Chapter 1~ screams

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It happens everyday. Everyday he comes home. Mistakens me for my mom.

She died a few years ago when I was ten. It practically killed my dad. He moved to drugs and drinking a year later. I practically lost him and myself too. My brother tries to hide the pain of keeping me and him both stable by smoking and going to parties all the time.

Max is really smart. If it wasnt for me and our dad he wouldve gone into a good college instead of spending his time at parties and drinking and taking care of everyone. I feel a lot of guilt when I think about the opportunities he missed because of it.

Max comes home and notices my dad asleep on the floor and me half naken, crying silently. Bruises littered on my skin. He would shake his head and lead me upstairs and make me take a bath while he would cook something for when I get out. Its moments like that when I realize the only family I have is Max.

Sleeping at night is terrible. I cant stop thinking of my dad over me. The smell of alcohol on his breath, his blood shot eyes from the drugs. Him moaning my mom's name.

Max sleeps next to me and holds my arms so that I don't try to fight the air. Ill wake up at 4 AM, screaming, covered in cold sweat. Max is always awake as soon as I start to sob. Hugs me and rocks me back to sleep. Every. Night.

No one can know. Theres too much to explain. Max and I have learned to pretend nothing is happening. That were fine. No one knows but him. And he didnt even find out until a week in, when I started to have the night terrors. But I have to move on. I have to live somewhat of a normal life.


My skin is tingling. Its 6 oclock. I have to go to school now. Everything is sore. I grimace while shuffling off the bed. I paddle to the mirror and look at myself, a wave of nausea runs over me. I hate what I see. A fragile, bruised up thing staring back at me. Her eyes look lifeless.

I quickly divert my gaze and run to take a quick five minute shower. I slip on my undergarments and change into an old pair of jeans and throw on a random sweatshirt. I grab my makeup bag and take out my concealer and beauty blender.

Ive been using concelear since my dad started to rape me. To cover the bruises and under eye bags from me not being able to sleep. I sigh and slip on my socks then run downstairs. Dads still passed out on the floor and Max emerges from the laundry room.

"Hey Viv. I made breakfast.' I smile sweetly at him and sit to eat really quick.

"Whens your first class today?" Max pops his head out from the room again and grins.

"9 oclock. Mind if I have Carter over?" I roll my eyes and nod.

"Fine. Get dad off the floor. Along with the drugs he left." I remind him, even though I know Max would make sure to do so, I would still always remind him.

Carter is interesting. Been my brother's best friend since freshman year of high school. Hes extremely rude to me all the time. Such a prick. He also thinks he's funny when he flirts. Mainly just plain annoying.

I scuff down the rest of my eggs, "I'm going to school now. Bye Max!" I quickly ran out of the house not waiting for his response. Hes so lucky hes in college. Doesnt have to actually leave the house till nine.

School is hell. I hate this place. After making a quick stop at my locker I look around for the only bearable person. I spot her coco skin and dark curly hair.

"Aisha!" I call over the wave of people.

Aisha is by far one of the prettiest girls I know. With her light dark skin and the freckles sprayed across her cheeks under her honey brown eyes. Practically brings warmth into any room.

The problem with Aisha is that she has a boyfriend. We barely get to hangout because it's always 'Mark Time '' for her. I look at the arm slung over her shoulders. Mark.

I see his dirty blonde hair and letterman jacket. Every guy, with the exception of Mark, on the football team is a jerk. Mark is actually very sweet and clearly loves Aisha, and she would die for him, so I dont complain too much. Plus, with my dad and everything I barely have time for friends.

Aisha looks over and smiles as soon as she sees me. I pick up my pace and jog over.

Bathroom? I nod at her question. I know she just wants to get away from her popular friends. She turns to her boyfriend and kisses him really quick.

See you later, babe. I hold back from cringing. Theyre cute, its fine, dont throw up. I mentally review in my head.

Later. Mark winks at her and Aisha smirks back. Kinky. I avert my eyes and start walking towards the bathroom knowing she was behind me.

I walk to the sink and check out my hair in the mirror and run my hands through the frizzy light brown curls.

Aisha clicks her tongue. Dont ever rake your hands through your hair unless they are wet. Makes it even more frizzy. She puts her manicured hand under the running water and scrunches up my curls. After about a minute of her fixing my hair she backs up and smiles at me approvingly.

Hey honey, you want some makeup? She looks at her bag and picks up a pink lip gloss and applies it to her plump lips while looking back at me through the mirror with a perfectly shaped eyebrow raised.

I politely shake my head. She shrugs, alright. Ill see you later. Im picking you up from work to go shopping. I open my mouth to protest before she cuts me. No, No, missy. Ill pay. Were going shopping. I shake my head and smile at her. She knows my dad is a druggie. Half the money he works for goes to that. I know, it's surprising that he still even has a job.

No Mark time today? I question with a smirk. She returns it.

Yes. Sleepover and I dont have to be at his house until eight. Which gives us about an hour to find you a new pair of jeans. Im thinking American Eagle with the rips. I laugh while following her out of the bathroom.

School was painfully long. And now work. From three to six at the local cafe. I walk in and head to the back right away and put on the cute coffee brown apron over my clothes.

Devon looks at me. Clocking in, sweetheart? I nod. When do you leave? I look up at the clock then turn back to Devon.

Three hours from now. Six-ish. The doorbell chimes and I look up plastering on my fakest smile.

Hi! How can I help you? Thats when I actually take a minute to look at the boy I see his brown sparkling eyes and his boyish grin.

Hey. Can I get a caramel macchiato? I nod and actually smile.

Ill ring that up for you. I go to the coffee machine and make his drink.

When I turn back I see him looking down at his phone.

$6.49. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out $10. I give him back his change.

Have a good day!

See ya.

Devon pops up from the back storage. Who was that cutie? I shrug and look away sheepishly. 2 hours and 40 minutes left.

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