Chapter 5

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Your pov
You woke up after almost 2 hours and it was time time for dispersal. The nurse had called your parents to inform them about your accident so your brother Yoongi was going to come pick you up. You woke up and felt a cold wave run through your left hand. You saw Jungkook was holding it. He let it go as soon as you woke up. "Hey, you went in a deep slumber." "I- Did you wait for too long?" "Not too long." "Does it still hurt?" He asked. "Yeah. But it's getting better." As you sat up, the blanket fell and you realised you still were not wearing a top. "Um here." Jungkook took of his shirt and gave it to you. He was wearing an undershirt so you took it. You wore his plaid shirt which almost looked like a dress on you. "Cute." Jungkook whispered in his breath but you heard him. Your cheeks started turning pink. You searched for your sweatshirt but it wasn't there. "Did you see my sweatshirt?" "Yeah I have it. I'll wash it and give it to you." "Jungkook, you really don't have to do that." "But I want to. It's ok Y/n." You nodded an okay and both of you made your way out of there. You saw Yoongi waiting for you outside the school with his truck. This truck, I swear. "Y/n can I-" Jungkook was going to ask you if he could drop you home but you cut him off "My brother is here. I gotta go." "Ok. Bye?" "Bye." You left without looking back at him.

Jungkook pov
You see her running towards her brother. She left without looking at you. Even tough she's so cold towards you, you find your way back to her. Why?

No one pov
After all this, you had not even thanked Jungkook for once. He helped you get to the nurse, he gave you his shirt, he took care of you, he stuck up for you but all you ever did was be cold towards him.
Your pov
On the ride back home, you explained everything to Yoongi. "Y/n I swear to god imma kill her now. That bitch had the audacity to even think of doing something like that to you? She's gonna go down soon." You could tell he was mad. "No Yoongs I won't let you do anything stupid." "And why not?" He scoffed "Because I am not like her Yoongi. I want you to know that I'm way better than that. I don't stoop down to that level to just hurt somebody I hate. Karma will get back at her." Somehow your words made sense. "Okay. Only this time Y/n. Next time I'm won't ask you." "Fine."

Jungkook pov
In the evening you were just lying on your bed, thinking about Y/n. You didn't sleep. Vampires don't sleep. You were thinking of the pain she must've been going through. I need to see her. I need to know she's doing fine. You were leaving your house when your 'mom' stopped you. "Where are you going now?" "I've some work." "Are you going to see that girl? You know it's not gonna happen Jungkook, she's a human." You snapped. "Just because you're labelled as my mom, doesn't mean you act like that." "Whatever." She said and left. In the vampire tradition, if you wanted to live among the humans, you had to live with other vampires as a family. His 'dad' was the one who turned him. Jungkook also had a sister who was never home.

You stood outside Y/n's house. You didn't want to meet her, you just wanted to see her. So you climbed up the balcony, stood outside her window and peeped through. You could see she was still wearing your shirt. She stood in front of the mirror and was examining her bruises. She sniffed your shirt and smiled. You smiled seeing her do that. You saw her whispering to herself which you could very clearly here. "No Y/n you're stupid. He's gonna be nice at first and then he'll hurt you and leave you just like that. You can't let him get closer to you." You felt so hurt that she thought of you that way. The dead part of you which was only alive for her, ached badly. You didn't stay there another second. You left immediately.

Your pov
You realised you might be feeling something for Jungkook now. Something you don't want to feel. So you tried to talk yourself out. You told yourself you won't let him get closer to you. Soon Yoongi entered your room. "Hey Y/n how are you doing?" ,"Fine I guess." "Why are you still wearing his shirt huh?" "Um it's kinda comfy and loose. Plus the nurse said I've to wear loose clothes." You said while you still admired yourself in his shirt. "Even my shirts would be loose and comfy for you. But you'd rather wear that." You didn't get him. You furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"Oh come on Y/n don't gimme that face. You like him don't you?"
"No!" You shouted.
"Oh shut it. I've seen you blush when you talk about him and it's so obvious."
"Is it?"
"So you agree you like him?"
"No! I don't-" you said but he cut you off.
"Stop it! Your cheeks are red Y/n and how do you explain that?"
"I- I don't know Yoongs. I'm not even sure what I feel."
"Does he make you feel at ease? Does he cause butterflies in your stomach? Does he make your heart flutter?"
"Yoongi you're doing too much!" You blushed.
"Yes or no?"
"I'm not gonna answer that." "fine, but I got my answer." He said as he left.
Ahh what is happening. I don't like him!! But what if I do? No no no no!! It can't be! We're just friends.

Next day
You got to school only to see Jungkook getting out of his car. You walked faster to catch up with him but he walked even faster. "Jungkook!" You called for him. He stopped in his tracks. He was trying to avoid you but now he couldn't since you called him out. He turned around. You ran up to him, now breathless. "You- you're ... fast." "Yes. I know." He said bluntly. You didn't realise a sudden change in his behaviour yet. You both walked to the class.
"So class, I've corrected your test sheets. I can say you've done well." The teacher said. You anticipated to see your score. The teacher distributed everyone's sheets, telling them their scores. "Lee Y/n, 97, second place." You were happy with your score. But you wanted to know who stood first. "Jeon Jungkook, 99, first place. I must say I'm surprised. Keep going." The teacher said. What the hell? How's that even possible. He didn't even study.
After the class was over, you went up to Jungkook and asked, "Hey! First place huh. But how?" "I guess I'm just smart." He smirked and left. What was that? You shrugged it off.
He ignored you the whole day but you didn't let that bother you much.
While going home, you realised that you had to return Jungkook's shirt. You saw him get in the car. You called him but he didn't listen. He left.

Two days later.
Jungkook had been avoiding you for the past two days. Now it stared to bother you. You somehow felt guilty. This is how you've been treating him all this time but now he's doing the same. And suddenly it stricked you.
Oh my god! I'm such an idiot. I didn't even thank him for helping me the other day and I've been pushing him away all the time when he was only looking out for me. Ugh. How do I make it right?
The more he avoided you, the more you wanted to talk to him.

At home.
You were done studying. You saw your empty bed and a shirt sitting there. It has been there for a few days now. You have to do something Y/n. You gathered all your guts and decided to straight up talk to Jungkook. You were going to thank him for helping you and you were going to apologise to him for pushing him away before.
The next day, you woke up, determined to talk to Jungkook. It was yet another sunny day which made you happy. You went to school, waited for Jungkook to arrive, but he didn't. You were so mad at yourself. When you finally had the courage to talk to him, he didn't come. Why Jungkook?
You couldn't contain yourself so you decided to write him a letter. You did this whenever you had too much to say but you couldn't express it verbally. You put the letter in his locker, thinking that he might see it whenever he would come to school.
A few days later, when the sun was gone. Jungkook attended school. You saw him open the locker. A letter fell at his feet. He took it, shoved it in his jacket pocket and left. You're supposed to read it dumbass.

The Vampire - Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now