Weird vibes 😤😤😤

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Chapter 13...............
In the morning time I woke up only to find that Andrew wasn't in bed with me and I heard loud noises like it sounds like bags being tossed onto the ground . I am now super confused and half asleep 😴 as I jumped out of bed tossing these covers off me I walk into the hallway and find Andrew dressed up in his marine uniform with his bags . This can only mean one thing only his Sargent called him up and said they need him there . Probably because of the virus 🦠. Andrew - hi I didn't mean to wake you . Ashley- hey what's going on ? Andrew- this virus thing it's getting worse up in Afghanistan especially with the marine corps so I gotta go there and Japan's worse with our troops so I'll be heading there next . Ashley- it's kinda outta the blue don't ya think ? Andrew- when are my phone calls from him not outta the blue ? I'll be safe don't worry about it . Ashley- did you plan on leaving without telling me? Andrew- you're asleep I was gonna come in and say bye to ya. Ashley- I'm getting weird vibes right now. Andrew- why ? Ashley- Idk were you planning on driving to ambers house to ? Why you got flowers ? Oh uh right I totally forgot I had these their for you babe here you go he hands me them share with savanna tho she'll get mad . Ashley- and you went to the grocery store and got me flowers with a virus spreading around ? Early in the morning the store is opened? Andrew laughed - since when are ya passed off I got ya flowers ? I'm so confused I say not really understanding what's happening besides him just leaving for Afghanistan. Andrew- babe look I'm sorry but I've got to go I'm not gonna be home for a few months . Ashley- just tell me right now if you're going to ambers house or not! Andrew- babe calm down I wouldn't do that to ya guys I've got a family why do I need my ex girlfriend? Ashley- you're such a liar ! Andrew- okay whatever don't believe me like what's up with ya this morning?!!!! You should go back to bed . Ashley- lets talk about what happened last night !!!!! Andrew laughs- joe and I are both getting stalked by our ex's it's nothing new !!!! Ashley- oh really?! Is that why she follows you to the gym ? Ya don't workout with her ? Andrew- hell no babe . She was stalking joe and I the day we went ! I saw you chatting with joe anyway so ....Ashley- I bumped into him coming out of the bathroom! Andrew- okay and I'm telling you the truth I have lied in the past but I'm different now and we're older now . Ashley- okay I'm mad because you didn't tell me that you're Sargent called you up late at night or early this morning and said you have to leave I'm mad because you didn't wake me up to say bye do you see like how sketchy this is ? And you gave me flowers but really I feel like all these flowers are not for me there definitely for your mother Because she doesn't live here ! Andrew- okay those roses are for you so stop acting crazy go back to bed . Ashley- you're calling me crazy?! I throw the roses in the trash . I hate you ! Andrew- are ya seriously going to cry right now ? Ashley- just leave already plz !!

Andrew- no babe stop ! He grabs my arm come here please I'm not leaving you with you mad at me look at me please. I looked at him . What ! I hiss at him I'm so not in the mood anymore for games . Andrew- I love you I wanna marry you and I wanna have more kids with you I'm definitely not gonna leave my family I actually care I know I've messed up in the past with us but I'm definitely a better guy a way better guy then I was back then and hooking up with her was messed up and it was a mistake that's why I woke up early today so I can go buy my girl roses and make it up to her since I'm leaving to go to war when I don't have much of a choice. I thought you could handle being a military girlfriend I mean I really need you to try to be because you're one day maybe gonna be more than my girlfriend. I kiss him crying and he kissed me back pulling away. I say - wow nice speech I'll miss you and I love you trust me I can handle being a military gf . Andrew- do ya feel better? Do ya feel like these weird vibes are passed by ya now that I cleared the air ? . Ashley- yes I was getting those bad vibes based on you're mood . Andrew- I'm a bit tired good thing I made a tea for the air . He help up a huge mug full of hot tea . Ashley- I cant drink hot tea it upsets my stomach and then I'd be stuck on the toilet all day long. Andrew laughs- I know it made you throw up once don't ya remember? Ashley- yeah . Andrew- I'm late for my flight I'll call ya when I land though love you bye beautiful. I kiss him one more time bye handsome and ya better call me. I watched him leave and tears fall form my eyes . Savanna comes running downstairs - mom what's happening! We're is dad going ?! Did he leave us ! She looked hurt and confused. Ashley- no his Sargent just called him he's going to Afghanistan again. Savanna hugs me - it's okay mom he's gonna be okay. We both cried together missing him already. I'll go make coffee I say and get up off the couch walking into the kitchen Matt up ? Oh wait he's not here I forgot your dad kicked him out last night. Savanna- yeah then this morning he leaves freakin rude of him . Ashley laughs- hun it's you're dads job to keep this country safe . Savanna- I guess but it sucks he has go leave and stay there . Ashley- I agree with you tell ya what why don't ya invite Matt to come over and hang out with ya today I'm making some plans to meet up with some of my friends. Savanna- okay mom thanks I'll give him a call right now!!!

Ashley- you're welcome hun I'll make you two lovebirds hot co co . Savanna- yes please that sounds amazing mom it's kinda cold out in the morning time. She says before she runs upstairs to get dressed in her bedroom. Beep . Beep . New text message from joe - lets hang out today ! Ashley- what do you have planned I text him back . Joe - swimming in a warm in door pool of mine ? Ashley- okay I am down to go swimming today let's invite more people tho . Joe - you want to ? Ashley- yeah why not it makes it more fun . Joe - so throw another pool party ? . Should I invite my ex girlfriend? Ashley- shut up! I'm making coffee be there in a bit . Savanna- mom Matt's here . Matt - hey is savanna here ? Upstairs I say with a smile across my face handing him two hot mugs - here's some hot co co Matt . He smiled at me - Thanks I'll bring hers upstairs to her . Ashley- don't throw a party when I leave ! Matt - we definitely won't . Ashley- good to hear Matt tell savanna I am leaving . Kelly text me - throwing a pool party at joes house are ya ? Well maybe amber and I just might have to crash this party of yours kiss kiss 💋. Bitch . Bitch . Bitch . She's definitely not welcome to joes house 🏡 I think joe would agree with me on that . However maybe amber will open up her big mouth and say something like oh I met up with Andrew behind ya back or something dumb like that. So maybe we should let them come crash this party I text her right back- I guess I'll see you bitches there then kiss 💋 kiss 💋 back at you . I grab my car keys and coffee and I'm out the door running to my car as fast as I possibly could . Then I take off to my ex boyfriends house 🏡. This will be fun and I can't wait to tell joe what's about to go down at his house 🏡 I can't wait to hear what he's got to say about these two bitches crashing our party 🎉. I am excited to hear my boyfriend ex girlfriend spill the tea on their secret little relationship together. I'm definitely not an idiot I definitely know she's his side chick behind my back . I park the car when I get to joes and run up the porch as I pound my fist against the door to his house 🏡. Joe open up I'm here! Joe ! I step back when he opens the door- what's with ya face ? I look at him . Joes face was a shade of hot pink mixed with purple oh you know I'm blowing up these balloons think ya could help ? I laugh - sure ! I walked in the house he shuts the door right behind me. Does it look good or bad so far ? He asked . Ashley- it looks good I think you need more balloons tho I'll blow some up for you. I took some balloons and started to help him blow them up when we're done blowing them all up I then toss my phone at him read that I ordered him . Joe - okay ash he reads it . These bitches are not invited to my house party 🎉. Ashley- but we could see what amber has to say about her secret relationship with my Mans . Joe - why can't you just ask her if their hooking up behind your back ? She's so dumb she would tell ya. I thought about his point and he's definitely right bout that . Ashley- I don't got her number. Joe - I do tho I dated her best friend . Here he gives me her number and i say - thanks ! I then send a text Hi it's Andrews gf can we talk ? I got a text - hi . What do we need to talk about? If this is bout ya boyfriend don't worry he's totally in love with you I tried to get with him but he's not interested anymore and I have a new boyfriend . Ashley- what's his name ?. I really hope she doesn't say joes name . Amber - Ross . Ashley- oh very cool I'm glad you moved on well have a nice day . Joe looks over my shoulder- so she's got a new boyfriend? I highly doubt it . Ashley - I'll send brook with Hannah on a spy mission at her house tonight don't worry about me I'll totally get the truth out of her . Joe - I really hope so come on let's set up snacks and then we can go swim .

Hmmm wondering who's gonna show up at this pool party 🎉 today .

Ps . The virus is spreading so stay home and don't go outside!!!!! . 🦠🦠.

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