. Can't seem to get it right can I?" Then he laughed and they went back to work, Harry feeling satisfied and Draco feeling embarrassed.

The rest of the day Harry would touch his neat tie and blush happily.

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