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V and you keep talking for a long time. Talking to V really heals your pain
It was late and you had to return to your room


All of them were ready for the class , Jk was already there and was sitting alone , you went and sat next to him and Suga sat next to you, you were whispering with Jk the whole time, Suga was sleeping , and all others too were talking to eachother .

That day's class got over . All were planning to go for a club and you deny.

Nisa: why aren't you joining us Y/n

Y/n: I'm feeling too tired , I think I should take some rest as I didn't have enough sleep yesterday

Nisa: ok , would you like to join us Jk?

V: yeah , come along with us

Jk: no guys , I have some assignment to be done , I'll join you all next time ... have fun ...

Nisa: ohk , anyways Y/n is also alone, you guys be together and take care
Y/n : yeah , bye guys, Enjoy ....

Everyone : bye

Jk : Y/n would you like to accompany me to the library?

Y/n: sure , I'll finish my favorite novel and you complete your assignment . That way I'll be able to sleep peacefully as I'm curious what happens next in that novel

Jk : yeah , that's a good idea

You both go to the library

Jk sat in a bench and you go in search of your favorite book

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Jk sat in a bench and you go in search of your favorite book . You found it and go back to the bench

Jk: wow , this is a really good novel , I like it too

Y/n : ohh , have you read it ?

Jk: yes , I've read it twice

Y/n: oh that's great , I have 15 more pages to read

Jk: ok , the ending is really nice

Y/n : ohh , then I'll finish it today

There was complete silence for some time

Y/n : ohhh, finally, such a nice ending

Jk : yes , it's really awesome and this book was suggested by my brother

Y/n : ohh , I wish I had my brother with me now

Jk : I'm sorry , I reminded you of your brother again , please don't cry again

Y/n : no, I'm fine

Jk: thank God

You smile.

Jk: let's go to the restaurant nearby and cheer you up , anyways I've finished my work , I'll treat you.

Y/n: anything special??

Jk: it's my birthday , so..

Y/n : ohh sorry , I didn't know that. Wish you a very happy birthday

Jk: thanks , get ready and meet me near the library

Y/n : ok , I'll be back in 15 mins .

You got ready in an elegant dress , you were looking really beautiful (looking as if you were going for a date xD )

Jk was waiting near the library wearing a black coat and he too was looking too handsome

Y/n : hey Kookie, I'm ready

(He just felt his heart skip a beat as he heard you call him by his nickname)

Jk: h-how do you know my nickname

Y/n: it was written in your book

Jk : ohh
kk let's go
(He tried to cut the awkwardness)

You both go to the restaurant which was fully reserved, there were no other people except you both

Jk made you sit and asked you to wait for a few minutes

Jk went to the washroom

Jk : oh god , help me

Jk came out after a couple of minutes.

Jk : Y/n , I have something to tell you

Y/n : yes tell me

Jk: come here

You stood up and went near him.

Jk: Y/n , I wanted to tell this from a long time, and I'm sure you wouldn't have recognized me , I'm Jeon Jungkook .

Y/n : omg!! You are the one , my childhood classmate , I was thinking that your name was familiar ..by the way you have changed a lot .

Jk : yes , I had proposed you that time , but by the time you were going to reply , we were graduated and had no way of contact.

Y/n : hmm yes , I couldn't decide

Jk: ok , that's fine. But now I'm here to tell you , I'm truly in love with you , I never thought that we will meet again , and the reason why I came back from US is you

Y/n: what? Really??

Jk: yes , I really don't know what to tell , I'm bad at confessing my feelings .. so..... will you be mine? And will you accept me , too be yours , forever

You stood still for sometime.

Y/n's mind : even I liked him and wanted to accept his first proposal , but I couldn't , anyways I have another chance now

Y/n : yes ( you tell while tears were crossing your eyelids )

Jk was really happy, he wiped your tears again and hugged you , then you both kissed eachother , he then bent down on his knees and took a small box from his pocket , opened it , and took the ring in his hands . You happily offered your hand . He then slides the ring onto your finger and hug you again .

 He then slides the ring onto your finger and hug you again

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Nisa and others enter the restaurant . Everyone starts clapping and RM starts to whistle , V was too happy for you.

Y/n: how did you all get to know we're here

V: Jk invited us , and he was the one who sent us to the club before

Y/n : kookie??

Jin: yes Y/n (laughing)

Y/n : oh , so you all knew this is gonna happen

V: yes

Jimin: happy birthday jungkook
All others too wish him and celebrated his birthday

Thank you for reading.., and continue reading , the next part will be published by Saturday :)

Kookie's Childhood Love- short Story [JJk ff] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now