An Accidental Touch

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    The next day Harry had Potions with Slytherin again and he couldn't wait to see Draco. He was paired with Draco again. However, this time Draco seemed happy to make his way over to sit with Harry. Draco sat down and they began to work on today's potion. After they were halfway through with the potion, something happened. Draco finished putting the lizard scale in the cauldron and put his hand on what he thought was his leg. Little did he know that it was Harry's thigh he was putting his hand on, but Harry didn't dare tell Draco or move Draco's hand.

   After about ten minutes Draco realized what he had done and blushed crimson while quickly trying to remove his hand. However, Harry seemed to have other plans and grabbed Draco's hand, putting it back on his thigh. Draco didn't know what to say. Or think, for that matter. What was Harry doing?! Did Harry actually like him? Or did he just like embarrassing him? Either way Harry had just put his hand back on his thigh! Draco didn't struggle much, mostly because Harry's grip was too strong, but also because he kind of liked having his hand there.

    Harry grabbed Draco's hand and put it back on his thigh. There was no way he was going to pass up this opportunity. Plus he loved the feeling of Draco's hand on his thigh. It felt intimate. He just secretly wished it somehow slipped down to his crouch and- no. Bad Harry. No, no, no. Stop it.

     It was very hard for both Harry and Draco to concentrate the rest of class, but the whole time, until they had to leave, Draco's hand stayed on Harry's thigh. And for reasons still undetermined, they both enjoyed it immensely. Oddly, even Draco was looking forward to their next meeting, no matter how embarrassing they might be.

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