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You were too sad , you returned to the hostel through cab .You then went to your room and hugged Nisa, you cried hard and harder.

Nisa knew something was wrong, but she didn't ask you anything because she thought that if she asked about it , then you would continue crying more , she tried to cool you down and distract you

After a long time you stopped crying and you slept as you were crying

Nisa woke you up in the morning and told you to get ready for the class

You both got ready and reached the class, you were thinking about your brother's incident the whole time.

Jk wanted to sit next to you but you sat next to V , and Jimin was on the other side, Jk could do nothing but sit next to V

Jk: Hello V , Y/n has misunderstood me, she is not even giving me a chance to talk, please tell her to speak to me and also tell her that I can explain everything, it's not what she is thinking.

V: oh !! That's why she is too sad and moody . I'll try convincing her

Jk: thanks a lot V , you are the only one who could help me out now

V: I'll sort it out for sure, don't worry

Jk: thanks to you again for filling my hope

After the class V called you and told you that he wanted to talk to you personally, you went to his room

He then made you sit

V: what happened Y/n ? What's wrong between you and Jk?
Y/n : you tell everything to V
V: ohh ...
The door was being knocked , V went and opened the door

It was Jk

Jk : please Y/n , give me a chance to talk

You just push him and walked to your room, you then closed the door with anger

V and Jk came to your room door , but you didn't open the door

Jk was about to cry and V understood that

V: don't worry Jungkook , everything will be fine, it's just that she is angry on you , she doesn't hate you . You go to your room and relax

Jk then hugs V and cries

V: don't cry Jungkook.. Trust me , everything will be alright

V and Jk then return to their rooms

V's POV : is it really Jk who killed James? No, how could it be, he is a very nice guy, I don't think this is true, there is something that Y/n misunderstood for sure

TIME SKIP(A week later)
You recieved a call from your mom . You were too glad to see that your mom called you

You then picked the call

Y/n/m : hello Y/n , how are you(crying)

Y/n : I'm fine mom, are you alright , why are you crying

Y/n/m : come home Y/n , I'll tell you everything

Y/n packed her bag and left without informing anyone

You reached your home

and your mom was waiting outside

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and your mom was waiting outside

Y/n/m: come Y/n , come!!

Y/n you hugged your mom and went in

Y/n/f : hey Y/n , you're here

Y/n : yes

Y/n/f : (holds your hands and tells) we are so sorry, I'm ashamed to treat you like that, we misunderstood you as the murderer

Your father's tears fell on your hands and you felt his pain

Y/n : it's alright dad, I'm very happy that you both accepted me as your daughter again , that is all I needed

Y/n/m : there's is something else too which you need and deserve the most

Y/n: what is that mom?

Y/n/m: jungkook

Y/n : what?? Jungkook? How do you know about him

Y/n/f : he is very good guy , he is the one who was protecting you from all dangers , yesterday he had come home and asked us the permission to marry you , and that shows his character.

Y/n : and? What did you tell dad??

Y/n/m : we were so happy to accept him and you too love him right?

Y/n: no mom, I hate him the most , he is the one who killed James

Y/n/f : no, he isn't

Y/n: yes dad. He killed James

Y/n/f : he told us everything, he also told us that you were angry on him, but I didn't know you started hating him
Y/n: it's not the truth dad , don't believe him

Y/n/f : no dear , I could feel his genuinity

Meanwhile Y/n's mom had prepared the dinner

Y/n/m : the dinner is ready, you can have and then talk

Y/n/f : yes , come Y/n let's have dinner

You were speaking about your college and studies so you forgot about Jk

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You were speaking about your college and studies so you forgot about Jk. The only thing that mattered you was that you were happy as mom and dad understood you .

You were tired so you slept.

Thanks for reading and supporting. Please vote and the next part will be published on Tuesday :)

Kookie's Childhood Love- short Story [JJk ff] (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now