chapter 6

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(Bryan's POV)

So Molten does care "we can fix Bryan's eye" twisted Bonnie said "how" Molten said excited he got to excited he started to jump up and down "the.. portal"twisted Bonnie said

I got thrown up and down I got to dizzy "M-MOLTEN c-can y-you s-stop I'm g-getting t-to d-dizzy" I said

"S-sorry Bryan" Molten said "bring Bryan out" Jon said "fine" Molten said "ekk" "clam down Bryan" Molten said

"Sorry" I said "Bryan your to cute  to handle when your so small" twisted chica said "*hiss* mine" Molten said

"What" I was blushing like crazy "nothing" Molten said I can see him blushing too does he like me

"Love bird~"Virtual Freddy said "real-"Rockstar Bonnie said before I cut him off "Virtual Freddy" I said "come on" twisted Bonnie said

"Yea" Rockstar Foxy said Molten put me on his head and carried me to the portal

"I'll put the calibration in the portal" twisted Bonnie said "Bryan what all did they do to you" Jon said

" I, rather not say anything" I said  the things they said " it's ok I understand, but I still say talk to someone about it" Jon said

"Twisted Bonnie said it's going to take awhile" Twisted Foxy said "I'll be back" Molten said we went to the old pizzeria the next to the portal we went in the office back room

Molten fell on his knees in pain I jumped off his head "Molten are you alright"I said worried "my head hurts alot"Molten said I can tell he's lieing

"Let's get back to the portal room" I said "where were you guy's" twisted chica said "you were gone for awhile" Helpy said

"They were probably making out" Virtual Freddy said "then we're the kid's" Lefty said

"Enough with that" Rockstar Bonnie said "into the portal Bryan" twisted Bonnie said he grab me and put me in the portal

I can see normally but I have cat ears and a wolf tail "that's one thing" twisted Foxy said "nay~" I said

Molten pass out "Molten" I said "we'll put him in your room" Rockstar Foxy said they put him in my bed I killed him

I lay beside him (or in gacha life under him) and fell asleep I love you, you stupid bear my

(The next day )

"Uuuhhhggg" Molten said "lay back down Molten" I said "why are we in the same bed, why"?!

"Because you passed out and I lay next you, and I was comfortable till you move" I said

"Fine kitty" Molten said "h-hey" I said and we fell asleep

(Jon's POV)

Wow I knew Molten gay, but not this much to call Bryan kitty just wow, but the way Bryan reacted maybe Virtual Freddy right

"I want you guys to stay out here except twisted Foxy and chica you guys on the balcony got it" I said "got it"

Ill do apart were things get 13+ or 18+ if this gets 10 votes like you 10 likes and thx for 233 reads that's awesome

Bryan X moltenWhere stories live. Discover now