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Next day Jk came to your room.

Jk: hey Y/n , today it's Sunday right, so shall we go out

Y/n : ok sure , but where?

Jk: leave that to me , I'll take you to your favorite place

Y/n: ohh okk, give me 10 minutes , I'll get ready

Jk: ok sure , I'll be waiting

You got ready and met Jk near the library

You wore a black dress with matching jewellery and fortunately Jk also was wearing a black coat , it was unexpected, you both looked like a perfect couple

You wore a black dress with matching jewellery and fortunately Jk also was wearing a black coat , it was unexpected, you both looked like a perfect couple

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You both held your hands and walked .

Jk : you look too cute when you blush

Y/n: ok stop it , shall we leave?

Jk: yeah , looks like you are excited

Y/n: yes, I'm

Jk takes you out of the hostel , you see a brand new matt black Ferrari, you were too amazed to watch it

Jk takes you out of the hostel , you see a brand new matt black Ferrari, you were too amazed to watch it

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Jk : will you get in or keep on staring at it

Y/n: oh sorry , this is my favorite car so..

Jk: I know

You smile and then get in .

You hold his hand throughout the journey .

Jk: close your eyes

Y/n : why ?

Jk: just do it

You closed your eyes. You thought he was going to kiss you and you were waiting. But it wasn't the case xD

It had been 10mins now and you fell asleep on his shoulder waiting with your eyes closed

JK's POV : Good that she fell asleep or else she would ask hundreds of questions.

Just a few minutes later you both reached the destination

Jk: wake up Y/n. We have reached.

Jk immediately covers your eyes with his hands

Y/n: I had a good sleep, by the way why are you closing my eyes?

Jk: just wait. Now slowly get down the car, the door is open

Y/n: hope i won't hurt my head

Jk: no , you won't , I'm holding you, step out slowly.

You felt the pleasant breeze hitting you that gave you a bliss

You then slowly put steps forward, holding his hands

Now he removes his hands and allows you to open your eyes.

As soon as you open your eyes , you see a fountain , you were surrounded by areas covered with Roses, lilies. Lavender, sunflowers and other colorful flowers

You were emotionally connected to nature as when ever your parents would scold you, you would go to nearby garden and spend time by looking at trees, birds ,etc

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You were emotionally connected to nature as when ever your parents would scold you, you would go to nearby garden and spend time by looking at trees, birds ,etc.
Tears rolled down your eyes as you were amazed to see such a beautiful scenery .

Jk hugged you

Jk: don't cry Y/n

Y/n: its happy tears (you then wipe your tears) how did you get to know this is my favorite place

Jk: I know a lot about you , this is too less

Jk's phone rings and you see that 'bro' was calling

Jk: just a sec , my brother is calling

This reminded you of your brother, you weren't able to control your sadness, but you didn't wanted to spoil the happy environment by crying

Jk talks for a while and comes back, he noticed something was wrong

Jk: what's wrong Y/n?? Is there anything you don't like here?

Y/n: nothing like that, I just remembered something

Jk: what's it??

Y/n: my brother

Jk: oh! What is that which makes you cry everytime, you can share it with me

Y/n : hmm ok

You then explain everything to Jk

While explaining , the moment you tell the name Eliza, jk reacts violently.

Jk: what Eliza??

Y/n : yes , she and her boyfriend are the ones who killed my brother

Jk: but Eliza.......Eliza is my ex

Y/n : what???

Jk : yes , it was long back , before I left for US

Y/n : how's this possible, so it's you who killed my brother

Jk: James?? No , not me , what you are thinking is wrong

Your thoughts turned negative and you weren't ready to listen anything

Y/n: just stop it , I don't want to hear anything, you are the reason for my brother's death, sadness and everything. I never thought you were like this . We can never be happy together .. bye ( you start crying and ran away from there )

Jk follows you for sometime but then he knew you would become more angry if he follows you. So he decides to leave you alone

You never thought you would love your enemy , you were waiting for the moment you meet Eliza and her boyfriend , you thought Jungkook was a play boy , and he came to kill you too

Thanks for reading , and please vote ,do comment and let me know how you felt about my ff. The next part will be released tomorrow:)

Kookie's Childhood Love- short Story [JJk ff] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now