When he cheats on you : Jk

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Lately, Jungkook has been acting strange. Whenever he's around you, he acts nervous. Or he can be standing right next to you, but he seems distant like he's not even there.

He's also been coming home late. You've asked why and he just says he's staying late for work. You never questioned it because you trust him. But since he started to act weird, you became curious as to what he was actually doing. Still, you haven't said anything to him.

And tonight wasn't any different than any other night. Here you were, still awake at 10:30 at night, waiting for him. You sigh looking at the time. Another hour goes by and you start to feel sleepy.

Just as you're about to fall asleep, the lock on the door clicks, causing you to jolt up off the couch. In comes a tired looking Jungkook and he shuts the door. "Hey Kookie." You mutter and he glances at you with a small smile that disappears in less than a second once he's not looking at you.

"Umm, Jungkook.. can we talk?" Your voice is quiet. He sighs and walks towards you. "Not now babe. I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow." He quickly pecks your cheek, as if he doesn't want to kiss you, and then heads up to your shared bedroom. You stand there feeling hurt.

You sigh and decided to just go to bed. Once your in your room, Jungkook is already laying in his side of the bed. When you lay down and turn to face him, his back is towards you. You go to touch him but stop yourself and pull your and back. He's been like this for almost a month now and you can't remember the last time he cuddled you while sleeping. Tears begin to fill your eyes as you stare at his bare back. You cover your mouth as you begin to cry not wanting to wake him up.

But he's wide awake and can hear you. It hurts him knowing that he's hurting you. The one he promised to always be there for and never hurt, yet here he was doing the opposite. He hates that he's been lying to you, so he figured if he distanced himself from you, it would make it easier. But he was wrong. He can see the hurt in your eyes and hear the sadness in your voice everyday.

The next morning, you wake up to see Jungkook already gone. What was I expecting? You thought as you looked at his side of the bed. He's never here when you wake up.

Your phone catches your attention, and you notice it's your best friend.
"Hey Yoongi." You say as a smile spreads across your face. "Hey. You busy?" You think for second. "No, why?"
"Well, I'm back from my trip and was wondering if you want to go get some breakfast. I'm starving." He says and you giggle. "Sure."

"Cool. I'll be there in 15." He hangs up and you get up to get ready. Not long after your done, the doorbell rings and run to open the door. "Yoongi!" You hug him and he chuckles, hugging you back. You missed since he was away on a trip for a while.

You two end up at a nearby cafe. After you had ordered your food, you sat down at a table and Yoongi can instantly tell something was off with you. "Y/N... what's wrong?" He asks and you can see the concern in his eyes. You sigh and look down at your coffee.

"It's Jungkook. He just been distant lately." You look back up at him. He goes to say something, but when his eyes go behind you after hearing the bell above the door ring, he closes his mouth and his jaw clenches. Curious, you turn around to look, only to regret it right after.

It was Jungkook, walking in while holding another girls hand. As they sat down at a table, he wraps an arm around her and smiles. The same smile he used to give you. What really broke your heart is when he leaned in and kissed her. The tears blurred your vision, and you turned away not wanting to watch anymore. Yoongi's face clearly showed anger.

He stands up, ready to walk over there. But you grab his wrist to stop him. "Don't." Your voice cracks. His eyes soften when they meet your red ones and his heart breaks. "Just take me home please." He sighs with a nod and you both leave without Jungkook noticing you.

The ride home was quiet, but the second you got home and closed the door, you started to cry uncontrollably. You were in Yoongi's in less than a second. You felt like you were suffocating and your heart shattered into a million pieces. So this is why he's so distant.

Yoongi on the other hand wanted to beat the shit out of him. Yoongi loved you but never said anything since you were with Jungkook. And now seeing the woman he loves fall apart in his arms because of him, he wasn't to hurt him, bad. He wants to wall out that door, back to the cafe and slam Jungkook's face into the table. But he'll hold himself back for you.

After a while, you told Yoongi you'll be ok and just want to be alone for a while. He was hesitant to leave but he respected your decision on wanting to be alone and left. Now here you were, sitting on the couch, in the quiet, all alone. You curl your knees up and hug them as you stare at the floor.

Next thing you knew, it was dark out. Time went by so fast and you've been sitting here for so long and stuck in your thoughts, that hours had only felt like minuets. Just then, the door opens and Jungkook comes in. He notices your red and puffy eyes from crying and his eyebrows scrunch. "Baby, what's wrong?" Your jaw clenches at that name he usually calls you and your sad and hurt gaze turns into a glare.

"I think me and you need to talk....."


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