chapter 16

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(Bryan's POV)

I woke up with molten on top of me "M-Molten" I said " what bry-" Molten said Molten got off me we went to the living room, and we saw uno cards

"This isn't normal" molten said Rockstar Bonnie is playing gold fish with lefty,helpy,baby, and ballora rockstar foxy is playing video games with twisted Bonnie, Twisted Chica, Twisted foxy shadow Bonnie is in the kitchen with rockstar Freddy

"Bryan walk back slowly" molten said " no" rockstar Bonnie said  "we made breakfast" shadow Bonnie said

(After breakfast)

"Lefty how did we end up one the bed after being in the closet you guys forgot about us for 30minutes" I said " what did you guys do when I was sleeping " rockstar Freddy said

"We played seven minutes in heaven" rockstar Bonnie said "you guys haven't been in there for 30minutes you guys may have been in there for 3hours" lefty said

Me and Molten looked at each other "*sigh*Lefty it's fi-" I said before passing out

(Lefty's POV)

Bryan passed out we saw Molten pass out to they turned into the size of toys Glitchtrap appeared "leave Glitchtrap" rockstar Freddy said

Glitchtrap picked up Bryan and Molten twisted Bonnie punched him some kind of purple subset
knock out Bonnie "twisted Bonnie" twisted chica said

Glitchtrap put Bryan and Molten in his backpack, ran somewhere in the house "hey get back here" I said

We all went in different ways "do you guys see him" I said "no it's to dark" helpy said "it's suspicious how there's no light in here" rockstar Freddy said

"I gues- mhhh " "lefty" rockstar Freddy and helpy said he turned me into the size of a toy and put me in his bookbag

I fell to the side I'm guessing he's running I crawled over to molten and slapped him he woke up and realized the situation we did the samething to him

"Let us out"I said "help" Bryan "get us out" molten said "we're trying" rockstar Freddy said Glitchtrap teleported "Freddy" Bryan said

"Shut up" Glitchtrap said Glitchtrap open the bookbag he grabbed Bryan "put him down" Molten said "help" Bryan said

( Vore waring)

Glitchtrap squeezed Bryan "ahh" Bryan said "FREDDY we need HELP" molten said "he can't hear you we're on the roof and you guys are the size of toys" Glitchtrap said

"I will kill you" Molten said he put Bryan in his mouth Bryan's legs were only showing "Bryan" Molten and I said he took me and molten out

He sat back up the others found us "Freddy help Bryan" I said Rockstar Freddy looked pissed off that Glitchtrap is eating Bryan

Glitchtrap had Bryan in his mouth completely "mmhhhh" " let Bryan out" twisted foxy said a smile on Glitchtrap face baby was hiding behind ballora

Rockstar Bonnie had a gun on him Glitchtrap teleported we're in a bedroom me and molten hit the bed the purple subsets had us pin on the bed

"Why the long faces" Glitchtrap said "I'm going to kill you fuck head" molten said "say that one more time" Glitchtrap said

"Molten stop" I said "no no no lefty I'm going to kill that fuck head" molten said Glitchtrap moved Bryan to the side and bit down "mmhhhh"

" Bryan "me and molten said we both saw blood coming out of his mouth Glitchtrap did it again "mhhh" Glitchtrap took Bryan out and show us he throw Bryan at a wall Bryan fell into water

Me and Molten ran to Bryan after the purple subsets disappeared me and molten had to climb a cabinet Bryan was in the water molten dived into the water

He got Bryan out he carried Bryan in his arms Bryan looked liked a lifeless body molten did C.P.R on him "come on Bryan" Molten said "I can't lose you" Molten said

Molten checked his heart beat he pushed on his chest again "please" molten said Bryan started coughing the water I can tell molten happy

I am to Bryan fell to his hands and knees still coughing up water and blood "M-Molten l-lefty" Bryan said Molten hugged him

"Molten" I said " yea lefty " Molten said "does Bryan looked..weaker" I said "yea" molten said Bryan looks so tired molten put Bryan on his back

We went back to the bed molten ripped off his jacket used it to stop the blood on his chest he ripped he's shirt too and used it for his leg


Go check out my other Bryan X Molten go give it some love it's has a lot of action in it

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