Small talks

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Jungkook pov
She is really something. So different than what I know about girls. I want to know her. She seems to interest me. Her smile is... ..Ahh Y/n what are you...?

At lunch, you were standing in the long line for food while looking out for a place where you could sit. Something caught your eye. It was a crowd of girls surrounding a table. You couldn't see why those girls were there but then someone from behind said, "Everyone has been going mad over the new kid." Oh. That must be Jungkook. Soon you saw him, amidst the girls, he was trying to avoid them so he just plugged in his earphones.
You found yourself a table. Just as you were about to take your first bite, somebody tugged your hand. It was someone whom you didn't want to see. Sooya. Your ex best friend. You both were best friends in middle school until you started doing so well in academics and you also got a boyfriend in highschool because of which Sooya got jealous of you. She tried her best to compete with you, she also somehow made out with your boyfriend to get back at you. That's one reason why you broke up with him. She wanted to score better than you but she was always behind with a very few marks. Her hate grew so much that she made all your friends go against you only because she wanted you to feel lonely and vulnerable. You always forgave her but one day she spread rumours about you making out with her brother and that was the end of it. She's the reason you don't have any real friends. You didn't even need friends but sometimes you wished there was someone who could be there for you.
"What?" You asked her. "Well don't you look so lonely Y/n? Did nobody want to be friends with the nerd?" Your blood was boiling at her words but you calmed yourself. You didn't want to create drama. "Are you seriously here to tell me that I have no friends? Like I never knew that?" Sooya smirked. "Good for you Y/n at least you're not unaware that nobody wants to befriend you. You'll forever be alone." She said as she gave a fake laugh. You clenched your jaw. Her words stung you. You were about to say something but you gave up. By now, a lot of students were looking at you. Your eyes started tearing as you looked down. "Aw. Get used to it, loner." She said as she hit your head. You held your tears as much as you could. The smirk plastered on her face hurt you and you let a tear escape your eyes. "Sooya-" you started talking as someone interrupted you. "Who said she doesn't have any friends? I'm her friend. Right Y/n?" Jungkook said as he took a seat beside you. You couldn't help but sit silently. No words came out from your mouth as you were shocked to see him. "You're friends with HER?" Sooya said with an intriguing look on her face. "Yes indeed. Why wouldn't I be? She's such a cool person." Sooya couldn't believe her ears. The great Jeon Jungkook who didn't let anybody come near him, called you his friend? "Look Jungkook, you should be with me and my friends. We're much cooler than her. You won't regret it. And after all she's a zero and I am, well, infinity." Sooya gave her most brightest smile as she said those words. "Well do you know what you get when you divide infinity by zero?" You couldn't help but chuckle. That was so smart of Jungkook. You felt at ease now that he got your back. Sooya was still thinking. She had a questioning look on her face. "Right. Keep thinking." Said Jungkook as he giggled along with you. Your smile widened seeing his bunny smile that another tear escaped your eyes which you were holding on. Sooya left unsaid. "Hey, please don't cry. She doesn't even deserve your attention lest your emotions." He said as he wiped the tear of your face. "Thank you Jungkook. Really." "No worries. But anyways you should go back to eating." You didn't want to eat now. The food got cold. You told him that you didn't want to eat so instead you walked to the school ground. He accompanied you. "So we ARE friends right?" He asked breaking the silence. You didn't know what to say. I mean he did defend you that does make him your friend. "I- yeah I mean I'd love to be your friend." You replied with a smile. You didn't know how that escaped from your mouth. The walk to the ground was awfully quite. You released Jungkook didn't talk much. He just liked to observe. You sat on the bleachers, releasing a deep breath you didn't realise you were holding. You sat there for like five minutes with Jungkook on your side. It started getting awkward so you spoke, "So why did you move here?" Jungkook was startled that you even started to converse. "Uh.. parents. Their work got us here." Clearly Jungkook was fiddling with words.
You had the urge to talk to him but you didn't want to bombard him with questions so you let it be. You heard the bell ring. Making your way back to class, you could feel Jungkook stealing glances from you. Your cheeks turned bright pink. He saw it and let out a soft smile. "What?" You asked even tough you knew why he smiled. "Nothing." He said shaking his head.
You opened your locker to get the books that you wanted for the next class. Jungkook had another class so he left already. You couldn't stop thinking about the incident that happened during lunch break. You thought of the way Jungkook got your back. You were smiling unknowingly. Your ears were red. What is he?
After school ended you saw Jungkook get into a matte black Mercedes and was about to leave. However he saw you from the rearview and stopped. Putting down the windows, he called for you. You approached his car and bent down to face him. "Hey, nice car." "Thanks. It's my dad's." You were just admiring the beauty of the car until he spoke again. "You wanna get in? I'll drop you home." He smiled at you hoping you would say yes. "Uh thanks Jungkook but I can't. I'll walk by myself." "Wait. No." He got out of the car, held your hand and said. "I can't let you walk alone. Not when I can drop you. Please y/n get in." He realised he was still holding your hand so he left. You smiled softly at how he was trying to persuade you. You eventually gave in and hopped in the car. "I swear I've never been in such an expensive car before. Thanks to you." You said. "Ah Y/n please don't say things like that." He wanted to sound modest. The car ride was again pretty quite. You were almost there at your place. "That's me. Thank you Jungkook." You thanked him before opening the door. "Wait. Um.. I- well can we see each other again?" He said abruptly. "Jungkook we go to the same school. Obviously we'll see each other everyday from now." You said as you left the car, saying goodbye to him, making your way to your house. Your words made him smile.
I'll never miss a single day if I will get to see you everyday Y/n...

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