Chapter 2

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The Burrow

Everyone smelled ozone as a bolt of lightning flashed before their eyes and Ginny appeared before them.

"Ginny!" her family shouted.

"I'm fine," Ginny replied before seeing Malfoy and said, "You!"

"Oh crap!"

Ginny then threw a bolt of lightning at Draco, sending the reborn Demigod through a wall and into the yard. Ginny followed not long after. Getting up, Draco smelled the ozone in the air and brought his sword out to deflect the bolt of lightning into the ground as thunder boomed in the sky.

"I should turn you into ash, Malfoy!" roared Ginny as lightning struck the ground around them. "Give me one good, damn reason why I shouldn't!"

"I killed my own father in a duel to the death," Draco said, surprising everyone and brandishing his sword with both hands. "Does that not show where my loyalty lies?"

"You betrayed us!" Ginny shouted, confusing her family and friends. "You turned your back against Olympus and joined the Crooked One! All because of your father and the other Olympians not claiming their kids!"

"I had to!" Draco shouted right back. "The gods never cared for us! Only Hestia and Poseidon even bothered to converse with mortals! I believed that it was a noble goal!"

"Noble my ass!" Ginny retorted. "You caused the deaths of many innocent demigods!"

"In my opinion your ass is quite exquisite," Draco muttered, but Ginny heard and her face turned beet red as the storm stopped. "I said it aloud didn't I?"

Ginny could only nod and Hermione asked the question that was on everyone's minds, "What the hell were you two talking about?!"

"We'll tell you when Harry is back," Draco said. "How is he by the way?"

"He stopped the storm that he was forming," Ginny replied as Draco sighed in relief and muttered, "That's good."

"But everything was silent when he did," Ginny replied as Draco's face went dark. "I think... No, I know that he stopped the hurricane from fully forming, before turning it into Hurricane Perseus."

"So he did that trick did he?" Draco said with a sigh as he sat down on the ground after sticking his sword in the ground blade first. "And before you ask how I know what you're talking about, Gin, Nico told me in the Underworld."

"How do we get to Harry?" asked Hermione as a wave of magic was sent throughout the magical world with all stumbling backwards.

"Harry," Ginny and Draco said their eyes wide as Draco took hold of Ginny's hand and the two were struck by a thunderbolt, before vanishing from the land around the Burrow. But when they arrived, Harry Potter was nowhere to be found anywhere among the destroyed lands.

Greengrass Manor; 1 Week later

Harry slowly opened his eyes when he heard a familiar voice say, "Ah... I see Mr. Potter is awake. Dear, could you go get your father please. I'll stay here and make sure that no one else bothers him."

"Of course Chiron."

"Ch-Chiron?" Harry asked his throat dry.

Chiron chuckled and said, "Of course it's me, Harry. I could never forget my favorite student. How are you?"

"Considering I used my stormbringer abilities to their uppermost limits, thus feeling exhausted and like I was ran over by a muggle truck a million times over, pretty well," Harry replied. "You?"

"I am doing fine, Harry," Chiron said. "I managed to get an enchanted wheelchair so that I may train others as well."

"So you're a centaur this time around to?" Harry asked, his eyes wide. "Where did you get a wheelchair like that?"

"Magical New York," Chiron replied. "They seem to treat magical creatures like proper citizens better everywhere except Britain."

"Good afternoon Harry," Mr. Greengrass said as he walked into the room. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired and sore," Harry replied, suspicion hidden in his eyes, of what he did not know. "How did I get here?"

"My ward, Calypso, brought you here," Mr. Greengrass replied, upon seeing recognition in the young man's face, he asked, "You know her don't you?"

"From a different lifetime," Calypso stated as she walked into the room. "Hello Percy. Have a nice nap?"

"Calypso," Harry whispered. "H-How...?"

"How was I reborn when I wasn't mortal?" Calypso asked, confusing the Lord of the House of Greengrass. "Chaos decided that I needed to be here. That's why."

Chiron looked at Harry who nodded and the Centaur said, "You see Lord Greengrass, Calypso here isn't just named after a nymph from Greek mythology, she's the reincarnation of said nymph. Just as I am. Just like Harry Potter."

"You see Mr. Greengrass, I was a son of Poseidon, the god of the Seas in my past life," Harry said. "My name was Perseus "Percy" Jackson and the Hero of Olympus. I was the subject of a prophecy made not long after the second world war. That basically said that I'd have to save or destroy Mount Olympus. I just recently regained most of my power from that lifetime and due to the tremendous strain it caused me, I blacked out and the last thing I saw was Calypso."

"Do you remember what you did, child?" Chiron asked kindly and when Harry shook his head the Centaur continued, "You formed a Hurricane so powerful that it tore apart nearly every Death Eater and all of the monsters that were there. I believe that your friends called it 'Hurricane Perseus'."

"I pushed my power to it's utmost limit, Chiron," Harry said with a sheepish smile. "But I didn't realize that I had that much power this time around."

"You've always had that much power," Chiron said. "Chaos knows what'll happen when you reach seventeen."

"What happens when I turn seventeen?" Harry asked.

"That is when your magical core goes through it's own maturity," Mr. Greengrass replied. "I assume that is when his other powers go through a maturity of their own?"

"I was told by Chaos that in another time, there was another prophecy," Chiron replied confusing the Lord of the Greengrass house. "I don't know what the prophecy said, but I do know what would've happened if it was said. You and Annabeth would've gone through Tartarus, Harry."

"W-What?" Harry asked wide eyed.

"While in Tartarus, you used your powers to control the goddess of Misery's own poison," Chiron told him, making the reborn son of Poseidon go white with terror and causing the Greengrass Lord to become even more confused. "I saw the look on your face, Harry, and you actually seemed that you were enjoying her pain. After that, I swore to myself that I'd try to help you when it comes to your demigod powers. What I am trying to say is, would you like for me to train you to be at your most powerful?"

"Yes," Harry said without hesitation.

"Good," Chiron said as he got up from the wheelchair. "That is much better. May I go and bring in young Daphne now, Lord Greengrass?"

"Please Chiron, call me Jamison and the same goes for you, Harry," the Greengrass lord replied with a kind smile before turning to Harry. "Now then, what can you do with your old abilities?"

Harry gave a small smirk and said, "In order to tell you what I can do, I must tell you the full story. A story about Percy Jackson and the Olympians."

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