1: the plan

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it was a decent day in Rhode Island, where there was an upcoming concert for the band Wallows. Unbeknownst to them, three idiot girls had devised a plan to ruin their whole concert.

Gabbie was sitting in the passengers seat of her white minivan, her fingers nervously tapping against the steering wheel, her eyes darting around cautiously. Rik and Gabbie were sitting in the van, waiting for Ruby to come back with the items they needed to carry out their 'plan.'

Fiddling nervously with the edge of her Beatles shirt, Gabbie jumped slightly in her seat when she heard the back of the minivan opening, before quickly turning around.

It was Ruby, who had a plastic bag full of things which she could only assume that had the items that were necessary. While eating a jolly rancher, Ruby opened and ruffled through the bag before pulling out three coloured bracelets.

A moment of silence passed through them before Rik spoke up.

"Ruby what the fuck I told you to get ski masks."

To which Ruby replied with a shrug of her shoulders, still eating her Jolly ranchers.

"They didn't have any left! What did you want me to do!??" She shot back before picking the red bracelet for herself.

Gabbie looked between Ruby and Rik before reaching out for the pink bracelet, which by default left Rik the orange bracelet.

"Well we can't get caught now because they're going to see our faces." Gabbie piped in, before putting her own bracelet on.

Hesitantly, Rik reached out for the last bracelet and put it on before Ruby rummaged through the bag and pulled out a piece of notebook paper.

"So guys, I made a list of fool-proof steps and as long as we do this step by step, we should be able to finish this successfully." Ruby declared with a small smile on her face as she held out the sheet of paper in front of her.

As Gabbie inched closer to the paper to see what the actual hell the steps were, she couldn't help but feel excited about this whole plan.

She was finally going to see Dylan Minnette and Braeden Lemasters. Who cares about that Cole Preston guy?!??


The plan was simple. Rik and Gabbie would go distract Wallows and the working staff whilst Ruby broke into the Tour Bus and got rid of their current driver, who was some nasty Bitch called Gabriel Munõz or something.

Ruby fixed her Beatles shirt whilst looking in the bathroom mirror, before putting on her black cap and black jacket with a small shudder.

'The Beatles shirt will come in handy later.' She thought to herself as she took in a big breath before stepping out of the bathroom.

Looking to her right, she saw Rik and Gabbie head off into the concert venue through the 'Staff Only' door. Glancing around quickly, she made sure no one was around before she snuck up to the Tour Bus.

Luckily for her, the bus driver, Gabriel was dumb enough to leave the bus door right open.
She saw the fat bitch, Gabe, sleeping in the drivers seat with his mouth open, and loudly snoring.

'He be kinda cute doe.' Ruby thought to herself before shaking her head. 'This man looked like he hadn't taken a shower in days.'

Ruby sucked in a huge breath as she started to walk towards him, with her frying pan in hand. With each step she took, she got more and more nervous, and nearly backed out. Nearly.

When she stopped right in front of Gabe, she held up the frying pan high, ready to smash it into his skull, she accidentally stepped on a
Jolly Rancher that she had dropped without noticing. The loud crunch of the candy under her foot, had alerted the sleeping giant, which caused his eyes to snap open.

Upon seeing that he was awake, panic filled her body and before she realised what she was doing, she let out a involuntary scream before swinging the pan down onto Gabe's big fat head, which made a loud 'bonk' sound on impact.

The brute force of the accidental assault caused Gabe to slip into unconsciousness as Ruby continued to panic on the spot, in fear that someone might walk past and see this unfortunate scene. Gabe's body slumped against the driver'a seat and Ruby looked around the front of the seat, trying t find any button that could hopefully close the door.

A bright red button on the right of the steering  wheel caught her attention and without a second thought, she slammed her first into it.
She half-expected the tour bus to just go into alarm mode but to her surprise, the front door of the tour bus closed slowly.

Ok, now that the door was closed, she had to lug this lump of a man, somewhere to the back and additionally, had to hide his body.

She looked around the bunk areas of the bus before seeing that each one had a suitcase in it. Getting annoyed with the amount of suitcases, she randomly picked a bunker and pulled the suitcase out before setting it to the side. Then she started to haul Gabe out of the driver's seat, which was quite difficult due to how big of a person he was, compared to her small frame.  With a lot of  time-consuming effort, Ruby finally managed to get Gabe into the empty bunker before locking and closing the bunker bed flap-thing.

Dusting her hands off with a smile on her face, she turned around to head back to the minivan to get her things, when her foot came into contact with the suitcase she had set aside earlier. Not wanting to go through the hassle of finding a place to keep it, she decided she would toss it in the trash while she was on the way to the minivan to collect their things.

She headed back over to the Drivers seat, where Gabe's phone was, and quickly slipped it into her jacket's pocket before pressing the button to open the door, and slipped out quickly to get her things.

<short time skip or sometjing im lazy ok>

Ruby returned back to the tour bus, with three duffel bags in hand and another jolly rancher in her mouth. She slipped past the drivers seat making her way to the back of the tour bus where the comfortable sofa part was. She tossed the duffel bags and stretched with a small smile, glad that things had gone on quite well until this point.

She threw herself into the sofa seat and sunk into the comfortable padding of the Seat AS she let out a sigh of relief.

Bzzt! Bzzt!

Raising an eyebrow at the small vibrations coming out of her pocket, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, seeing that her phone had lit up with three new text notifications from Rik.

'hey ruby we'll see you in half an hour.'

'did you even get into the bus'

'anyways gabbies talking to braeden and cole right now but we havent seen dylan and hes not here'

Reading through the texts quickly, Ruby groaned as she forced herself to leave the comforts of her chair. A small sigh escaped her lips as she slowly made her way to the front of the bus. Just when she was relaxing, her plans had to be interrupted.

She thought avout the texts Rik had sent before  about one specific part of the text. What exactly did she mean that Dylan wasn't there?

Her question got answered as her eyes looked over to the front of the bus, where instead of seeing the interior of the bus, her own eyes clashed with hazy light grey eyes.

Her lazy smile morphed into a shocked expression as the figure's face mirrored the exact same emotions.

Spluttering a cough, she slightly staggered back  in shock, while processing who was standing in front of her.

"Logan Lerman?!??"

"Excuse me who the hell are you?!??"

I fucking hate this

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