Im going home 🏡🏡🏡🏡

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Chapter 9..........

We're on the way back home due to the corona virus spreading across America fast right now. I'm of course still scared of fly ping Because of my fear of heights I feel like the more I do fly though I'll maybe get used to it . Andrew grabs my hand I'm sorry we didn't get the chance to go to Hawaii but least we got to go to bora bora something way different way Cooler then Florida for once . Ashley- I am not even mad about it I glare at him because you're the best boyfriend ever for setting up two trips in the row and maybe when this virus crap is over we can hop on a airplane and fly away to Hawaii. Andrew- yeah if I'm not over seas by then . He kisses me and I kiss him back. Savanna- did the earth fall from the sky already because it feels like I died all the sudden and I'm invisible. Andrew- hey you had fun on vacation with that guy who you didn't know don't judge us right now . Ashley laughs - don't fight right now you know how mad it makes me you two . Savanna- dad keep digging that hole 🕳 because soon I'll be the favorite in this family. Andrew- I think you already are . Savanna- you made mom swim in the ocean with sharks dad I'm shocked she's not pissed off at ya right now. She's not wrong there I'm still scared of sharks but I swam with them in the middle of the ocean. My family is not going to believe me at all if I tell them ? Should I tell them ? I'm sure savanna will so I won't have to . Mom called us when we got off the airplane ✈️. Savanna- hello grandma! Mom - hi sweetie how was bora bora ? Did ya have fun ? Savanna- yeah of course I had a blast I met this really cute boy and got ice cream with him we swam in the ocean and get this he's a surfer boy . Mom- that's just fantastic uh anything else you did ? Savanna- yeah dad wanted to go swimming with sharks so we did . Mom - you did what ? Savanna- nothing grandma I gotta go bye . She hung up on her . Ashley- savanna why'd you just do that ! Savanna- I just told her the truth! I forgot she freaks out about sharks I do know ya get that jean from her . Andrew burst into laughter. Ashley- excuse me ! This isn't a time to be laughing I am so dead ! And so are you babe ! You're idea was to go swim with the sharks but my mom doesn't know that yet you're lucky savanna left that part out . Savanna- yeah so I'd stop laughing if I were ya dad ! You're both welcome! Andrew- let's just grab our bags off the belt and go guys . I smiled at savanna and savanna shot me a thumbs up . Maybe I won't get yelled at but he's definitely going to be in hot water tonight. Later on we arrived home and my mom and my sisters came over and my friend joe also because he's nuts about me and not Kelly it's kinda funny if ya ask me . Joe - how was bora bora ?! Andrew sets our bags down on the ground- oh you know it was fun . Joe - what was the fun part about it ? Courtney- yeah we wanna know everything! Serena - well we know savanna met a boy there they hung out but what did Ashley and Andrew do ? Mom - they went swimming with sharks apparently savanna was saying on the phone how cool it was . Courtney and Serena bust out laughing. I of course did except them to act like that once someone told them about it . I'm scared of sharks but I wanted to face my fear I said . Joe was even laughing on the ground when I said that out loud . Joe - you two are just so funny today ! I doubt you'd even get in a cage with sharks swimming around ya let alone open ocean ! Mom - are you guys crazy ?! Do ya not know how many shark attacks are on the news a day and you went swimming with them just to get over a fear !!!!!! Andrew- it was my idea but i kept both of them safe and we were with a pro diver it's not like we were alone . Ashley- yeah they fed the hammers it was really cool . Savanna- yeah I didn't know how big they actually were till they swam over my head ! Mom- okay I'm gonna go make coffee I'm done hearing about this swim with sharks thing . Joe - Ashley you're prancing us right ? Ashley- I wish I was . Joe laughed harder- you can't be serious you'd definitely die of a heart attack!!! Andrew rolled his eyes at him - how nice of you to say joe I think you should go home . Ashley- shut up joe . Joe - I'll see ya lovebirds around I guess Kelly wants me . She's freakin out over this virus thing . Ashley- did you tell her your here ?! Joe - nope because I don't wanna deal with her . Ashley - I don't blame you at all bye joe . Joe - bye ash . He leaves the house and I glare at Andrew- what's with u today ? Andrew- I have no clue what you're talking about. Ashley- when joe is at our house you get super tense . Andrew laughs- do you think I'm jealous of joe ? Just look at him ash he's a player . Courtney- actually you're the player yet my sis is into ya. Andrew- shut up Courtney. Serena - he's into playing Hockey then he's a friend of mine . Andrew- thanks Serena appreciate it . Ashley- no fighting guys I'm fed up with the fighting in this house. Andrew- what's that supposed to mean babe ? Courtney- the tea is getting spilled all over the floor ! Watch out guys !!!!!! I laughed- you sound like me . Courtney- oh no I do I'll shut up now . Andrew- I think that would be a smart idea . Serena laughs and Courtney slapped her in the arm hard - shut up you bitch ! Serena - ow ! You're insane ! Courtney- shut up !!! Mom - guys the coffee is done ! And girls grow up or leave . Ashley- it's my home mom- I'm talking to Serena and Courtney! Courtney gets a text - Patrick Is here . Ashley- bye have a nice date . Courtney - I will bye . She left with her boyfriend. I am happy for her in her relationship even if her boyfriend makes me angry once in a while. What future bro in law isn't a pain In the ass ?! Andrew- why does she come here if she still doesn't support our relationship? Ashley- she's family that's why . Serena - Can I sleep Overnight? Andrew- I don't care . Ashley- as long as ya don't make me wanna choke ya to cut me off - enough Ashley enough she yelled at me. Ashley- I'm gonna go get some coffee now . Andrew- come on I have a hockey set up I think you'd want to test out . Serena - ash we'll be down in the basement playing hockey 🏒. Ashley - okay I'll be right there . I grab a mug I filled it up with coffee ☕️ then go to the basement. Savanna went to her room to change her outfit then came back downstairs reading a one direction book she's obsessed with Harry styles . Just like her aunt when she was younger . Cute !!!!!! Andrew- goal ! He screamed. I jumped and spilled coffee on the hockey Matt and boom 💥 crash . Serena goes flying into the net . Ashley!!! She screamed clean up this mess ! Andrew- you okay let me help you up he holds out his hand helps her up . Serena - thanks I'm okay. Ashley- sorry . I go upstairs to get towels to clean up the mess . Savanna laughed- uh you've got coffee on your butt . Serena - I'll be back she runs upstairs. Probably went to change clothes. I cleaned up the coffee. This Is super fun . Beep . Beep . Kelly text message- why was joe at ya house ?!!! . Ashley text back - do you have a tracker or something placed in his car because if you do then that's fucked up . Kelly - so I'll take that as a yes he was at ur house. Why ? Ashley text her - it's really none of ya business Is it Kelly ? Goodnight!!!!! Sweet dreams! Andrew- who's texting you? Ashley- joes psycho girlfriend!!!!!!!! . Andrew- this is the reason why you should stay away from your ex boyfriends! . He's definitely got a point but joes been my best friend way before I met him so hopefully he understands. I thought those two were actually becoming besties . Should I speak up and say something about it . Yes ! Ashley- let me ask ya this . Andrew- sure ask me anything you want . Ashley- are you pretending to be joes best friend all of a sudden? Serena ignores our conversation and plays hockey . I glare at him just waiting for a answer. Andrew- no I'm actually his best friend or I'm becoming one of them I guess but at the same time I wanna make sure that he's not hurting you besides he's got a girlfriend I don't know why you'd want to hang out with the new crazy chicks boyfriend from high school . Ashley- joe is friends with your ex girlfriend amber you know to so why do ya hang out with him ? I rather have him date Kelly then amber . Andrew laughs- yeah amber is a little bit more wild so I don't think they would workout. Ashley- wild in what way Andrew? I raise my eyebrows at him . Serena - keep digging yourself a big hole ! Score ! She shouted . Andrew- I meant she's just insane likes to go to clubs and parties all night long it's not my style at all. Ashley- are you sure about that ? I give him the death look . Andrew- I'm definitely sure about that don't worry ok I'd never hurt you I did that once and I'll never make that mistake ever again. I might run into her at our gym joe and I work out at with Kelly but that's bout it . Ashley- she better know not to mess with our relationship because I'll rip her to shreds . Andrew- what about Kelly up joes butt ? He laughed. Ashley- he's on his own . Andrew laughs- I like the sound of that . Ashley- shut up you don't gotta be jealous. I kiss him before going upstairs to go get more coffee. Andrew stayed to play hockey with my sister. I didn't seem to mind it . It's adorable how they get along I just wish that Courtney was nicer to him . Maybe in the future it could happen. Score ! I heard Andrew scream as I laugh. Mom - swimming with sharks I never thought I'd hear that in a million years you're crazy do you know that ?! Ashley- I know I am mom thanks . Mom - I'm glad you're safe . Serena let's get going home I'll drop ya off . Serena - I'm staying overnight remember mother ! I laughed pouring my coffee into a mug . Mom - okay I'll Pick you up tomorrow! Bye ! Serena - bye mom love you! Andrew- bye thanks for dropping by to visit ! . Mom - you're welcome son In law anytime we're is savanna? Savanna comes up the basement stairs - I can't read my book when all I can hear is pucks getting hit against a wall dad sucks at hockey and he thinks he's super good at it . Mom - ya sound like you're mom savanna anyway I'm gonna go home behave ok no boys ! Savanna- okay goodbye grandma thanks for coming. Score again ! Andrew yells . Serena - hey Ashley come downstairs! Ashley- be right there ! Mom - bye guys ! I hug mom goodbye then savanna gives her a hug . She leaves . Savanna- uh how long are they both going to be down there for mom ? Ashley- probably a while go read in ya room . Savanna- okay mom . Ashley walks downstairs- hey babe made you hot tea it's upstairs. Andrew- I'll be right back. He kisses me then runs up to get his cup of tea . If I drank hot tea I'd probably throw up. I grab my stick and my sister passed a puck my way and I shot it right into the net . Score ! I shout . Savanna text me - not you to mom come on I'm trying to read my bedroom is right underneath the basement. I laughed- sorry I'll try to keep it down a bit . I tell Serena to keep it down . Andrew runs downstairs- who just scored. Serena - you're girlfriend. Ashley- I am pretty amazing at hockey runs In this family !!!! .

Lol 😂 basically we all 3 ended up playing hockey all night long together.

The next morning came along I guess we all fell asleep in the basement.

Savanna walked downstairs- what's going on in here ? Did ya guys sleep in the basement? She looks puzzled. I yawn and wake up even though it's kinda hard . Andrew wakes up to but Serena is fast asleep still. Andrew- what time is it ? !!

Savanna laughed- uh it's time to wake up and start the day I've got soccer so who's driving me? I'm gonna be late so I'll meet whoever is taking me in the car thanks guys . She walked upstairs I noticed she's dressed in her soccer uniform I elbowed Serena - hey wake up I need you to take savanna to soccer practice plz .

Serena - okay fine I'll take her she gets off the couch and gets her shoes on I'm going to Starbucks to get coffee do you guys want something from there or no ?

Andrew- iced green tea thanks Sister in law ! Ashley- vanilla iced coffee plz . She smiled at us and said - okay bye see ya guys later . Ashley- okay bye thanks sis .

Andrew and I walked upstairs and went to the bedroom to go cuddle together. We don't get along time much because he's mostly over seas then at home 🏡.

Beep beep beep . Do you hear a car horn beeping babe Andrew asked me .

Beep beep beep. Beep . I sat up confused- yeah something is happening!

We quickly jumped outta bed and go look out the window. God whys she here . This definitely isn't gonna go well . I'm not sure what we should do I'm freakin out a bit . Andrew - how the heck does she know we're we live I bet joe told her . Ashley- probably who knows. Let's go confront her together come on I grab his hand and together we stepped outside. Kelly - good morning lovebirds what's up I just figured I'd stop by before going home since joes igniting my text messages I figured he'd be here . Is he here ? Andrew- no I'm sorry Kelly but he's not here . Ashley- yeah we just woke up. Kelly rolled her eyes- wby should I believe you ? Andrew- her hairs messed up from a wild night last night he winked at me and I winked back trying hard not to laugh . Kelly- gross shut up I don't care about ya love life ! Just tell joe to call me that I'm looking for him . I checked his place he isn't there . Ashley- weird he's not here but I'll be sure to let him know bye Kelly have a wonderful day . Kelly - same to you I appreciate ya keeping us claws to ya own boyfriend unlike some bitches . Andrew whispers- think she's talking about kelsie or amber ? She's not besties with them . Ashley- it's definitely possible let's make coffee and breakfast. Andrew- I make the best Chocolate chip pancakes!!!! Ashley - well I make the best grilled cheese. Andrew- fair enough. We walked back into the house that wasn't as bad as I thought it would end up being . Wow so she's over hating me . Andrew made coffee then the pancakes and hours after eating and chatting and laughing with my boyfriend Serena cane back - I've got Starbucks. I'm getting savanna at 4 o clock. Ashley- okay thanks . Serena - till then I'm gonna be downstairs playing hockey . Mom text me - forgot she knows how to drive she can drive herself home . Ashley laughs- haha yup don't remind me plz . When savanna came home hours later she looked beat up and tired - I need a shower then I'm gonna take a nap . Ashley- okay sweetie . Andrew- okay. Serena - I'm gonna go back home bye guys . Ashley- bye Serena . Andrew- bye . We drink our Starbucks drinks and watched Netflix movies while savanna is showering. Joe text me- I need to come over for a minute this girl is insane! . Oh shit . Who's joe texting Ashley about ? Well sorry but you're gonna have to just keep on reading to find out in drama queen 👸 next chapter of my book 📚 📚.

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