Brand New Eyes

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Kieran must really have a death wish when I think surprise it doesn't involve racks and racks of wedding dresses!! "Good morning dear, King Phoenix informed me that you two are to be married soon am I correct?" The cute old lady asks sliding her glasses back up her face. She is just the cutest little thing with wavy brunette hair styled in a 20's style dressed in a black pants suit with bright pink pearls around her neck. "It sure seems that way." I grumble. This is ridiculous why am I picking out a wedding dress when he hasn't even proposed yet!?

"Let me start off by saying it is a huge honor to have the future queen picking from my line of dresses. My name is Coco Chanel but of course you could've guessed that darling yes." Wait the Coco Chanel, as in Chanel No.5 Coco Chanel!? How is this even possible! "So you didn't die in 1971? How I mean I know how but what?" I sputter placing my hand to my head shaking it. This is crazy. "Of course darling essentially yes I am dead,but like you somebody thought my life was too valuable to rot away in a grave. How else do you think new things are being released today without my guidance." She chuckles pointing out one of her dresses to me talking as if this is yesterdays news.

Everything about her was just breathtaking, her stance her attitude her designs. It was slightly intimidating really, I'm a little scared of telling her what I like and don't like, she might get offeneded and never take a job with me again. "Here what about this?" Handing me a silk short white wedding dress with a flower pinned to the side of it I immediately fall inlove with it. "Its perfect." I breathe holding out the dress to get a better view of it. Daydreaming about my walk down the aisle in this dress with a pair of two toned coco chanel shoes. That is the perfect wedding.

"You like?" "Very much thank you!" Hugging her which must've caught her off guard because she didn't exactly hug me back,maybe I've over stepped my boundaries. "Sorry." She laughs dismissing my action with a wave of her hand. "No worries dear it is a little shocking recieveing a hug when most people shake my hand or kiss my cheek,I think prefer the hug." She giggle squeezing my hand gently her little body shaking from laughing at her own joke.

"Ms. Chanel I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship." "Like wise darling."

Hearing the patter of little feet downstairs and a soft spoken voice sends me running at full speed to meet Natasia. Taking the steps two at a time,"Dawhlia!" She squeals jumping into my arms. "I've missed you so much! And look now you're like me and daddy!" The excitement lights across her face she bends down to kiss my cheek repeatedly.

"Mhm baby I'm just like you now." "Yes! Now we can stay together forever right?" "Yep." Tickling her sides she bursts out laughing and struggling to get out of my arms. "Stop it dawhlia stoooop!" She laughs gasping for air. "Okie dokie baby", I say setting her down gently on the floor. "Can you have a tea party with me?" "Absolutely what time?" "Right now let's go!" She squeals running up the steps to her room, so freaking cute.

Dressed in her princess best all dolled up like Rapunzel she pulls a seat out for me. I'm wearing a costume aswell,but not by choice. She's Rapunzel and I'm Ariel, totally not my idea. "You look lovily dawhlia." "Why thank you Nat you look lovely too." "Please take a seat and I will serve the tea." "Yes ma'am."

"Taking my seat she hands me a warm cup of blood and I swear to goodness it took everything in me not to go crazy drink the blood and eat the cup that's how strong my thirst is. She must have seen my struggle because her smile turns into an unsure frown. "Dawhlia, its hard isn't it?" "What is baby?" "Being around the blood, I'm sorry I should've used water or something. Daddy said you haven't eaten anything allday."

She gets all teary eyed her bottom lip trembling,if there's one thing I can't stand its a crying kid. "No no baby I'm fine come here hun." Sitting her on my lap rocking back and forth she wipes the tears from her face. "I'm okay I promise,but you can't cry you'll get tears all in my tea!" She chortles at my joke but grows serious once again. This kid is not 5,"Please drink something okay?" So mature kissing her cheek nodding I take the cup in my hand sipping it. "See its not so bad!" She claps hopping off my lap so we can continue our tea party. Blood good lord I need this stuff like humans need air,that scares me.


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