chapter 9

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(Bryan's POV)

I open my to see Cody "C-Cody why are you here. it's been years since I last saw you" I said "Misty,Kate, and I went to find you, but since now we know we're your here we're able to see all the time" Cody said

"No, not here at lease I'll come back to the hotel" I said "ok then bye Bryan or little bro" Cody said it's been forever since he call me that

I tried to walk but I just fell "you know I told you to stay in the bed right Bryan" twisted Bonnie said "come on" twisted Bonnie said

He put me back in the bed "here Bryan" twisted said as he handed me the pills I took "the bon" I said I went to Lefty area "Bryan you know how dangerous it is to be alone by yourself "Molten said

" exactly. HeHEhe " Glitchtrap said "go away,and why do you even want him" Molten said he put me behind him "I can't say all I can say is sweet dreams" Glitchtrap said he push me to the floor and gag Molten

Molten fell on the floor and Glitchtrap gag me and I soon passed out

(1hour later again)

I woke up my arms tie to my waist and my legs tie together looked over to Molten who is in the same pickle "M-Molten" I said "Bryan Bryan are you alright" Molten said "Molten were the up"I said

"I know Bryan" Molten said "" I wouldn't move to much" Glitchtrap said I saw Glitchtrap lick his lips and sit down in a chair "shadow Freddy can you help me" Glitchtrap said "sure" shadow Freddy said

Shadow Freddy grab me and pick me up "put him down" Molten said shadow Freddy put my head in Glitchtrap mouth "Bryan" Molten said they keep on going still I was his stomach

They put Molten in Glitchtrap mouth and sent him down "this is Bryan's last day being big" shadow Freddy said "I'll let them out at night" Glitchtrap said

"I'm going play them for a little bit " Glitchtrap said

(Glitchtrap's POV)

I went into my room I start to pick it up and drop it down "ack" Bryan and Molten said "will you stop, let us out" Molten said "later, and I'll get the ropes off of you"I said as teleport  the ropes off then

I went on to my bed "LET US OUT" Molten said he started to move around it felt amazing I just sat down

(Molten's POV)

"Bryan why don't you help" I said "your only making him happy, I tried before" Bryan and
"Ahh"Bryan head was on my chest and his hand was on my dick "B-Bryan don't move at all" I said "ok"Bryan said

(1hour later)

"Molten I feel weird" Bryan said "it's ok Bryan he's asleep, all we have to do is wait" I said "ok Molten" Bryan said

(2hours later \9 hours left)

"Bryan are you ok, you haven't said a word" I said "Bryan!" I said Glitchtrap is still asleep so where is Bryan "Bryan" I call for him again "can you get off me" Bryan said "I'm so sorry Bryan I didn't know you turned small again" I said I feel bad now

"I told you I felt weird" Bryan said "sorry" I said "can you...warm me up...please" Bryan said "fine" I said I put him in my pocket

(7 hours later)(nobody's POV)

"Glitchtrap it's time t-" shadow Freddy said *sigh* Shadow Freddy teleported Bryan and Molten out and back home

(Bryan's POV)

Molten went to the shower to get clean off and then he clean me off *yawn* "someone's tired"Molten said "can...we.." I said "sure" Molten said Molten put me in the bed

As he was about to leave I grabbed his arm "stay" I said "fine" Molten said he laid next to me "" I said " I love you my idiot " Molten said

Here are random things I ship

1.Bryan X Molten   1,000,000%  fuuucccck yyeess
2.Shadow Freddy X Glitchtrap   1,000%
3.Davis X Jon   1,000,900
4.rockstar Bonnie X rockstar foxy 10%
5.twisted foxy X twisted chica 1,00000,0000
6.Cody X Bryan 1million
7.Kate X Misty
8.ballora X a.i Afton
9.helpy X virtual Freddy

I have ship names for them

1. Bolten or Mryan or molten Freyan (Bryan X Molten)
2. Shadow fredtrap or glitchdy (Shadow Freddy X Glitchtrap)
3. Jovis or davon (Davis X Jon)
4. Fonnie or foxnie (Rockstar Bonnie X Rockstar Foxy)
5. Foxica or chioxy (Twisted Foxy X Twisted Chica)
6. Codryan or Brydy (Cody X Bryan)
7. Kaisty or Miste ( Kate X Misty)
8. A.I balton or aflora (a.i Afton X ballora)
9. Virtual helpdy or  virtual Fredpy (virtual Freddy X helpy)

Tell me what you ship in the comments word count 823

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