Hey babe lets talk 🤔🤔🤔

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Chapter 18...........

So I'm sitting In the living room enjoying playing video games with my daughter savanna and her boyfriend Matt and my boyfriend Andrew when all the sudden savanna and Matt went upstairs to take a nap and Andrew just stared me down . I glares right back at him wanting to know what his issue was so I simply put my cup of coffee down on the counter and said - why are ya looking at me like that ? What's your problem? It's still down pouring by the way forgot to mention that . Andrew- what problem? I don't have a problem. Ashley- clearly something is up with you other wise you wouldn't be looking at me like you wanna kill me so tell me what you're problem is before I throw this coffee in ya face ! I am clearly so fed up with his attitude as you can see . Andrew- fine you really wanna know?! . I glare at him - duh I'm not sitting here like a idiot for no reason. Andrew- okay ya win ! Let's talk babe . Ashley- what is there to talk about? Andrew- you and joe . I rolled my eyes at him - here we go ! Andrew- listen to me I don't trust him at all . I just sat there waiting for him to talk more . Andrew- I think you shouldn't be uh around him I understand he's ya best friend but ...I get up off the couch and I walked away pissed off . Andrew- babe don't be upset . Let's talk babe sit down! I snap at him - you have no right to tell me I can't hang out with my ex boyfriend when you've been hanging out with your ex girlfriend screw ya and piss off !!!! I am going to bed I get my coffee and walk away sleep on the couch tonight buddy boy ! Andrew- babe you're overreacting about this and I don't hang out with her !  Ashley- I'm definitely not overreacting! Andrew- well I'm not catching feelings for my ex there's a big difference right now between us isn't there babe he gets up and walked to our bedroom and I'm getting a pillow and blanket I'd love to sleep on the couch especially since you're on your dam period less ya are I cut hi. Off - I'm not pregnant! Get out ! Now ! I don't have feelings for him at all you're nuts ! Andrew- you admitted it to me so don't lie please just don't lie to my face ! He gets his pillow and blanket to go sleep on the couch 🛋. Savanna- shut up !!!!! Stop fighting both of ya and grow up some people are sleeping at least trying to ! Andrew- goodnight savanna we apologize! He shouted at her . Savanna- night ! . Ashley- sorry sweetie go back to sleep night ! Savanna- love ya guys goodnight!!! Ashley- grab ya pillow and blanket and follow me babe . Andrew- you're not mad at me anymore? He looked super confused . Ashley- she's right we need to stop and grow up. Andrew- okay he says grabs his pillow and blanket and followed. I am tired and stressed out. I shut the lights off but I couldn't get the words he just said about joe outta my head . Maybe he's upset because of what joe told me I'm just gonna have to confront him about it in the morning time and sleep on it by tonight. In the morning time I made my boyfriend tea and breakfast in bed and he yawns - babe I was gonna make you breakfast what's this ? Ashley- change of plans this morning since I learned to cook . Andrew- it looks good babe he eats his bacon and eggs and toast and drinker his tea . Ashley- so let's talk babe ever since joe came here when ya were gone and fessed up his feelings and I told you you've kinda been in a weird mood are you okay ? Ya snapped last night on me. Andrew- I'm sorry it's good that you're honest with me but next time don't be ok because now I'm upset over it . Ashley- but it's better in the relationship to tell u especially if it's a thing my ex aka ya best friend does behind ya back to you babe

Andrew- I'm gonna go confront him about it at his house today .

Ashley- babe just I understand he's ya best friend but just let it go .

Andrew- okay it's kinda messed up to do behind my back when I'm gone tho .

Ashley- babe you're the only guy I love don't you freakin trust me not to do anything when your away in Afghanistan or wherever they will send you ?!!!

Andrew- baby of course I trust you it's clearly joe I can't trust tho just let me go to his house and talk to him it's not like I'm gonna beat him up although I could if I really wanted to But I won't since he's ya new bff . Nothing to worry about ! .

I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend but agree - okay fine go but behave urself!

Andrew- yeah I know what you're gonna say one phone call from joe blah blah

I cut him off- stop talking and leave before I change my freakin mind babe .

I walked away and called savanna downstairs we have to leave for the hospital to get her broken leg checked out make sure it's gonna heel fine . Savanna- mom I cant rush makeup it takes time ! Matt - babe lets go you don't wanna be late do you ? Ashley- listen to your boyfriend! Matt bring her to the car meet u guys there hurry up ! Matt - okay coming he picked savanna up ya makeup can wait . He carried her to the car 🚗. Savanna- I hate this so much wish I could walk 😰

My poor daughter has a broken leg and I feel so bad for her .

Sorry guys this chapter is going to be short and sweet I'm gonna go to bed 🛌

It's almost 1 am I've been working on my book 📚 goodnight 😴💤😘.

Love all my fans who read my books \ are subscribe to my YouTube channel Ashley army go subscribe and join the army today if you're not already 🤗🤗

Night book warms and remember stay safe and stay clean 🧼.

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