Hoseok: Saving you

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
This mentions depression, self harm, and suicide. If you are not comfortable, please do not read and skip this chapter.

Alone. That's all you've been your whole life. Alone. Your mother had died when you were young. Your father is a raging alcoholic and was abusive towards you. And your older sister had committed suicide a few years ago. You started cutting after that and haven't stopped. You don't have any friends. You were a loner back in high school and you still are.

Family? You don't have any. They had all disowned your father a long time ago for being the way he was and your mother was an orphan who never got adopted.

You don't go to college. You can't. You're the one that has to work two jobs, sometimes three, to pay the bills and then your father takes whatever you have left to buy booze.

Currently, you were walking on the wet side sidewalk, stepping in a few puddles here and there. It had been raining the few days, so when it finally cleared up, you decided to go out for a walk. It was dark out and the streets are completely empty.

You get to a bridge and stop in the middle. What if I just end it here? I have no one left. Those thoughts flood your mind as you stare at the water below. You climb over the rail and stand on the edge. A single tear rolls down your cheek. You suck in a deep breath as you let go and plummet to the water below.

You hit the water and it feels like needles are jabbing you all over your body. It's that time of year where the water is freezing. You let out the air you were holding and begin to sink to the bottom. Holding your breath for so long, you had the urge to breathe in, and so you did. It was painful to say the least. The street light above becomes fuzzy as you begin to lose conscious. Right before you black out, a loud splash is heard and then it goes dark.

"Come on, wake up." You hear a man say. You can feel some sort of pressure on your chest. Just then, your eyes shoot open and you cough up a bunch of water. You look up at the person, but can't get a good look at their face due to your blurry vision. "Don't worry, an ambulance is on the way." He says and your eyes slowly start to close again. "No no no, stay with me." And then darkness.

You wake up to a loud annoying beeping sound. You open your eyes and squint them at the bright light. Where am I? You look to your left and see a man you don't know asleep in a chair not to far from you. That's when you notice your in the hospital. When you look at the man again, his eyes are open and he smiles at you. "You're awake."

He sits up in the chair and stretches a little. "What happened? Why am I here?" I should be dead. He sighs. "I saw you jump, so I went after you and pulled you out." Your jaw clenches and you tear up. "Why? You should've let me die." Your voice comes out a little meaner than it was supposed to.

Still, he stays calm with you snapping at him. "I wasn't going to stand by and watch you kill yourself. I've been there before so I know what it's like. And I couldn't watch you do that." A tear rolls down your cheek. "How could you possibly know what it's like?" Your voice cracks.

He sighs and puts his arm up on the bed. He rolls up his sleeve, revealing a scare that starts at his wrist and goes all the way to where his arm bends. "Does that answer your question?" His voice is still calm. So he's also attempted. Guilt comes over you. "I'm sorry." Your voice barely comes out as a whisper.

He smiles and rolls down his sleeve. "It's ok." You sigh. "How long have I been here?" He thinks for a few seconds. "Mm, couple of days. I've been waiting for you to wake up." He says causing your eyes to widen a bit. He's come here everyday? But why? Your confused as to why someone who doesn't know you, would wait for you to wake up. But knowing he was here makes you feel a little happy. Like someone cares. Don't get your hopes up. Once you're out, he'll leave you like everyone else. You try and push that thought away.

You nod and sniffle. "I'm Hoseok. He's giving you a smile that melts your heart, causing you to smile. "I'm Y/N." He grabs your hand and holds it. "Well, it's nice to meet you Y/N." And your smile grows bigger.

You were released the next morning and Hoseok took you home. When he dropped you, he gave you his number and he told you if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call. At first for a while, you were hesitant to call him, not sure if you could trust him.

But you ended up calling him. And then after a while, you two started to become really close and you started to fall for him, and fast.

One night when you came home, all the lights were off. Suddenly, the lights came on and there stood your drunk father. As usual, he beat you senseless and took whatever money he could and left. You had laid on the floor for about an hour crying.

You finally decided to call Hoseok. When he heard you crying, he didn't waste another second to hang up and get to you. You never told him what your father did to you, so when he got there and seen you lying on the floor all cut and bruised up, he was angry.

It hurt him to see you like this. He held you in his arms as you cried. "Come on. I'm taking you out of here." You didn't argue and just nodded your head. You both got up and went to your room to pack a few things and you got out of there.

Once you got to his place, you just hugged him. "Thank you." He hugged you back and you feel a kiss on your forehead. When you look up at him, he smiles. "Be mine." He says and you blush. "I promise I won't ever hurt or leave you. And I'll always be here to take care of you, because I love you." Don't believe him. He'll hurt you like everyone else. You ignore the thought and smile. "Yes. And I love you too." You two finally kiss and felt like fireworks were going off.

You love him. And you will forever be grateful that you have someone like him by your side, because he saved you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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