Chapter 4~ Protective

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Hey there :) Life is pretty shitty rn. Hope everyone's doing good. Like I said in earlier chapters with this whole quote thing I never know if it's going to work. Like for the first chapter it didn't. Then the second it did. So I'm just hoping that this one is going too work to. ALSO HOLY SHIT THIS GOT 100 VIEWS ALREADY I FUCKING LOVE U GUYS!!!!!! (THATS SO MUCH MORE THAN I EXPECTED TO GET THIS SOON) anywayyy stay tuned because the next few chapters are going to get veryyyy interesting. I'll shut up now! :) Carry on.

"I cant believe you punched him!" Carter shrugged.

"I was already pissed. He just fueled my anger further."

I roll my eyes and look at him with a disappointed look. He looks up at me and scowls at my disappointed expression.

"Don't look at me like that. Your brother would kill me if I let anything happen to you."

"Still doesn't mean that it was the right thing to do." He rolled his eyes.

"Remember that you're younger than me. So there is no need to act like my mother, thank you very much. And it was the right thing to do you dumbass. He tried to have sex with you without your consent." I turn away from his words.

"Okay Viv. I'm going out. Got a date." He winks and I knew that it was just a sex fling. I groaned in disgust.

"Have fun while I'm gone, but not too much. Be back by three." He started to walk towards the door.

"Dont you think its a bit early to get laid?" I call over my shoulder.

"Pft- Its never too early to get some, also, look at that, you already know me so well." I cringed.

"Ew. Stuff that I don't want to know."

"You'll survive, princess!" I let out an annoyed sigh and I heard his laugh fade as he shut the door behind himself.


I applied blush over my foundation. I have a date. With Dominic. Unlike Carter, I won't be having sex. My stomach flipped with excitement. I had already taken a shower and picked out an outfit. Carter walks into my room.

"You're phone rang, babes." I scowl at the pet name.

"Who's it from?" I look up at him from the mirror. I see his eyebrows raise.

"Daddy Dom..?" He says with an amused look on his face. I turn my back and reach out. I snatch my phone from him as a blush flares at my cheeks. Carter smirks but something swirls behind his eyes.

"Didn't know you were into dirty talk and kinky names." My blush deepens as he gets closer and his lips brush against the shell of my ear.

" 'Cause in that case, you can call me daddy all you want then, kitten." He winks. I push him back gently while scoffing.

"Carter! Calm down." I whine in annoyance. I back away and go back down onto the floor to my mirror.

I hit the call back button on my phone and Dominic picks up on the third ring.

"What's up mami?" I can practically hear the smile in his words. I guess the volume was decently loud because Carters eyebrows flew up to his hairline.

"Mami?" He mouthed at me from the mirror.

"Hey, Dom." I say, ignoring Carter.

"We still on for later?" I grin.

"Of course." I respond while softly dragging a brush on my cheek.

"Alright, I'll see you later then mamas?" My cheeks hurt from my grin.

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