Chapter 3

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You got home, clearly smiling and remembering the little car ride with Jungkook.
You entered the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water when your mom called out for you. "Y/n come here honey." You made your way towards her. "How was your day?" She asked. "Pretty good actually."You replied. Your mom noticed a constant blush on your cheeks. She didn't want to budge you so she let it be. You made your way upstairs to your brother's room. You saw him lying on the bed. "Yoongles!" You called him. "Hey! Never call me that." He said as he sat straight up. He beckoned you to come in and have a seat. "So how was college?" You ask. He was definitely startled at your question. Since when did you want to know about him? "It was fine. Why do you want to know? Do you want something from me?" He asked since you were being kind to him which made him a little suspicious. "No Yoongi. I'm your sister and I'm just concerned about you. But if you don't like it then I'll go." You said getting up from his bed. He held your wrist and tugged you back for you to sit. "Something is different Y/n. Tell me what's going on." "Nothing Yoongs I'm just happy I guess." "Wow that's rare. Is it a boy?" You froze. It was a boy but you didn't want to tell him. You didn't share everything with him because he always had opposite opinions which you hated so you stopped sharing. "No.. its not." You said avoiding eye contact. But Yoongi wasn't stupid. He knew something was up with you. It was indeed very rare that you would look this happy after school. "You don't want to tell me Y/n? Is this how it's gonna be?" He said making a puppy face. You knew it's a trap. You didn't give into his play. "Oh Yoongi stop it. It's nothing. Can't I be happy for once? Isn't that a good thing?" "It is but I want to know too. What is this thing that made you smile?" "Ah Yoongs! Okay. So I made a friend today." You eventually told him. Not fully. Not the part that this friend is hot af and that he also is very kind and that you might be attracted to him even though you kept telling yourself the opposite. "Ohh I see. So who is this friend." You were not sure if it was safe to tell him it's a guy because you knew he'd get protective over you and tell you not to be friends with him. "It is a new kid at school. He's very nice." And it slipped from your mouth. 'He' is very nice. "Wait up. He? It is a guy then huh?" "Yoongi please don't misunderstand it. I just met him today and we became friends so instantly. You know I don't have friends so let me have one." He knew about your past. He knew you needed a friend. "Okay Y/n but be careful. Don't hurt yourself." "I won't. Thanks for understanding." "No problem." With that you left his room.

Next morning.
You got up even before your alarm rang. Okay this is new. You pulled the curtains away letting the sunlight fall into your room. It was unusually sunny today which made you smile. You loved bright and sunny days and today just happened to be one. You were somehow excited to go to school today. Maybe because you wanted to see him as much as he wanted to see you. You took a shower and got ready. You looked into the mirror thinking whether you should put a lipgloss today. You never wore makeup. You were just innocently beautiful. You didn't even need makeup but you always put a tint less lip balm on since it's always cold where you live and you lips get super dry. Should I or should I not? Ah what is this guy doing to you Y/n? Your mind told you not to fall for this guy but your heart... Well the heart wants what it wants. Lipgloss it is. You put a single layer of baby pink tinted lipgloss. You smiled in the mirror cutely because you did look cute. You didn't want to seem like you were trying too hard so you didn't put much efforts to do your hair.
You reached school in time. Waiting eagerly for Jungkook to arrive. You checked the time. Class was almost gonna start. You heard the bell ring. I guess he's running late. You though to yourself. The teacher came in soon. Where is he? You saw the door open revealing one of your classmates, not Jungkook though. There was no sign of him. "Ok so let's begin." The teacher said. Your anticipation turned into disappointment. You felt weak in your heart. All this excitement that you were holding from the morning was shattered. There was no sign of Jungkook at all. Should've known better y/n.
Jungkook pov
Ah why did it have to be sunny today! I was really looking forward to see her. Damn it!

Your pov
The day went by just like that. You felt a little better when you were walking home from school, enjoying the soft sunlight falling over you. Maybe he had some emergency? Your thoughts crawling back to him.
The next day was again bright with the sun rays falling in your room. Filled with a dusky smell, you got up and "Not todayyy!!" You screamed. You were late. You got to school, got to class and to your notice, Jungkook was missing. Let's not care Y/n you thought to yourself.
"Okay class I'll be taking a test on Calculus on Monday so I hope you all prepare well over the weekend and please inform your friends about it too."

It has been three days already and you did not see Jungkook at all. You wondered what would've happened to him. But soon it didn't seem to bother you. You decided it was best that you didn't distract yourself with irrelevant thoughts at least not when you had a test coming up. You were preparing for the test seriously as you did want to score well.In the evening you went out for a walk just to get some air. You saw a small departmental store and decided to get yourself a snack there.

Jungkook pov
I haven't seen her in days. It's been too sunny all of a sudden. I wonder what she would be doing now. I really want to see her beautiful face. Okay fuck it I'm gonna go see her.
You were walking down the road when you saw Y/n making her way to the store. You hesitated to follow at first because you didn't want to scare her. But you couldn't stop the urge in you which wanted to see her up close. Her smile, her hair falling softly on her shoulders, the way her cheeks turned pink when she blushed, you wanted to see it all.

Your pov
You heard the sound of a bell ring stating that a new customer had arrived. You got yourself a bag of chips and a packet of M&Ms and made my way to the counter. Just when you turned around after paying the cashier, to your surprise, Jungkook was standing in front of you. An innocent smile on his face. He did almost scare you though. "Woah!" You gasped. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He let out a giggle. You were not expecting to see him, not after all these days. You didn't know how to react now. "It's okay." You got out the store followed by him. You were walking with him now, making your way back home. "How was school? Did anything happen?" He asked. "Um no. Just the usual." You didn't tell him about the test. You wanted a little revenge since he didn't show up for almost 3 days. You didn't talk much and neither did he. You were at your doorstep when he said, "Do you- um- have to go?" No, but I will. Silence filled between you two. "Um yeah. I have some work." "Oh I thought we could- never mind. See you." "Goodbye." You went inside your house not even minding to call him in. Why would you? You peeked from the window to see if he was gone and he was. No sign of him anywhere. How did he just disappear?

Writers pov
Okay so I know this is shit but good things take time. I have so much planned and it's gonna be good believe me. I hope you enjoy it so far. Please be supportive and share this to as many people as you can ;)
Interesting content is on its way..

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