I hate the beach 🦀🦀🦀

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Chapter 7..............
I hate the beach everyone in my family should know this by now including Andrew my boyfriend of 4 years now and my 16 year old daughter savanna. I actually have been dating Andrew longer than 4 years. Anyway we're laying out on the beach 🏖 just relaxing. When savanna and Andrew were near the ocean I'd glance over at them and thought they were picking up what looked to be like shells 🐚 but little did I know that those weren't shells 🐚 they were crabs 🦀!!! I soon found out when they put some on my back when I was trying to tan in the hot sun . One pinched my hair as I screamed and jumped up making everyone turn in my direction to stare at me wondering what's wrong with me. I screamed crabs ! Crabs ! Get them off me get them off me right now ! Their was a group of college girls laughing at me. If I took a bucket full of crabs and dumped it on you girls would you all be laughing?! I shout at the group of girls. They quickly shook their blonde phony tails and went back to tanning in the sun as well as I did . My face was sun burnt and I was cranky now I looked at savanna who took off down to the ocean and saw Andrew laughing at me still . I snap- lay the hell down !!!!!! This was supposed to be a vacation for me and here you are just wrecking it !!!!!!

Right away Andrew grabs a beach towel and lays it down in the sand putting on his shades before joining me tanning . Savanna was swimming in the ocean . It's way too hot out it's like I'm in Clearwater Florida but ten times more hotter and mucky out . I love summer but I'm more of a pool girl then a beach girl. Beep ! I wonder why my phone is going crazy. Beep ! Beep ! Beep ! Andrew- babe who's texting you while you're on vacation it better not be joe ! Beep ! Beep ! Beep !!!!! I opened up my cell phone text from Kelly - joe told me you're in bora bora are u having a ton of fun in sun down there ? Thanks for leaving joe behind now I can have him all to myself. Andrew- babe who's texting you? Ashley- Just Kelly being Kelly I turned my phone off mad a little bit . Andrew- who's giving Kelly your cell number is what I would like to know? Ashley- I wish I knew to . Andrew- let me guess she's still dating joe ? Ashley- I couldn't care less who joe dates anymore. I am just trying to relax on this vacation. Andrew - uh well maybe not turn around then . He looked at savanna and I turned around to find her chatting it up with a boy they were just swimming to shore . Hmm 🤔 I thought she was over boys !!! . After all tho Matt just wasn't her type . Andrew- savanna! Lunch time let's eat !!!  She gave him the death look saying to the boy - that's my dad and my mom I'm gonna go eat lunch I'll chat with you later on if you're staying till the sun set time she gets up and walks over to us . The boy smiled at her walking away . Andrew- I thought you were over talking to boys . Savanna- dad I'm a 16 year old girl I'm not gonna stay single forever. I burst out laughing at that she sounds just like I do. Andrew rolled his eyes at her - no beach boys especially bora bora boys got it those boys are probably heart breakers ! And besides you just broke up with your boyfriend back home . Savanna- what's your point ? Andrew- what is so funny ?! Ashley- oh nothing ! Savanna- dad I don't even know his name would ya relax a little? Andrew- whatever we're not staying till sun set anymore though pack up after you're finished with your Sandwich please both of you I'm gonna go swim . Ashley- have fun babe . Savanna- not gonna join him mom ? Andrew- If you think you're mother is going swimming In the ocean then you're dead wrong ! It is bora bora the water if perfect here I get up and run towards the water I'll race you ! Idk what's wrong with me ...sometimes you have to face fears even if that's diving into the ocean. Yes I've decided that I'd go swimming with sharks and I'm not gonna lie I'm super scared but I knew savanna wanted to go . Andrew and I swam round in the ocean till we both got cold then we packed up to leave but we couldn't find savanna. 🤔 hmmm. Wonder if she's with that boy again and there she comes walking with a ice cream cone in her hand - are we leaving already ?! .

Ashley- savanna where did you get ice cream from on the beach ? I looked around us and i didn't see a ice cream stand anywhere to be found around us . I glare at Andrew and he just was speechless. Savanna- the ice cream truck came ya guys are telling me ya didn't see or hear it ? Andrew- who did ya get ice cream with ? Savanna rolled her eyes at him - I went by myself I'm not a five year old ! I didn't have much time before we had to leave for the beach but you guys swam I heard the ice cream truck sound and just went looking for some ice cream I'm not gonna sit down and wait for you guys to leave and starve longer and this ice cream is very good. Ashley- that's kinda sketchy don't ya think savanna? I know you can defend yourself but if ya actually were alone then that's just not okay ! It looks like she's getting annoyed by us - mom I wasn't alone okay I was with that boy i met earlier. Andrew- still dangerous now get your butt in the car savanna! He walked away and don't forget your beach bag! Savanna gets her beach bag not saying anything more to us although I heard her mumbling under her breath what a fun vacation this was and who knew getting ice cream was such a crime !!

An hour later and we're back at the hotel after Andrew and I had food 🥘.

Andrew- savanna I think we should have a conversation about this . After all we're on vacation as a family and you're making this about you and what you'd like to do . If you want ice cream savanna I really could not care less about that but you can't just take off on an island looking for food whenever ya want to ok ?

Savanna sighs - okay dad I understand next time I'll ask you permission to go on my own to do things like get food . She sets her bags down onto the hotel floor . I am a grown up though and don't need permission to go do anything I wanna do .

Andrew- like hanging out with boys you've never even met before after breaking up with your boyfriend back at home ? Hunny if you are interested in boys now I don't care at all just pick a guy that actually lives in your state don't take after ya mom and I .... don't you know how many times we've almost broken up ? That's of course before you were born . Long distance relationships really do suck okay .

Savanna laughs - dad I'm not gonna keep repeating myself I'm not interested in that bora bora boy and I'm not getting into a long distance relationship okay !!!!

Andrew- great to know oh and by the way it's time to go swimming with sharks .

Savanna- very funny! Swimming with sharks is actually tomorrow dad she turned around and looks at me but what mom doesn't know won't kill her ! .

Ashley- just because I'm reading this really good book doesn't mean I can't hear you . I'm definitely not going swimming with sharks but both of ya don't die !!!!!

Andrew and savanna both laugh 😂 Trust me savanna won't actually do it .


Baby there's a shark in the water 💦 next 🦈

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