Chapter 4

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"What is going on Lord Potter and Ms. Weasley?" Professor McGonagell asked.

"A fight," Ginny replied before sending a large thunderbolt towards Harry who narrowed his eyes and summoned a thick wall of water to absorb the bolt of lightning, before saying, "If that had hit me, Ginevra, I would've been killed. You are lucky that-"

He was interrupted by another bolt of lightning, but instead of hitting him, it hit a skeleton that appeared in front of the Boy-Who-Lived.

"That's not very nice," the teen who stepped in front of the Professors said. "Are you sure that you aren't a dark witch, Ms. Weasley?"

"Ghost King," Ginny said with a small smirk.


Ginny then shot another bolt of lightning, but before it could hit the teen, Harry rolled in front of it and formed a circular shield of water in front of him white absorbed the bolt of lightning. The teen then jumped over Harry and sent a wave of nearly pitch black flames towards the 7th child of House Weasley. The teen knew that he'd be questioned on the flames, but at the moment, he doesn't care.

As the flame reached Ginny, the reborn daughter of Zeus summoned wind to blow out the flames and said, "It takes more than the flames of Hades to defeat me, Ghost King."

Ginny then summoned a thunderbolt from outside that destroyed a window and it struck the reborn daughter of Zeus before she smirked and said, "I'm all charged up! Take this, Harrison Potter!"

She then sent the biggest thunderbolt she could summon directly towards Harry, who focused even more and a wall of water formed in front of him, but alas, the thunderbolt was too powerful and he was sent flying backwards and knocking him into unconsciousness. Then something happened as Ginny stalked up to, her hands sparking. Green mist started to form all across the floor as a Ravenclaw stood up her own eyes venomous green in color.

"Greetings heroes," the Ravenclaw said, her voice raspy as if she hasn't spoken in millenia.

"Delphi," Draco said standing up with wide eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore," Delphi spoke, turning to the Headmaster of Hogwarts. "Please bring Mr. Potter back into consciousness."

After it was done, Delphi said, "Listen to me, wizards, witches, and heroes, for darkness is stirring. A darkness not seen in several lifetimes. Time has been stopped for this darkness, time will resume. Air and fire, water, earth. This is the tournament. Remember destroyer, seven items house what Time is protecting. Destroy them and you shall survive, but don't and all shall lose."

Delphi then turned to look at the Slytherin table and said, "Wisdom's child, beware of the creatures below."

Delphi then turned to look at Harry and said, "Make an oath, ocean's child, for you will be chosen. Goodbye, Hecate's chosen, this will not be the last time you will see me."

The mist disappeared and after a moment of silence that followed the Spirit of Delphi coming out and speaking to the entire Great Hall, the Goblet of Fire burst into flames, which got the attention of the Heads of the Schools, and a piece of paper came out of the fire. Dumbledore then read the paper and shouted, "The champion for Durmstrang is Victor Krum!"

"I knew that he'd get picked," Ron said as the whole chamber cheered.

Another piece of paper came out and Dumbledore grabbed it before reading and said, "The Champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

A woman with silverish-blonde hair then got up and entered another room where her fellow champion was, as her school clapped at a slow pace.

A third piece of paper flew out of the Goblet and Dumbledore snatched it out of the air before reading it and saying, "The Hogwarts champion is Cedric Diggory!"

The entire Hogwarts school, including Harry who was rennervated by his Head of House, cheered and Dumble said, "Now that is all, I ask that you all have a good night sleep and-"

He was cut off by the Goblet of Fire that erupted into sea green flames and a small slip of paper came out of the Goblet. Dumbledore snatched the paper out of the air and read the name on it, "Harry Potter!"

Harry got up quietly and walked into the room and Fleur asked, "Do they want anything?"

"What's wrong Harry?" Cedric asked.

But Harry was not paying attention as his anger only grows at what has happened and what Ludo Bagman says doesn't help one bit, "Isn't this great! A fourth champion!"

"What has happened?" Fleur asks once more, but this time her voice had an enchanting sound to it.

Harry recognized it immediately.

'Charmspeak?' the Boy-Who-Lived thought to himself. 'But only children of Aphrodite have that power... And I'm certain that she doesn't have it. Unless...'

His thought process was interrupted by Moody who said, "I think we all know why Mr. Potter was brought into this tournament."

"Someone is out to kill me once more," Harry said with a roll of his eyes, getting surprised looks from everyone in the room at how casual he sounded. "Been there, done that. Several times. What else is new? Oh wait, nothing."

"How do we know you are not lying, boy?" Olympe asked.

"I swear on the River Styx that I am telling the truth. That I have not asked anyone to put my name in, nor have I put my name in the Goblet of Fire myself."

Thunder rumbled across the sky and everyone backed up in surprise.

"How do you know that oath, Potter?" Snape demanded.

Harry smirked and said, "I don't owe you anything, Snape. Now then, if I had lied to you, then I would drop dead at your feet and my soul would belong to the goddess of the River Styx, but since I am not dead then I am telling the truth."

"But you can't back out," Crouch Sr. said. "It is a magical contract. Once your name comes out and you don't participate in the tournament, you lose your magic and become a squib."

"Fine," Harry said. "I'll participate in this dam tournament."

"Lets hope no one gets blown up then," Cedric said casually with a smirk.

"Nor runs towards a Drakon that can only be killed by a specific family," Fleur stated.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" was all Harry said as everyone looked at them with odd and confused looks.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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