He's forced to break up with you : Taehyung

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Taehyung loved you more than he loved himself. He was glad he found a girl like you. Everything about you made him fall in love with you more and more everyday. Your smile, your laugh and even the way you talked. Sometimes you had a little stutter and he thought it was cute. He loved the way you listened to him when he had stressful day. The way you ran your fingers through his hair to make him fall asleep. He loved you.

So when he was told by his company he has to break up with you or he was out of the band killed him. He was told you were a distraction and that he was lacking. They gave him two weeks. He was torn between wanting to be with you and wanting to stay with his band members. He didn't want to break your heart but he also didn't want to disappoint his brothers. It was slowly killing him.
Before he knew it, the two weeks was up and he still hasn't made a decision.

He starred at your face as you slept on his chest and gently tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You soon flutter your eyes open and looked up at him with a smile, revealing a dimple. Even though he's hurting on the inside, he hides it pretty well and forces a smile that seems real.

"Morning." You say and he stares into your eyes. "Good morning beautiful." You sit up a little bit to give him a kiss. Before you could pull away, he holds your face to kiss you again. He loved the feeling of your lips against his, knowing it's the last he'll be able to kiss you. After a few minutes, you decided to get up and make you two some breakfast.

While you were making breakfast, Taehyung took a quick shower and went out into the kitchen when he was done. He sat at the table and watched you as were making the plates. You didn't realize he was sitting there since you were still humming and dancing around. He smiled but also felt a lump from in his throat. But he swallowed it away when you turned around and jumped a little bit, causing him to giggle a little bit.

"Oh my god Tae. Don't startled me like that." You both laugh and you bring a plate to him and sit by him. You both were eating, but you were so focused on your food, you didn't notice Taehyung starring at you the whole time. Just do it. His mind told him but his lips stayed sealed. He finished his plate and had to leave. He needed to get out of there so he came up with an excuse saying he needed to be in a meeting early that morning.

When he got to the company building, he quickly went into Namjoon's studio. "Taehyung. Is everything ok?" He asks him and Taehyung shakes his head as tears build up. He flops down on the couch and sniffles. Your smiling face flashes through his mind and he slowly begins to lose it. Namjoon sighs with a worried look and makes his way over to Taehyung. He doesn't say anything as he watches the younger one cry. He knows how much pain Taehyung is in and he wants to help him as much as he can. He's also pissed off that the company is making him choose between you and them. Taehyung finally found someone who makes him happy and they want to take that away from him.

Taehyung was a mess the whole day. He couldn't dance during practice. He couldn't sing because his voice would crack due to crying. The rest of bangtan were extremely worried. Seeing how much this is tearing him apart made them feel upset and also guilty. Guilty because he decided to chose them over you. They loved Taehyung like a brother and they ended up seeing you as their sister. He had to do it today or he was out of the band. So when it was time for him to go home, he needed to come up with a way to do it quick.

When he got home, he stood in front of the door for a 10 minuets before walking in. When he walked in, you instantly came running up to him and wrapped your arms around him. But he kept his arms hanging until he gently pushed you away. His face was stone cold, causing you to tilt your head. "What's wrong?" I'm sorry.

"Look," he starts and his voice is flat, "we.. we can't be together anymore." You scrunch your eyebrows. "What?" Your voice is small and his heart begins to collapse on itself because of what he's about to say to you. "We need to break up." He watches as your face falls and your lips slightly part. "I don't love you anymore." Coward. He sees the tears beginning to form into your eyes and lump in his throat comes back but he still keeps his cold face.

"I lost my feelings for you a long time ago and should have done this sooner." His sees you slowly falling apart and his heart has completely shattered. He turns around so you can't see his tears building up in his eyes and also to leave. He opens the door and only turns his head a little bit to speak. "And this will be the last time you ever see me." And with that, he closed the door.

When he stood outside the door, he heard a thump, assuming you collapsed and he heard your loud sobs. He slides down the door and covers his mouth as he cries, listening to you. He hates himself for doing this to you. He hates that he broke you. "I'm so sorry." He whispers as he continues to listen to you. The woman he loves is now completely broken and falling apart because of him.

He can't listen any longer, because if he does, he'll run back in there and hold you and tell you he's not leaving you. That everything is ok and that he's forced to do this. So he picks himself up and walks away. He takes one last look and walks away, knowing it's the last he'll ever see you.

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