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The man was coming closer to the bed

Y/n : who are you (screaming)

??: haha !! You dont know me??

Y/n : who the hell are you ? Is it Namjoon ??

?? : RM? He is with me , I have kept him safe , you wanna see ??

Y/n: yaa! where is he ?

You were sitting still on bed. You now step out of the bed and walk behind the person with full fear

??: walk fast

He looked very creepy and you were wondering who it could be, you wanted to scream for help but you didn't because he told RM was with him , and your anxiety told he could harm him ..

The person was stepping towards your room

Y/n: this is my room

??: yes , it is

Y/n: is RM here ?

He doesn't reply to your question
But instead starts removing his mask and glasses

Y/n: Hobi??

Jhope: yeah , were you really scared ? Hahaha

Y/n: oh my goodness , you freaked me out

Jhope: I'm sorry , now go in , Nisa is waiting for you

Y/n: ok .. I really didn't know you could change your voice so well

You open the door , you couldn't see anything as it was too dark inside
You switch on the light and the room was filled with balloons and other decorative things .

There was a beautiful cake kept on the table , waiting for you to kill it , your friends were welcoming you and you were happy to see them all and this was the time you realized it was your birthday tomorrow

Y/n: omg , is this the reason you all didn't attend the classes today ?
RM: yes , your right
Jin: how's the surprise ? Did you like it?
Y/n: yes , I loved it , thank you guys

You hear the clock sound and it shows 12:00 a.m.

V: it's time, happy birthday Y/n
Yeah I'm the first person to wish her

Y/n : thanks oppa (in the sense brother)

All others too wish you

Y/n: thank you all , love you

You start cutting the cake and they start singing and dancing .

You all spent few hours and they returned to their rooms

Nisa: sleep now, we all have classes tomorow and we cant miss it as our exams are approaching .

Y/n: ok , good night!

Y/n closes her eyes and starts dreaming

Dream : its was your eighteenth birthday and you were being belted by your father , for what reason you really didn't know, you was always being hated by your parents because your parents misunderstood that you were the reason for your brother James' death
You were almost awake
Then in your dreams , your father tells " you stupid , why did you kill James , are you jealous that we treat him better than you ?? But still he is your own brother , what else you want , my life too ?"
But you never hated your brother even though your parents were partial to you , your brother always shared his things with you , so you loved him more than anyone
Your father now slapped you harder..

You woke up crying , Nisa too woke up and sees you crying .

Nisa: What happened Y/n ? Why are you crying

Y/n: I just got a dream which reminded me of my past

Nisa : You always end up crying for this , atleast share it with me so that you could feel better

You keep on crying and crying , Nisa tries to make you feel better

Y/n : ok I'll tell you about my brother, but not now , it's time , we have to get ready for the class

Nisa : ok

You got ready and walked into the class and met all of your friends, Nisa sat onto your right and V was on your left
You were a bit closer to V than anyone else as you felt him like your own brother James

You all were talking and you remembered Jungkook , he still didn't reach the class , you were wondering were he was .

Professor enters the class but jungkook was no where seen and you were worried about him

Thanks for reading , hope you liked it ,and any suggestions? please comment it
The next part will be published on Tuesday :)

Kookie's Childhood Love- short Story [JJk ff] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now