The hate becomes to much for you: Jimin

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
This mentions an eating disorder so if you are not comfortable, please do not read and skip this chapter.

Hate. That's all you've been getting. You knew dating an idol was going to be hard, but after you and Jimin finally came out, it became hell for you. And you've been receiving a lot of hate since. Even a few deaths threats, which you haven't told Jimin about.

Right now you were scrolling through the comments on a picture Jimin had posted of you and him. "Can't wait to come home. I miss you love. Just a few more months." Jimin had already been away on tour for a month an a half, and you miss him like crazy. And now you need him more than ever because of the things you're reading.

Usually he'd tell you not to read them or don't believe what they're saying, but since he's not here, you read them anyways. You can't help but let a few tears slip as you read each one.

"Ew. She's so ugly."

"How can Jimin be with such a fat person?"

"Ugh, she needs to lose weight."

"Her face is too chubby. Maybe if she lost a few pounds, she'd be pretty."

"She looks like a cow compared to Jimin."

You shut the laptop closed and by now you had a waterfall of tears running down your face. You get up and look in mirror. "Maybe they're right I'm too fat and ugly for Jimin." You sniffle as a few more tears roll down your cheeks.

After that day, you started dieting and exercising, in a healthy way. Eating healthy food, at least an hour of exercise a day. You weren't too worried about the number on the scale and were able to shed off a few pounds. But you weren't happy with it after a while.

That's when you started to become obsessed with getting that number on the scale smaller. Your workouts became longer and more intense. You started to restrict yourself on how much you were eating. Counting your calories, only allowing yourself to eat so many in a day.

If you thought you ate too much in one sitting, you would skip a meal. Soon skipping one meal turned into one after another. And then you were barely eating anything. You were even scared to drink water because that puts weight on. You didn't realize how thin you were getting. Even when you were underweight of what you were supposed to be, it still wasn't enough.

There had been countless times where had woken up on the floor because of you passing out. Yet, you still continued what your doing.

It was finally time for Jimin to come home. You were happy you finally get see your boyfriend after so long. You were in your bedroom when you heard the front door open. "Hey love I'm home!" You got up from your bed, feeling a little dizzy but still ran to him. He has a huge smile on his face and opened his arms. You ran into him and You both hugged each other tightly.

But Jimin noticed something. He noticed how small you felt compared to the last time he hugged. So when you pulled away, he was shocked. Your cheeks were now caved in. Your jawline was sharper. You looked tired and pale. Your once cute and chubby face was now gaunt looking and you looked sick. Worry was instantly shown on his face.

That's when he started examine the rest of your body. Your shirt was really loose and your shorts didn't even touch your legs. You started to become anxious as Jimin eyed you. Is it still not enough? But that thought went away when you saw the tears starting to build up in his eyes.

He pulled you closer, feeling how extremely thing your waist was through your shirt. When he lifts up your shirt, his bottom lip starts to quiver once he sees that your ribs and hip bones are starting to pop out. "B-baby... why.." he couldn't even finish his sentence due to the lump in his throat. You quickly pull your shirt down and take a few steps back.

But he gently grabs you and pulls you closer to him again. "What happened to you?" His voice is cracking he speaks. Finally you break down into tears. He picks you up and sits on the couch, sitting you on his lap. He carefully holds you because he afraid he's going to break you.

"I- I just.." you stopped because of your sobs. "Shhh, it's ok. Just breathe." You cried on his shoulder for a good 10 minutes before finally calming down. "Tell me, what happened." He looked into your eyes and you can see the worry and sadness in his. "I read the comments and I thought maybe if I lost a few pounds, I'd be prettier," the tears started to build up again and your lip quivered, "but it got out of hand and nothing I did was enough." A tear slips and he wipes it away.

"Baby," his voice comes out as a whisper, "don't listen to what other people say. You don't have to change for me or anyone. You are perfect and and beautiful the way you are." You can tell he's fighting his tears. "We'll do everything we can to get you help and get you better. Ok?" You nod as another tear slips.

And he did get you help. It took a while, but finally after months, you began to put weight back on. Your cheeks started to fill out, you clothes fit you better and your bones weren't popping out anymore. Jimin was happy to see you happy and healthy again. And you were happy you had someone as loving and supportive as Jimin.

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