5: whats wrong u've been asking

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"I was supposed to get a call from Gabriel like a day ago, and he still hasn't called back. So I reported him missing," Fabio explained, as he kept his phone into his pocket once again.

"So by any chance, have you seen him? He was supposed to be driving for an indie band called Wallows until today, but he hasn't been in contact." He finished as Braeden and Rik shared a small look of panic.

Fabio looked between the two with a small look of confusion, before raising his eyebrows. "Um...do you know anything?" He asked, slightly prodding them for a answer, which Rik replied to with a shake of her head.

"No we haven't, sorry." Rik answered with a small smile, as she shrugged her shoulders. Right at that time, she heard someone at the counter tell her order number, so she flashed both of them an apologetic smile, before quickly slipping out of the booth to go get their order.

As she left, Fabio and Braeden sat in an awkward silence before Fabio let out a small sigh, signalling that he was about to leave.

"Thanks for giving me your time anyways. I'll get going now." He murmured, getting up from his seat and making his way out of Taco Bell. Right as he got out of the booth, he stopped and turned before facing Braeden, who gulped nervously.

"Oh by the way, did anyone ever tell you look like that guy from Wallows? You know, the lead guitarist?" Fabio added on, as he started to walk away, leaving the Taco Bell.

Since his gaze was focused on Fabio's back, he didn't notice Rik sneaking her way back, with the bags of food before she slammed her hand on the table with a loud 'thud!'. This caused Braeden to let out a tiny scream in surprise, as he wrenched his head to the side to see Rik looking at him with a smug smile.

"Ok hurry up, I want to go to the gas station and grab some more things before we head back."  She said as a matter of factly, before turning on her heel and making her way towards the exit.

This caused Braeden to stumble to his feet, as he tried to climb out of the booth as fast he could, to try and catch up to her again.

"Wait, wait up for me!"

Meanwhile, back at the tour bus, Gabbie was slowly reaching towards the locked bunker, with Ruby behind her, her pan in hand. She shared a small look with Gabbie, as she gulped a little nervously, before bracing herself for the best.

Counting down from 3, Gabbie quickly unlocked the lock and flung the bunker door open, which caused the large man inside to fall out, due to how suddenly she had thrown the door back. The man landed on the floor with a loud thud, as Gabbie slightly grimaced at the scene.

Ruby stood cautiously with her frying pan, ready to hit him, as she looked over at Gabbie with a small frown. "Hey Gabbie, pass the duct tape over."

<small time skip>

The man, who the rest had learnt, was called Gabe, was now tied up in a chair, and was sitting next to Dylan. All of them sat in silence for a little bit before Gabbie broke it.

"What are we going to do with Gabe? I don't really want him around. Maybe we should just kill him." She suggested, scratching her chin slightly, in deep thought.

Gabe's eyes widened at this statement as he let out a startled noise. "No, don't kill me! It was a big upsi that I ended up in this stupid situation with all of you!" He protested, as Dylan let out a small awkward cough.

"What are we going to do with him?" Ruby murmured, letting out a small sigh.

"Anyways I'm just going to go back to setting up the Bluetooth speaker."

With those words, Gabbie walked over to the speaker she was trying to work, and went back to pressing around the buttons, hoping that it would magically turn on. In return, Cole started giving her instructions on how to work it again.

"Turn the knob to the right! That's your left!!"

"I'm trying! Why did you get such a complicated speaker?!"

With those words, everything went back to how it was before Gabe had interrupted them. Ruby let out a small sigh before she went back to the seats, and laid on them, letting out a small irritated sigh.

She was getting hungier and hungrier by the second and wondered why the hell they were taking so long.

"Hello?!? I'm still here!! You can't ignore me?!!"

Once again, Gabe was ignored as they all went back to doing their own things.

Pushing the door of the gas station, Braeden and Rik walked out with more bags, filled with snacks so that they would have something to eat on the road.

Rik was drinking her caprisun in peace, as she started to head back to the tour bus, expecting Braeden to be right behind her. A loud cough sounded behind her, which caused her to stop and turn around, only to see Braeden standing shyly, as he was looking at the ground.

"Can we go to the bathroom.....I gotta go.." He mumbled out as his hand fiddled with the top of his La Croix can.

Rik's eyebrows furrowed together as she eat out a small sigh. She shook her head slightly before walking towards the bathroom, lightly pushing Braeden's back, as she ushered him to go to the bathroom quickly.

When they got into the bathroom, Braeden looked around cautiously before stepping into the stall, and locking it quickly.

"Don't come in by the way."

"Why the hell would I want to come in??" Rik questioned with a dumbfounded expression on  her face. Braeden just kept getting weirder and weirder by the minute.

"Wait how can you even pee when your hands are tied?"

After a few minutes, Braeden unlocked the stall and came out, looking slightly ruffled as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. "I just know a few tricks." He said as a matter of factly as he washed his hands.

Rik let out another sigh as she leaned against the sink, waiting for Braeden to be done so they could head back to the bus. They already had taken long enough with that weird Fabio guy and his questions.

A small scoff interrupted the silence in the bathroom, which caused Braeden and Rik to look over to whoever was at the entrance of the bathroom.

It was a rather tall, scrawny looking man with long brow hair. He was wearing the Taco Bell uniform and had a small tag that read manager under his name tag.

"Next time don't be indecent in public." He scoffed, as he eyed Braeden's hands which were bound by the silk ribbon, before quickly walking into another empty stall.

As he walked past, Rik snuck a quick look at his name tag, which read 'Benicio.' "Whatever you say, Benis Penis." She grumbled as she looked over to see that Braeden was done with washing his hands.

Thus they both set off on their way to the tour bus once again.

They finally arrived at the tour bus moments later, with all of the bags in tow.

"You guys are finally back! Let's eat, I'm starving." Dylan exclaimed as Rik passed Gabbie the Taco Bell bag, watching everyone burst out in small chatter.

"Um, how are we going to eat though?" Cole asked quietly as he referred to their still, tied hands. To which Ruby just smiled at this statement.

"Simple, we'll just feed you."

So then Ruby fed Dylan, whilst Gabbie and Rik fed Braeden and Cole respectively.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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